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IDEAS 2012 Pakistan International Defence (Nov 7-11)

It's a simple question- what unique capabilities, that separates Pakistani products, can Pakistan offer over interntaionl counter parts, what is their USP ie lower cost, higher relabilty, better value (different to cost), higher quality, higher effectivness etc etc if you can't answer it don't attack me for trying to learn something new.

many factors

Malaysia buy man pad SAMs ANZA from pakistan because low cost and well systems
sri lanka buy ammo and small weapons because good quality
bangladesh buy KRL MLRS because its suit them in price and quality
saudi oman Iran Syria buy trainer air crafts because of low price and suit them
spain egypt USA many others buy UAVs from pakistan because cheap and well for them
south africe sri lank UAE buy POF products because its suit them simply .

its just example

can i ask you what you guys make and provide to world forces which others can't still you guys show indian air show ?
It's a simple question- what unique capabilities, that separates Pakistani products, can Pakistan offer over interntaionl counter parts, what is their USP ie lower cost, higher relabilty, better value (different to cost), higher quality, higher effectivness etc etc if you can't answer it don't attack me for trying to learn something new.

Both cost effectiveness and reliability. Take PAC built Mushak basic trainer, it has been exported to over half a dozen countries, countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Oman, which have both easy access and funding to purchase Western equipment, another main purchaser is Sri Lanka, albeit it's air force flies Israeli made aircraft, yet it still purchases arms and ammo from Pakistan.
In May 2000, President Musharraf of Pakistan supplied millions of dollars of much-needed weapons to the Sri Lankan government, when separatist Tamil Tiger rebels were about to recapture their former capital of Jaffna.[26] In May 2008, Lt-Gen Fonseka of the Sri Lanka Army held talks with his Pakistan Army counter-parts regarding the sale of military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The sale of 22 Al-Khalid MBTs to the Sri Lanka Army was finalised during these talks in a deal worth over US$100 million.[27] In April 2009, Sri Lanka requested $25 million worth of 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month which proved decisive in the defeat of the Tamil Tigers.[28]
many factors

Malaysia buy man pad SAMs ANZA from pakistan because low cost and well systems
sri lanka buy ammo and small weapons because good quality
bangladesh buy KRL MLRS because its suit them in price and quality
saudi oman Iran Syria buy trainer air crafts because of low price and suit them
spain egypt USA many others buy UAVs from pakistan because cheap and well for them
south africe sri lank UAE buy POF products because its suit them simply .

its just example

can i ask you what you guys make and provide to world forces which others can't still you guys show indian air show ?

good summary mate

but from now on watch out for obvious and covert trolls, if they dont quit their one liners and "innocent" questions then simply ignore them.
trust me, the reason for their questions is never to learn anything which is already known but to derail the thread

by the way, US army is using Pakistani mini- drones that can be deployed on the field by a single or 2 soldiers. I hope they are also on display
iraq is using TALHA APCs too since 5 years i think


Pakistani Baktar Shikan in Bosnia

one of major deal for mashaq

PESHAWAR: Riyadh may buy $40m Super Mashaq

By Bureau Report

PESHAWAR, Aug 8: Pakistan may export $40 million Super Mashaq training aircraft to Saudi Arabia.

“Pakistan is likely to get contracts to export Super Mashaq training aircraft to Saudi Arabia and Oman,” said Air Commodore Pervez Saadiq, Member (commercial) of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra, while making a presentation on the topic of “Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in collaboration with private sector” at a seminar entitled “Opportunities for SMEs in defence equipment manufacturing” here on Friday.

He told the participants of the seminar that the total value of the training aircraft likely to be exported to Saudi Arabia comes to $40m.

Later, he told Dawn that Pakistan was close to formally signing the deal with Riyadh to export Super Mashaq aircraft indigenously built at PAC, Kamra.

Apart from exporting the training aircraft to Oman and Saudi Arabia, he said while making the presentation, Islamabad, PAC was already in the process of negotiating export deals with some six countries to provide them PAC’s indigenously built products.

The likely export deal with Saudi Arabia would come in addition to a similar contract under which Riyadh was provided drones.

He said his organization was taking care of the repair and maintenance of the aircraft and other equipments of the Pakistan Air Force.

“Hundred percent repair and maintenance of PAF’s jets and equipment is being done at the PAC, Kamra making huge savings for the country,” said Air Commodore Saadiq.

He explained the history, activities and functioning of PAC in addition to its role in contributing to the country’s exports and promoting local vendors involved in manufacturing defence related equipments.

He also dwelt at length on different products and systems being indigenously built by the PAC, Kamra and their performance particularly the Audio Video Tape Recording System installed in the fighter jets to monitor flight operations.

Earlier, Air Commodore Masood Malik, member policy, planning and development of the Defence Export Promotion Organization (Depo) in his presentation on “contribution of private sector in defence export” said that Pakistan’s public and private sector involved in defence equipment manufacturing stood great prospects to capture due share in the international market.

