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Idiot's Delight

Pervez Hoodbhoy , i never read this guy as he is always tilted towards india more than Pakistan , his stance is always against Pakistan , Soon after mumbai attacks he was one of those who were of the view that Mumbai attacks were conducted by muslims and that too having relations with Pakistan without nay proof he openly argued about them and all he had was just hypothetical statements to back up his claim .He should be awarded as one of the best anti-Pakistani personnel living in Pakistan .

As far the security of Pakistani nukes is concerned i feel satisfied with the security system we have, Its a gunfree zone ,Security personnel are free to shoot even a minor suspect in surrounding, its a no fly-zone even PAF aircrafts are not allowed to fly over that zone and even PAF aircraft will be shoot down if it enters that airspace expect for the ones that are on duty for surveillance
, i never read this guy as he is always tilted towards india more than Pakistan , his stance is always against Pakistan , Soon after mumbai attacks he was one of those who were of the view that Mumbai attacks were conducted by muslims and that too having relations with Pakistan without nay proof he openly argued about them and all he had was just hypothetical statements to back up his claim .He should be awarded as one of the best anti-Pakistani personnel living in Pakistan .

So, now that some time has passed, do you think Dr. Hoodbhoy was correct?
So, now that some time has passed, do you think Dr. Hoodbhoy was correct?

Nah, i don't think so, you can't relate everything happening anywhere around the world with muslims and that too having relations to Pakistan without having proof , do you?

Some of guys realy do this just to get some spot-light , you should have some idea about what happened on one of a news channel immediately after mumbai attacks? They claimed that they have visited a a village and few inhabitants of that village claimed that Ajmal Kassab use to live here yadda yadda and after that one famous channel also followed it in the quest of competing them while after that when multiple channels visited there they found out the this story was fake ,totally fabricated and the people of that village are even not aware of Ajmal Kassab let alone his relations with them . so this was just done to get some popularity.

When people are going towards +ve X-axis there will always be one person you find going the other way round at completely opposite side at -ve X-axis , most of the time just to get fame .

Unless and until i don't see it with my eyes i m not going to believe what Hoodbhoy says , he has time and time again proved anti-Pakistan , Take out any of his program, article or recording you will find a factor which will force you think he has been pretty negatively charged when it comes to Pakistan .

We know we have some internal problems but that doesn't mean that we are having influences in other countries , lol we don't have influence in even our country let alone in neighborhood , but on a serious note we are suffering more than anyone else, have you ever seen hoodbhoy blaming india for that? even when every third news source says that indian and russian made weapons were found from Baluchistan still you will never see Hoodbhoy bashing against india or anyone , its just one way ride for him
you can't relate everything happening anywhere around the world with muslims and that too having relations to Pakistan without having proof , do you?


The way you write, you give away yourself way to early - in the first lines.

Dr, Hoodbhoy, you earlier related, was talking about the Mumbai attack - not "everything" happening anywhere around the world with muslims"

Do you think, now that Dr.Hoodbhoy was right when he associated the Mumbai attack with terrorists from Pakistan, whom you call "muslims"?

The way you write, you give away yourself way to early - in the first lines.

Dr, Hoodbhoy, you earlier related, was talking about the Mumbai attack - not "everything" happening anywhere around the world with muslims"

Do you think, now that Dr.Hoodbhoy was right when he associated the Mumbai attack with terrorists from Pakistan, whom you call "muslims"?

