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“If I don’t steal it, someone else is gonna steal it”

Thou Shant Steal !!

With a belly like that he would be doing himself a big favor wandering the desert for 40 years on a diet.
I hear the same mentality and logic when they kill the Palestinians.. this is what Israeli intellectuals tell Palestinians when killing them:

"I hate Palestinians because they force me to kill them"....same logic " if I do not steal your house some one else will"....
What a shame😱
Absolutely shameless
I wonder why should muslims call out the jews for what they are when they themselves have been transgressing the limits of Allah Swt from riba to moral degeneracy of anykind and then justifying their extreme bigotry citing fear and greed of so and so creation.

Its very much unlikely for the stones to speak to this lot of muslims ,least of all to Pakistanis
only a strong army can protect you
That is why a free state is the utmost treasure for individuals. If you do not have a sovereign state, you can neither practice your religion nor live peacefully in your lands. When you lose your state, you also face to lose your religion, culture and all other things which comes from your ancestrals.
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