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If Anti-Israel Propaganda Becomes Too Ridiculous Will Nobody Believe it?


Dec 12, 2008
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If Anti-Israel Propaganda Becomes Too Ridiculous Will Nobody Believe it?

By Barry Rubin July 29th, 2011

And if once-prestigious publications publish material that borders on satire will they be discredited?

This article in The Economist, once considered the world’s greatest international magazine for serious news and business analysis is so horrendous that I admit to laughing hysterically while reading it.

The opening sentence is priceless. Innocent Palestinian kids are just going to get water and for no reason at all Israeli soldiers start shooting them down in cold blood. If such an incident had ever happened, it would be everywhere in the mass media. Yet no date or place is mentioned, making it certain that this is fabricated or, more likely, the journalist merely writing down what he was told by Palestinians.

Then the reporter quotes an Israeli settler as saying that the soldiers should maim Palestinians more. No name, no place, no date. This one the journalist himself must have made up.

That’s the best line I have read since a USA Today reporter (later fired for making stuff up) wrote of how a settler was going out to kill Palestinians so he put on his kipa before he went out the door. [Note: Orthodox Jews always wear a kepah or hat even when at home not murdering Palestinians.]

When the individual named in the USA Today article as having been at least an attempted murderer protested to the newspaper that it was ridiculously inaccurate, they ignored him only to find out later that the reporter did make things up on other stories (and fiddled his expense accounts, too) and fired him.

If The Economist has reached the level of bias once achieved in Germany during the 1930s, what possible hope is there for the mass media? Remember, it isn’t just a writer’s work but also the acceptance of it by editors and the use of that person in future employment.

All of this raises an intriguing question: If the lies become continually larger and more glaringly ridiculous will such stuff lose credibility? Will anyone in authority recognize that such incitement does lead to hatred, terrorism, and even murder (or its justification)?

I’m not answering the question, I’m just asking it.

Israeli settlers on the West Bank: Might some stay? | The Economist
If you look at the leaked Palestine Papers, you see will see the Israeli's have been lying continuously for more than two decades. So how credible are the Israeli leaders and media?
Care to explain the the loss of so many Palestinian lives?
People who take care to count the casualties from reputable sources are in no doubt that casualties on the Arab side have been vastly exaggerated. That's part of the anti-Israel propaganda out there.
If you look at the leaked Palestine Papers, you see will see the Israeli's have been lying continuously -
If this isn't an empty claim than you can surely be more specific.
Mossad will flood the web with silly rubbish for this very purpose.
It already has become so overused that even Arabs of GCC countries are tired of it and want to move on.
The question is no longer 'will' but when did those 'nobody' stopped believing in them. My take is that the downhill slide really began and got worse with 9/11 with all those loony conspiracy theories. All those initial interests in those theories does not constitute acceptance -- never did -- but more like curiosity, as in reasonable people were attracted to the 'theories', equally about those who proposed them, and equally about those who so fervently believed in them. Reasonable people found the lot absurd, illogical, irrational, and what else but that there is a strong anti-Israeli/Jews motivating factor in them. Since then, the downhill slide also began for other Israel critics whenever they report a genuine newsworthy item AND when they attached their own interpretation on said item.
The most ridiculous anti-semetic propaganda are on Arab television from Lebanon and Syria. one of them showed Jews literally consuming blood of Palestinian Child for some ritual. It reminded me of the Pakistani movie showing Salman Rushdie drinking a pious muslim's blood. That movie was a blockbuster.
propaganda by definition, is a bunch of lies said to defame someone. so its no surprise that nations who are strong will always have it directed towards them . more so Israel , after all look what they accomplished after they were almost wiped off the face of the earth .

people need this propaganda otherwise who else will they tell their people they have lost every war with the Israelis and continually loose to them in all international platforms.
propaganda by definition, is a bunch of lies said to defame someone. so its not surprise that nations who are strong will always have it directed towards them . more so Israel , after all look what they accomplished after they were almost wiped off the face of the earth .

people need this propaganda otherwise who else will they tell their people they have lost every war with the Israelis and continually loose to them in all international platforms.

Propaganda by definition is what people like you say, for example, the so-called international platform or the UN is a pocket organization of the US that defends the crimes of the terror outfit that we know as israel with a dubious weapon known as 'veto'. Take out this veto power and you'll see who wins in your international platform. So, don't get too high with your so-called victory in the international platform because that international platform with this dubious 'veto' power for some was established by some thugs labelled as the great american politicians.
Yeeeeah suuuure....Propaganda is only against poor poor Israel. Arabs and muslims being labeled in the world as retard blood thirsty deranged sub-humans is sooooo true...
Propaganda by definition is what people like you say, for example, the so-called international platform or the UN is a pocket organization of the US that defends the crimes of the terror outfit that we know as israel -
Convince me that you actually believe in what you parrot.
Propaganda by definition is what people like you say, for example, the so-called international platform or the UN is a pocket organization of the US that defends the crimes of the terror outfit that we know as israel with a dubious weapon known as 'veto'. Take out this veto power and you'll see who wins in your international platform. So, don't get too high with your so-called victory in the international platform because that international platform with this dubious 'veto' power for some was established by some thugs labelled as the great american politicians.

nice how you say things are not fair if things do not go your way .. no one stopped you from getting the same support the Israeli have . just stop bombing innocents and killing people . life is not fair so deal with it .
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