MUSE ,dear i was not referring to only one of his speech or article rather referring to everything he has to offer till today, he talks like everything bad happening around the world is because of muslims having links to Pakistan . If you again go through my post i was talking about all his programs, articles and recordings . He has only one stance, you will not find a change in his stance

Google it and you will find his various programs , even he is of the view that what we did to US was wrong rather what US did to us , he also says that all the chaos in US-Pak relation has its roots within Pakistan ,and US is/was just playing innocent . And i think US doesn't come in india or mumbai? right
Mr Hoodboy has his vested interests.. Afterall, in case fecal matter does hit the fan A Pakistan Bashing Pakistani Nuclear scientist seeking asylum would be a nice PR stunt for any American University to hire as faculty and even as guest speaker.. So why not advertise oneself to potential employers before hand.
An excellent analysis; I agree with Prof Hoodbhoy. It is almost impossible for any external country to deal with Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Yes…Pakistan nukes have become some kind of a blessing in disguise for Pakistan. Although Pakistan nukes prevented India from reacting to Mumbai, they have created a false sense of security within Pakistan establishment that in a way led to the situation that Pakistan finds itself at present. The nukes could not help them deal with the internal security issues, and if Pakistan were to fall to Jihadi elements,then Pakistan’s nukes could well turn into Pakistan’s nemesis given the international community reservations on Pakistan’s nukes

In future, if Mumbai 2 were to happen, India would surely take a different way. It would galvanize international community for stiff economic and military sanctions against Pakistan, which surely would criple Pakistan. Given the India’s growing stature and economic muscles, and international community's aversion for terrorism, this should not be hard

Check out this its a good tussle

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Now what was that again? I mean the non military version of the Cold Start doctrine? Does it imply paying pack Pakistan with its own coin by using terror as a strategy? But then, two can play that game, right? However, I really am unaware if the Indian Establishment has any intention to do that!

Since Pakistan has failed to provide any evidence of this, I think this is probably not the case. Baluchistan is purely an internal uprising by the freedom fighters who want independence.



Your quote "I really am unaware if the Indian Establishment has any intention to do that"!

No disrespect----seems to me that either you may not have received the memorandum, it got misplaced, or you did not have the security clearnce---. Just kidding---.

The proof is in the pudding----millitary strikes takes the confrontation to the 'realm of the unknown'----and that is where you lose control of the situation----this way---you can keep on doing your subversive strikes----take advantage of the situation that has been created by pakistan and pakistanis---ie----being the most hated country in the world---and that is what india has done----'cold start' has literally been struck with 'cold precision'..
An excellent analysis; I agree with Prof Hoodbhoy. It is almost impossible for any external country to deal with Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. Yes…Pakistan nukes have become some kind of a blessing in disguise for Pakistan. Although Pakistan nukes prevented India from reacting to Mumbai, they have created a false sense of security within Pakistan establishment that in a way led to the situation that Pakistan finds itself at present. The nukes could not help them deal with the internal security issues, and if Pakistan were to fall to Jihadi elements,then Pakistan’s nukes could well turn into Pakistan’s nemesis given the international community reservations on Pakistan’s nukes

In future, if Mumbai 2 were to happen, India would surely take a different way. It would galvanize international community for stiff economic and military sanctions against Pakistan, which surely would criple Pakistan. Given the India’s growing stature and economic muscles, and international community's aversion for terrorism, this should not be hard


It will back fire----economic sanctions would have negative effect----that will create a moment of desperation----and desperate people do 'bad' things----india cannot afford any ill at this time----.

A better solution would be to put their heads together and not to seek a millitary confrontation---.

It will back fire----economic sanctions would have negative effect----that will create a moment of desperation----and desperate people do 'bad' things----india cannot afford any ill at this time----.

A better solution would be to put their heads together and not to seek a millitary confrontation---.

I was a giving a situation where something like Mumbai were to happen again. And given the nukes, military confrontation could prove to be disastrous for the whole region. So only action - at least I could think of - that India could envision against Pakistan in such situation are economic sanctions
I was a giving a situation where something like Mumbai were to happen again. And given the nukes, military confrontation could prove to be disastrous for the whole region. So only action - at least I could think of - that India could envision against Pakistan in such situation are economic sanctions

Any resolution authorizing economic sanctions would never get through the UN Security Council.
So only action - at least I could think of - that India could envision against Pakistan in such situation are economic sanctions
There is a country with Veto Power in the Security council which happens to be a " all weather friend " of Pakistan ( severely sarcastic ) lol so we should say Ok when hell freezes over :D

