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'I'd rather be dead than be forced to marry someone'

That's the attitude of somebody who is disconnected with the reality of the super-cosmological system this world is part of. How so?: A forced marriage is no marriage (wAa3), and could result in rape but you have the option to end the deal when you can. Suicide is a dead-end. The first has you oppressed, the second you both the oppressor and the oppressed.

Is it common in the British Jewish community (judging from the name Sadia) though?
british desis(mostly pakistanis) are some of the worst people out there, some of them behave more gora than goras themselves, some of them completely on the extremes of islam, and mostly uneducated
british desis(mostly pakistanis) are some of the worst people out there, some of them behave more gora than goras themselves, some of them completely on the extremes of islam, and mostly uneducated

I beg to differ...
Some have lost their ways, no doubt, others are still largely Pakistani at heart.
That's the attitude of somebody who is disconnected with the reality of the super-cosmological system this world is part of. How so?: A forced marriage is no marriage (wAa3), and could result in rape but you have the option to end the deal when you can. Suicide is a dead-end. The first has you oppressed, the second you both the oppressor and the oppressed.

Is it common in the British Jewish community (judging from the name Sadia) though?
Please watch the video before commenting. Your post is completely disconnected.

---------- Post added at 10:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:38 PM ----------

me to rather be dead then marry some one who i dint like period . any more pleading i am calling in the cops plain & simple no means no get lost. this might sound rude but its not how i will you all look once i really liked a girl but she did "NOT" like me not because she was bad no she was not bad or beeeeechch which she was never in the first place she just dint like & no there is nothing wrong with that in fact its perfectly normal in fact she was a good person who later turned out to be a good friend rememberer true love can never be one sided its the other name for persuasion of a rejection is obsession this is what my dad told me when was i really crazy for her you know i was truth really hurt that how can my dad say such a cold thing to me straight to my face but Alhumdullillah that was the best damn advise he has given me till date trust me i know its worth when some one liked me & i dint like her but when she had already been rejected she persuade the matter that was the time when i started really hating her trust me but $hit is the closest word you can get for her you hey it might sound rude but sorry thats just the truth & this i realized when my mom said to me imagine how that girl might have had felt for you when she told you that she does not likes you but you still persuaded the matter & that was when i realized oh how true how disgusting she might have felt about me man how could i have done that trust me i am feeling worst then a $hit even these are the the few gems that went on to making me appreciated of whatever that i have ever been appreciated for what ever in life by the grace of GOD see forced relationships are a recipe for disaster
Bro, if you love humanity even a bit, you will edit your post and put some comma and period.
I swear I will die if I try to read this post( I have a bad habit of not stopping to breath when reading a full sentence).
me too rather be dead then marry some one who i dint like period .
any more pleading i am calling in the cops plain & simple. no means no. get lost. ....
this might sound rude but its not . how i will explain you all, look once i really liked a girl but she did "NOT" like me not because she was bad no, she was not bad. or a bia*tch which she was never in the very first place contrary to that she was a very good girl who later turned out to be a good friend she just dint like me & no there is nothing wrong with that in fact its perfectly normal. Rememberer true love can never be one sided & the other name for persuasion of a rejection of love is obsession ! this is what exactly my dad told me when was i really crazy for her you know i was hurt really hurt . that how can my dad say such a cold thing to me @ such a sensitive time that too straight to my face ! :what: but Ahumdulillah that is the best damn advise trust me i know its worth. how i know its worth ? well ok i shall tell you all that too here comes post interval opening scene of my movie so here we go
& now when some one liked me & i dint like her but when she besides the fact that she had already been rejected by me decided to persuade the matter. That was the time when i started to really hate her trust me but $hit is the closest word you can get to describe my hateful feelings to wards her hey it might sound rude but sorry thats just the truth. & this i realized when my mom said to me imagine how that girl might have had felt for you when she told you that she does not likes you but you still persuaded her & that was the time when i realized oh how true how disgusting she might have felt about me man how could i have done that trust me thinking about the girl whom i had once liked i was feeling literally worst then even a $hit about my self & these are the few gems that went on to making me appreciated of whatever things for which i have ever been appreciated for by the grace of GOD so see my friends now put my story in place of yours & think & trust me if some one is normal the person should agree that forced relationships are nothing but a recipe for disaster
british desis(mostly pakistanis) are some of the worst people out there, some of them behave more gora than goras themselves, some of them completely on the extremes of islam, and mostly uneducated

More so than Pakistani nationals? :what:

There is nothing outrageous about not wanting to marry someone you have never met, have a cultural barrier with and probably a language one too.
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