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IDF showed a video hit an SAA Pantsir (SA-22) CIWS truck in Damascus city

i think Pakistan should send some fighter pilots to Syria to test them against israel again .it will boost our airforce reputation and strength in world
Many MIG-21 shot down by Israelis; but Sattar Alvi shot down the superior Israeli Mirage with same MIG-21. Equipment, training, planning, communication and opportunities all are important factors in such scenarios.
We wish but this time the environment/objectives/targets are totally different and we don't want to be in present situation. Israelis are good but not invincible, simply they did not met their match; else it is more of a propaganda and psychological warfare. Just take US out of it. Remember what Egyptian done to their so called 'Barleve Defence Line'; at the time it was also considered as invincible in whole US and Europe.
remaining in past will not justify your current failure.the fact is that russian equipment is continually failing and is no more reliable.today israel f16 are much upgraded and advanced than those used in past gulfwar and vietnam war..if only few israel aircrafts took part in raid then your explanation is ok but out of 28 jets not even a single is shot and detected is really a matter of concern

What failure? How can an ancient Soviet SAM which was designed to destroy high altitude targets deal with dozens of low flying cruise missiles as well as heavy jamming? Russia has disabled US electronics aircraft and drones, it’s certainly capable of jamming Israeli aircraft and targeting them successfully. Israel has never faced the S-400 or other modern Russian systems coupled with ELINT aircraft, so it’s very ignorant to claim Russian systems do not work.

You are also poorly informed, Israeli aircraft usually launch airstrikes from Lebanon far out of danger against legacy systems from the 1960s and 1970s that were never designed to engage cruise missile but high altitude aircraft.

Syria downed an Israeli F-16 and Turkish F-4. Syrian Air defences are mostly outdated and likely manned by poorly trained crews. Syrian Air defences can simply not cope wihile being saturated with hundreds of cruise missiles.
Picture of Patrsir that was hit shows it was out of missile and off-line.


It was determined that pilot error was more to blame for that incident than a Syrian success.

The pilot flew too high, as a result the S-200 destroyed the F-16. The S-200 was designed to hit high altitude targets, so it did its job.
It’s clear you can’t form a cohesive or intelligent argument and are known to by spout nonsense.

Facts are this:

The US lost hundreds of aircraft in Vietnam due to SAMs, Israel also lost hundreds of aircraft mostly due to SAMs. During Yum Kippur alone Israeli lost over 100 aircraft. In the Gulf war dozens of aircraft were shot down.
US loses per 1000 sortie:

WW2 - 9.7 per 1000
Korea - 2.0 per 1000
Vietnam - 0.4 per 1000
Yugoslavia - 0.013 per 1000

During Yom Kippur Israel lost 102 planes while Arabs 250.

That Patsir was clearly not operating when targeted but that however means little. Any air defense system can be knocked out. Even the S-400 can be destroyed if it is overwhelmed and or not protected by point defense Systems like Pantsirs.
Destroyed Pantsir was located in military airbase in center of Damascus. That means many SAMs around. They all failed and even could not alert about the missile coming.
So it launched all the missiles toward Israeli airplanes with none of them hitting, even worse.


The range of the missiles are only 20km. Israeli aircrafts are, most of the time, well out of range of Patrsir and it’s well known that Israeli aircraft fly very low to avoid being detected by radar.

I know Israel members here are challenged and love to troll and spout Nonsense, but what I am saying (and veryfying with proof) is that the Patsir that was destroyed was clearly out off missiles and it’s radar was not active. You can draw your own conclusions.

A Harpy hit the Pantsir, Armania shot many of those down using old Soviet systems.

the system was out of missiles and not operational. What a propaganda piece to do a drama about it. And no Pantsirs don't just shoot down aircraft, they shoot down munitions. Childish Israeli Hasbara trolls. Probably part of their laughable "Jewish Internet Defense Force".
Destroyed Pantsir was located in military airbase in center of Damascus. That means many SAMs around. They all failed and even could not alert about the missile coming.

Do you ever stop spouting nonssense?

All missile have been fired, radar was off-line and hydronlic arms are up. That Pantsir was not operational, tap dance all you want and make as many lies as you like but you have been debunked.

Your claim is easily debunked:

Clearly off all missiles were fired thus the Syrians were on alert.

Do you ever stop spouting nonssense?

