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'If Bangladesh expects India criticise Myanmar, then they are wrong’:Indian Ex-Foreign Secy. K.Sibal

Actually France helped the Jews develop the bomb and the US turned a blind eye to it.

There is no way that BD would be able to develop a bomb in secrecy. It would need to build another reactor that could process highly enriched uranium and that would take at least 10-15 years. If somehow BD built this reactor, then it would become a prime target for Indian attack and unless it had a large and advanced air-force and air-defenuce then it would have no hope of defending it. After that it would take many more years to develop a working bomb, all the while powerful countries like US, EU, China, Russia and Japan would apply economic pressure to make BD change course.

Simply nukes are not an option while BD remains so poor and irrelevant in the world. Maybe in a few decades that could change. In the meantime it needs to increase defence spending by a little and build a strong conventional military.
Building nukes will only be feasible after 2050.By that time our economy will be 2 trillion dollar strong if good growth rate continue.But building this would require huge secret intelligence work as well as to get China and Muslim world on our beside to counter Indian and western move.In the meantime we have to acquire all the technological know how(nuclear power plant is extremely good platform to gain knowledge and experience).We also need to emulate countries like Pakistan and Iran to see how they work and how they foiled sabotage and handled pressure.But whether we build nukes or not in future, we need a strong conventional force badly now.
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He added: “The ease with which the perceived maltreatment of Muslims anywhere mobilises the community in distant geographies, even violently, explains why pan-Islamism makes the full integration of Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries difficult.”

It's not his place to criticize pan-Islamism which does not involve India in the least.....

He said: “Bangladesh still purchases most of its defence hardware and armaments from China. Bangladesh also supports China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ strategy which Indian strongly opposes.”

Again - who gave him the right to criticize the right of a sovereign country to buy military hardware from any source it chooses? Are those going to be used against India itself in an offensive manner?

He said India has been delaying the matter of sending back the 20,000,000 plus Bangladeshis who had illegally entered the country.

First class anti-Muslim Bigot detected, what is amazing that this person belong to the coterie of the educated ruling elite in India (guessing one of the top diplomats there).

what modern aircraft have been purchased by BAF since then? 24 Yak-130s and 9 K-9s! So Awami League has ordered 33 modern trainers but not a single fighter plane!

This was done at the behest of the Indian Govt. which is clear.

Overall, a sad, cheap attempt at gaining notoriety and relevancy in his late, waning years.
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Rohingyas are jihadi parasites. Best deport them all.
It's a shame how peaceful Buddhists reclaiming their land are labeled as oppressors.
Then we need to develop them in absolute secrecy like Israel. Nukes will solve a lot of problem security wise. India wouldn't act arrogant in the borders if we have nukes. Myanmar wuldntdare anything what they are doing. Even China would....dhe

@Nilgiri bngdshers are now dreaming about producing nukes. I guess Walton does everything, from shirts to nuclesr tech.
This gentleman has exercised his freedom of speech, and that is it. The country doesn't have to go with his thoughts or beliefs.

Incidentally, although he has put across his points in a bellicose manner, in effect, he is right. It's just that this is not the moment to look sour and brood over the decidedly asymmetric behaviour of the OIC. and others.
But he missed major point here, that region might become a huge harbor for terrorist like Al Qaeda, i am sure India least want is terror outfit in its least developed border area.
But he missed major point here, that region might become a huge harbor for terrorist like Al Qaeda, i am sure India least want is terror outfit in its least developed border area.
Can we just stop using these al-qaeda boogieman. This is a nationalist movement and Al-Qaeda has very little interest in this except sending some videos. We should start calling spade a spade.
Can we just stop using these al-qaeda boogieman. This is a nationalist movement and Al-Qaeda has very little interest in this except sending some videos. We should start calling spade a spade.
then you are living in delusion. This region have most muslim population. Al-Qaeda type organization is trying get a foothold in the region keeping in mind of huge population. Infact if you check recent years report, they openly admitted their desire in the region. The acts of Burmese govt. might lead many muslims in the hand of Al-Qaeda.
then you are living in delusion. This region have most muslim population. Al-Qaeda type organization is trying get a foothold in the region keeping in mind of huge population. Infact if you check recent years report, they openly admitted their desire in the region. The acts of Burmese govt. might lead many muslims in the hand of Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is already here in Dhaka. Have you ever seen Al-Qaeda in Jungle?
But he missed major point here, that region might become a huge harbor for terrorist like Al Qaeda, i am sure India least want is terror outfit in its least developed border area.

I agree that the matter is too important to be shelved with a cursory remark or two. Personally, I am unable to give this the time and attention it deserves. You are right to be concerned, and the opportunities for blowback are considerable. It is just that I find myself too tired and too depressed (not about geo-politics, about personal struggles that are not proceeding with the speed that they should) to do more than post flippant one-liners and run for my life. Cowardly, but the alternative is complete abstention. I hope you will understand and be forgiving.
I agree that the matter is too important to be shelved with a cursory remark or two. Personally, I am unable to give this the time and attention it deserves. You are right to be concerned, and the opportunities for blowback are considerable. It is just that I find myself too tired and too depressed (not about geo-politics, about personal struggles that are not proceeding with the speed that they should) to do more than post flippant one-liners and run for my life. Cowardly, but the alternative is complete abstention. I hope you will understand and be forgiving.
all will be good, stay positive :)
Can we just stop using these al-qaeda boogieman. This is a nationalist movement and Al-Qaeda has very little interest in this except sending some videos. We should start calling spade a spade.

Even Al-Qaeda would be surprised that they expanded their activities in just 48 hours of the Annan Commission recommendations and the pressure the UN was thinking of exerting onto Myanmar. 23Aug. was date Annan Commission report came online, 25 August Myanmar army started the scorched earth policy operation driving Rohingya out setting their houses on fire and mining the border. The real monster behind it Min Aung Hlaing had stated that in late August he wasts to 'finish' the unfinished business left out in 1942.
The rapistani indians and their media is coordinationg with Myanmar tying different terrorist groups to Rohingyaa to decrease the international pressure. Myanmar is'nt that strong a country that its doing these actions without an international nod from outside, esp. India.

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