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'If I could change just one thing in India


Jun 28, 2010
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'If I could change just one thing in India, I would abolish the caste system' - Rediff.com News


'There is a human aspect to relationships in India which is missing in the West...'

'What really makes me sad with our country is that the majority feel that politics should be avoided. We don't have our best people in politics. We could have been a developed country in 15 years if our best brains had come forward to lead the country,' says politician, academician, activist Dr Subramanian Swamy in Rediff.com's special series where well-known Indians speak about their India.

I could have lived abroad, but I chose to come back here because this is a better country to live in.

There is a human aspect to relationships here which is missing in the West. Here we make lasting friendships which are based on warmth and understanding and an emotional connect.

In the West, friends are business-like and contractual. Here family relationships and bonds are stronger.

We have an extended family here whereas in the West it is a nuclear family and even that nuclear family does not last. Mom and Dad live separately in many cases which is a norm there but a rarity here. Here, marriages are sacred.

Here we accept people for what they are with all their faults and shortcomings. We are not judgmental. While over there, people are very judgmental and point out shortcomings. They accept only a certain kind of behaviour and will be upset if you behave differently.

What really makes me sad with our country is that the majority feel that politics should be avoided. So what has happened is that we don't have our best people in politics. We are saddled with leaders who never place the country before themselves.

We could have been a developed country in 15 years if our best brains had come forward to lead the country. Instead, we are led by corrupt politicians and after 66 years we are still underdeveloped.

Good people are not in politics and that is my greatest regret. People look down on politics and politicians. The elite think it is declasse to indulge in politics. The intelligentsia looks down on politics. The middle class does not respect politics.

Our leaders have lost the trust, confidence and love of the people.

This has to change and good people should come to lead the country. There is still hope.

If I could change just one thing in India, I would abolish the caste system.
'There is a human aspect to relationships in India which is missing in the West...'

There is a human aspect to relationships here which is missing in the West. Here we make lasting friendships which are based on warmth and understanding and an emotional connect.

In the West, friends are business-like and contractual. Here family relationships and bonds are stronger.

We have an extended family here whereas in the West it is a nuclear family and even that nuclear family does not last. Mom and Dad live separately in many cases which is a norm there but a rarity here. Here, marriages are sacred.

Here we accept people for what they are with all their faults and shortcomings. We are not judgmental. While over there, people are very judgmental and point out shortcomings. They accept only a certain kind of behaviour and will be upset if you behave differently.

Our leaders have lost the trust, confidence and love of the people.

These to my mind are strengths.

These are common to most countries of S Asia too.
So far this is the ONLY thread that has NOT been TRASHED by Indian users here !!!

Thanks You, Indian Bhais !!!
Caste system should have abolished just after our independence but politics you know. Anyway Its not same today as it was 20-30 years back still states like UP,Bihar,Haryana etc has very dirty caste politics while states like Maharashtra, Gujarat has some but not at the level of UP,Bihar.
I agree.

I would abolish caste system as well.

Caste system is already on a decline, however it is slow.
If I could change one thing about India I will move the country 1000 miles from Pakistani borders[/QUOTE

On topic i would like to see caste system abolished and less Chaturthis and ekadashis,purnima etc.
I would make us a cleaner people socially. We are very dirty. Spitting everywhere. Throwing crap everywhere. I want to see India as a cleaner place, a prettier place. Right now to see pretty I need to get out of the cities. Too much dust and pollution and gandagi.
[We could have been a developed country in 15 years if our best brains had come forward to lead the country. Instead, we are led by corrupt politicians and after 66 years we are still underdeveloped.

Good people are not in politics and that is my greatest regret. People look down on politics and politicians. The elite think it is declasse to indulge in politics. The intelligentsia looks down on politics. The middle class does not respect politics.

Our leaders have lost the trust, confidence and love of the people.

This has to change and good people should come to lead the country. There is still hope.

If I could change just one thing in India, I would abolish the caste system.

The West did not develop in few decades. 66 years is nothing.

Leaders in every society lose trust at one point or the other.

Politics is not the name of good people or bad people . Its a mechanism where even bad people can be elected.
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