All missile have been fired, radar was off-line and hydronlic arms are up. That Pantsir was not operational, tap dance all you want and make as many lies as you like but you have been debunked.

Your claim is easily debunked:

Clearly off all missiles were fired thus the Syrians were on alert.

View attachment 473651
If they were on alert they would not stand careless in open space. Its clear without any doubt that they had not any idea that they are under attack.


Command cabin is missing:


Radar was up, not down as it should be while on move.

A Harpy hit the Pantsir,
No, it was Delilah.
If they were on alert they would not stand careless in open space. Its clear without any doubt that they had not any idea that they are under attack.

Yes, yes, the missiles just probably flew out of the Pantsir all by themselves, it’s preposterous to think that the Pantsir exhausted it’s missiles while attacking incoming enemy missiles, the operators should have also teleported themselves to Hawaii or dug themselves into the ground to not be “careless” :lol:

Command cabin is missing:

View attachment 473654

Thank you capatain obvious. Generally when a missile hits something I would imagine that whatever gets hit would have its shit blown off.

Radar was up, not down as it should be while on move.


1. The radar was down thus you need glasses, are on drugs, drunk, a pathological liar, a troll or all of the above. Even the video proved it was down.

2. Clearly the Pantsir was not on the “move”.
We have a video of it being hit which showed it was standing in one spot.

I have some advice, stop lying for once in your life.
Yes, yes, the missiles just probably flew out of the Pantsir all by themselves
They fired missiles in the air for posture. Same they do always. Then they went out and started smoke, because they have no idea that missiles are coming.

the operators should have also teleported themselves to Hawaii or dug themselves into the ground to not be “careless” :lol:
Here is the launcher location when it was hit:


As u can see there are plenty of places where they could move the launcher if they knew that base is under attack. They could put it in one of the bunkers, hangars, hide behind a building or between the trees. It would take no more than 2 minutes. But instead they left it in most open and exposed place and stood near it totally carelessly.

1) Either Assad elite air defence officers are retarded imbeciles with suicidal inclinations.
2) Or they had not any idea that the base is under attack.

There is no other option here.

Thank you capatain obvious. Generally when a missile hits something I would imagine that whatever gets hit would have its shit blown off.
Its not just blown off its removed before pic is taken.


1. The radar was down thus you need glasses, are on drugs, drunk, a pathological liar, a troll or all of the above. Even the video proved it was down.

2. Clearly the Pantsir was not on the “move”.
We have a video of it being hit which showed it was standing in one spot.

I have some advice, stop lying for once in your life.
Radar was standing not down so u dont know if it was on or off. Anyway as I showed above these guys had not any idea that base is under attack. That's basically everything u need to know about Assad air defence.
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During Yom Kippur Israel lost 102 planes while Arabs 250.

Wow, nice to see appropriately accurate figures for that war, compared to some of the crazy numbers that are usually posted! :lol:

I know Israel members here are challenged and love to troll and spout Nonsense, but what I am saying (and veryfying with proof) is that the Patsir that was destroyed was clearly out off missiles and it’s radar was not active. You can draw your own conclusions.

While I agree with everything you've said, there is a huge issue with how wide open they were on that runway. Not sure what they were thinking in that case. They should've never stopped or stationed themselves in such a wide open manner like that. It's dumbfounding what they were thinking. The only reason to be stopped and wide open like that is if the vehicle ran out of gas and that would be pretty bad as well. They should've taken cover and made it much harder for the Israelis to locate them. Even an ISIS drone would've found them like that.

All missile have been fired, radar was off-line and hydronlic arms are up. That Pantsir was not operational, tap dance all you want and make as many lies as you like but you have been debunked.
View attachment 473651

The good news is that the damage doesn't seem extensive at all. You would've thought the thing would've been obliterated with a homing missile that had a built-in camera like that. Doesn't seem like the Delilah is that powerful, or the Pantsir is built like a brick craphouse!

As u can see there are plenty of places where they could move the launcher if they knew that base is under attack. They could put it in one of the bunkers, hangars, hide behind a building or between the trees. It would take no more than 2 minutes. But instead they left it in most open and exposed place and stood near it totally carelessly.

That's why it's not really that much of a yahoo moment TBH. Like I said, even ISIS could've hit that thing with a suicide drone or one of their little ones that carry those little bombs. The crew's incompetence made for a huge Israeli propaganda video and you definitely took full advantage of that.
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