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If Christians continue to grow, theywill outnumber us by 2100, saysMuslim group

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Hope they find a solution for this future problem.
Most so-called Chinese Christians are simply joining the Christianity like a fad, and after they got bored, then they will simply leave.

The Chinese overall are not fanatical over the religion like the Koreans.
Hope they find a solution for this future problem.
being dominated by non-believers too much for your oversized ego to bear? Or you're afraid they'll start demanding 100% quotas that could harm the fragile superiority complex in your head?
being dominated by non-believers too much for your oversized ego to bear? Or you're afraid they'll start demanding 100% quotas that could harm the fragile superiority complex in your head?
Modern Christianity is nothing slavery of the white man. They will destroy your culture,country and religion, if they become too much powerful.

A great example South and North-east India.
‎"According to our research, the percentage of Christians increases by a huge amount every decade,"

Yes, that really looks like some detailed research. It looks like scare mongering and whipping up of the masses.

"This happened in South Korea‎ and could happen here," he added. -

He also uses the example of South Korea, which is not applicable to Malaysia at all.

I hope both faiths grow anyway. :-)
Lol I doubt it but Christianity will maintain an overall majority on the planet due to the Chinese and Korean converts, not to mention if NK collapses it would be soul harvesting season for the Evangelicals over there. :lol:
Modern Christianity is nothing slavery of the white man. They will destroy your culture,country and religion, if they become too much powerful.

A great example South and North-east India.

Stop talking from you butt. I am a South Indian Christian and I can vouch for the fact that my religion has got nothing to do with White Man.

Christianity is a world religion and people of all races throughout the world are Christians.

We are not like some people who are wannabe Arabs and consider anything Arabic to be the epitome of human civilization!

North East India was not in good terms with GOI. It was not because of religion but due to the fact that they were not considered important part of mainstream India. They were and are still called chinkis, chinese etc.

Hopefully situation will change for better soon.
the whole world will turn atheist or atleast non-religious by that time.

Still you didnt explain. I mean HOW, on what basis you said that. Did you checked using crystal ball or messenger of youtube told you.
Still you didnt explain. I mean HOW, on what basis you said that. Did you checked using crystal ball or messenger of youtube told you.
He probably has a book that told him that, and he believes with all his heart.
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