Pakistan’s defence exports stood at about $100m in the last financial year getting improved from $50m two years back, he added.

Mr Malik said that the country could easily lift its defence exports to $250m even if it managed to take only one per cent of the total volume of the defence exports recorded in the region.

Replying to a question he said that Pakistan’s defence sector’s exports were higher than those recorded by India last year.

India’s defence exports, he claimed, stood at around $60m last year against.

Depo, he added, was concentrating to export non-traditional products to the traditional markets. Briefly touching upon certain defence export deals he said air launched weapon system was being exported to Sri Lanka. In addition to that, he added, Pakistan’s public and private sector involved in defence equipment manufacturing was exporting certain other items to six different countries.

Apart from the vintage and sporting guns manufactured at the tribal town of Darra Adamkhel, Pakistan is also exporting uniforms to certain Middle Eastern countries. According to him, certain other countries, too, had recently shown interest in Pakistani defence equipment.

Earlier, he told newsmen that country’s defence equipment manufacturing sector was improving and was eying to improve the level of its exports to the Middle East and concentrate more on the markets of Africa.

Attaching extra importance to the country’s private sector involved in defence equipment manufacturing, Mr Malik said that the defence export strategy (of Depo) could not complete without involving the private sector.

we in past have hit 200 million but due to terrorism , our exports in defense sector were hit badly
Pakistan's Defense Industry is maturing up Mashallah... Hope IDEAS 2012 proves to be a huge success :cheers:

You never know ... Pakistan might get some orders for JF-17 Thunder at IDEAS 2012 :cheesy:

Pakistan has already some very serious orders for JF-17 and Alkhalid Tank, and the customers are waiting for Pakistan own orders to be filled first than it will happen.

Mohafiz APC

The above shown APC is being used by Pakistan Armed Forces. The Muhafiz Armed Personnel carrier could be a very good option for the counter Terrorist. It has already been exported to Iraq. It is the Pakistan’s first indigenous APC. Pakistan Heavy Industries of Taxila in 1992 started the Production of APCs, the preparation of Armoured Personnel Carrier Vehicles were started in 1999. Next step of this factory is making a infantry Fighting Vehicle IFV version of the AL-TALHA, that will known as AL-HAMZA.

Otokar Akrep Light Jeep in use of Pakistan


Otokar Akrep Light Jeep was first delivered to the Turkish Army in 1997. The Cobra is a wheeled armoured Vehicle developed by Turkish firm Otokar, using some components from the American HMMVEE. The Cobra vehicle can perform various roles including: Armoured Personnel Carrier, Anti-Tank Vehicle, Ground Surveillance Radar Vehicle, Forward Observation Vehicle, Armoured Ambulance, Armoured Command Post, turreted vehicle for 12.7mm machine gun, 20mmcannon, anti-tank missiles or surface-to-air missiles.
Cobra can be used as an amphibious vehicle in combat. Turkish Naval Forces is now looking for a new amphibious vehicle and Otokar Cobra is listed amongst the candidates for acquisitions.

Operators of Otokar Akrep Light Jeep:
§ Azerbaijan
§ Bangladesh
§ Bahrain
§ Georgia
§ Kazakhstan
§ Maldives
§ Nigeria
§ Slovenia
§ Turkey
§ United Arab Emirates
§ Pakistan

Pakistan Army`s newly inducted armored vehicle bought from turkey. Turkey has delivered 1,260 of Otokar Akrep Light Jeep to Pakistan. it is still in development at HIT industries texla with the co-efforts of Turkey. Due to Good relations between Pakistan and Turkey, deal between both them is going huge. Pakistan is looking forward to have some more units of Otokar Akrep Light Jeep.

No idea if it is true of newest Otokar Jeep.
great work everyone specially Raptor, Imran, Nishan
many thanks for your contribution.
this thread can serve as a fresh information pool for our defence & security related products and answer some basic questions to people who are genuinely interested to know more than 2 liners in the news papers and news channels that are more interested in political mug slinging.

a short presentation of Pakistani drones

great work everyone specially Raptor, Imran, Nishan
many thanks for your contribution.
this thread can serve as a fresh information pool for our defence & security related products and answer some basic questions to people who are genuinely interested to know more than 2 liners in the news papers and news channels that are more interested in political mug slinging.

a short presentation of Pakistani drones

Rise Pakistan - Drones - Made in Pakistan - YouTube

Thanks Irfan. Is there a longer version with details? And any updates on the possibility of a UCAV (Burraq?) being unveiled at IDEAS 2012 as Burraq was supposed to be operational in 2012?

By the way are general citizens allowed entry on the last days as was the case in previous exhibitions?
Good going Pakistan. But I don't know why PAK is not going for indigenous conventional missile development like Air-air and surface-air missiles. Apart from funding I don't think PAK will have any problem with technical know how.

By the Grace of Almighty ALLAH, we have been able to achieve this at PAC:

And INSHA ALLAH in very near future we are going to achieve this without any help from others.





Brother, is PAC developing a new light trainer?
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