But it is instructive to analyse Operation Parakram, India’s response to the attack on the Indian parliament on December 13, 2001. This 10-month-long mobilisation of nearly half a million soldiers and deployment of troops along the LOC was launched to punish Pakistan for harbouring the Jaish-e-Mohammad
It took Bharati troops months to mobilize. The Pakistanis watching the war games were able to meet and greet the Bharati forces on the border much before the Bharati mobilization got completed. Even with all the shiny military equipment our free spending neighbour buys every year , it couldn't start a war with a country known to be 5 times smaller than it lol

Now that the finger-pointing, recriminations and stock-taking are over, one can be sure that India will not permit a second Parakram. Indeed, a new paradigm for dealing with Pakistan has emerged and is encoded into strategies such as Cold Start. These call for quick, salami-slicing thrusts into Pakistan while learning to fight a conventional war under a “nuclear overhang” (by itself an interesting new phrase, used by General Deepak Kapoor in January 2010).
Dealing with Pakistan ? sure but please make it before 2014 > Because if NATO leaves Afghanistan , India would be in a awkward position ... A quick change of regime in Afghanistan will follow and all investments and terrorist camps in Indian consulates will be put to waste ... Ability to secure the border from three sides will allow Pakistan to concentrate on the Eastern borders and dont expect to hit and run with a army that took a month to reach D-Day readiness in 2002 :P

A US attack on Pakistan’s nuclear production or storage sites would, however, be monumental stupidity. Even if a single nuke escapes destruction, that last one could cause catastrophic damage. But the situation is immensely more uncertain and dangerous than a single surviving nuke. Even if the US knows the precise numbers of deployed weapons, it simply cannot know all their position coordinates. India, one imagines, would know even less.

How much is this guy paid by the CIA ? lol talking as if Pakistan is some Iraq or Afghanistan :D

And now the moot question: How much is being spent on health, education, and poverty alleviation programs? With India being the enemy country intent on gobbling up and destroying Pakistan, (as the Pakistani Establishment contends), who's bothered about poverty alleviation etc? That's not important. Remember, ZA Bhutto had once said that Pakistanis will eat grass but have the bomb? Well....Nuff said!

This made my day ! ROFL ever bothered taking a look at your own country before posting that ?
34.7 % of the Indian population lives with an income below $ 1 a day and 79.9 % below $ 2 a day. According to the India’s planning commission report 26.1 % of the population live below the poverty line. [World Bank's poverty line of $1 a day, but the Indian poverty line of Rs 360 a month, or 30 cents a day]

India has over 35 per cent of the world’s total illiterate population. [UNESCO Education for All Report 2008] Only 66 per cent people are literate in India (76 per cent men and 54 per cent women)

India has the single highest share of neonatal deaths in the world, 2.1 million.107,000 Leprosy patients live in India. 15.3 % of the population do not survive to the age of forty. Serpent attacks kill as many as 50,000 Indians while the cobra occupies a hallowed place in the Hindu religion. Heart disease, strokes and diabetes cost India an estimated $9 billion in lost productivity in 2005. The losses could grow to a staggering $200 billion over the next 10 years if corrective action is not taken quickly, says a study by the New Delhi-based Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations

If such remains the state of your country then Pakistani Nuclear Program shouldn't concern you lol

He wrote that “it is the collective judgment of the US Mission that India would encounter mixed results.” Warning India against Cold Start, he concluded that “Indian leaders no doubt realise that although Cold Start is designed to punish Pakistan in a limited manner without triggering a nuclear response, they cannot be sure whether Pakistani leaders will in fact refrain from such a response.”
Indeed ! How can one make sure that Pakistan will not counter attack with nuclear weapon ? Remember we dont have anything like " No first Use " policy ... Try that adventure and be assured of Mutually Assured Destruction ALL HAIL ! lol
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