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ICJ hearing on Kulbhushan Jadhav case : News, Updates & Discussions

The pakistani monkey is just the first of many monkeys we will be netting and executing in the coming days. I am glad you are prepared to live with collateral damage.

I made this post just so you realize that there is no free lunch. The human life you swallow will be a thorn in your gullet for many many years to come. Indians have a long long memory.

Ofcourse, there's no free lunch. Every action has a reaction and both RAW and ISI know this well. You pinch us in Baluchistan and we pinch you back in Kashmir, so on and so forth.

The fact is that this time Military has decided to set this Yadav monkey as an example and make it clear that any such Indian terrorist will not be spared so that other aspiring monkeys are careful in future. Now HOW they do this, hang him, claim suicide or natural death.... only time will tell. But based on what I know, (1) Yadav is not going back to India; (2) We'll milk the situation a lot more before his last breath; and (3) We'll make sure he breathes his last on Pakistani soil.

The world now knows that Pakistan caught an in-service Indian agent on Pakistani soil who confessed to raising and spreading terror in Pakistan killing scores of innocent civilians. India contests this claim, but Pakistan sticks to it's position.

The hard facts are:

1) Pakistan holds the monkey;

2) The monkey has sung like a canary;

3) Pakistan's stand on ICJ is that it has no jurisdiction on this matter;

4) The matter of Indian Terror in Pakistan is on world media.

Doesn't seem like an Indian Win to me.
Ofcourse, there's no free lunch. Every action has a reaction and both RAW and ISI know this well. You pinch us in Baluchistan and we pinch you back in Kashmir, so on and so forth.

The fact is that this time Military has decided to set this Yadav monkey as an example and make it clear that any such Indian terrorist will not be spared so that other aspiring monkeys are careful in future. Now HOW they do this, hang him, claim suicide or natural death.... only time will tell. But based on what I know, (1) Yadav is not going back to India; (2) We'll milk the situation a lot more before his last breath; and (3) We'll make sure he breathes his last on Pakistani soil.

The world now knows that Pakistan caught an in-service Indian agent on Pakistani soil who confessed to raising and spreading terror in Pakistan killing scores of innocent civilians. India contests this claim, but Pakistan sticks to it's position.

The hard facts are:

1) Pakistan holds the monkey;

2) The monkey has sung like a canary;

3) Pakistan's stand on ICJ is that it has no jurisdiction on this matter;

4) The matter of Indian Terror in Pakistan is on world media.

Doesn't seem like an Indian Win to me.

Spy's are heroes who already know that their life is forfeit if they are caught in an enemy territory. Every spy continues to do his job despite this risk. ......... so LOL at you for thinking that this will send some sort of "message" :lol:

However this is not true for the Monkeys like Lt Col (retd) Muhammad Habib who had no clue what Hit him. They and other pakistani monkeys like him will die begging for life in an Indian hole. But unlike us, you have NO PROOF that we actually have him.

The ONLY message it will send is to the international community that pakistan is a Lawless state a a liability for the world community. A nation that does not honor international law and its own commitments to uphold international commitments.

This will play right into our own Narrative for pakistan and will only serve to strengthen global opinion about pakistan and pakistanis. Now guess what is going to happen to an average pakistani when he visits other countries around the Globe or when you seek business ? :azn:

The decision of the ICJ was UNANIMOUS about staying Jadav's hanging and giving him consular access :cheesy: This included the CHINESE JUDGE in the panel.

THAT is what the world thinks of you and your govt. So LOL at you for thinking the world media is not going to see the Facts of the case which has been brought out by the ICJ.
Moment of introspection.
Very few nation on planet has such shameful resilience to defend an indefensible.
Instead of biting on Nawaz's back, Pakistani should question what actually went wrong in the judicial process in the case of Jadhav verdict.
Too much amateurish behaviour from Pakistanis on this thread.

Seems like we're not ready to accept our weakness in this case at all.

Thorough introspection on our part is the need of the time.

I have to say that the way India stood up for her man is one to be envious of.
On the contrary,we handed over our daughter Aafiyah Siddiqi for free.Nations dont sell this cheap and India is definitely proving to be a nation whose willing to safeguard national interest above all.
And the way all of this scenario has played out,I for the first time am beginning to doubt Pakistan's narrative on KY.
I'm sorry but that's what it is apprantly now.The way Pakistan made a mess of this case is beyond deplorable.
If KY is a terrorist,then shame on Pakistani establishment and govt for not being able to absolutely prove it clearly to the world that indeed he is one and give a shut up call to India.
If KY is innocent,then double shame on us for blatantly lieing to the world.And in this case,PA will be more of a culprit than GoP.
In either case,shame on us.
The way Pakistanis are trying to fight this case on PDF is the way Indians are fighting it in the real world.
All my patriotism aside,this KY case has become really interesting for me and I am no more willing to buy PA's narrative for free now.
And I have to say that despite being a patriotic Pakistani who detests all politicians equally,I have no confidence in PA leadership either.
In all of this saga,we have only one culprit and it's either KY or PA.
Let's see how all of this saga unfolds.May the truth prevail and the reality of the matter comes out as clear as daylight.

And once again,Pakistan has a lot to learn from India in regards to how national interest is safeguarded and how sons are protected.

Pakistan Zindabad.
Too much amateurish behaviour from Pakistanis on this thread.

Seems like we're not ready to accept our weakness in this case at all.

Thorough introspection on our part is the need of the time.

I have to say that the way India stood up for her man is one to be envious of.
On the contrary,we handed over our daughter Aafiyah Siddiqi for free.Nations dont sell this cheap and India is definitely proving to be a nation whose willing to safeguard national interest above all.
And the way all of this scenario has played out,I for the first time am beginning to doubt Pakistan's narrative on KY.
I'm sorry but that's what it is apprantly now.The way Pakistan made a mess of this case is beyond deplorable.
If KY is a terrorist,then shame on Pakistani establishment and govt for not being able to absolutely prove it clearly to the world that indeed he is one and give a shut up call to India.
If KY is innocent,then double shame on us for blatantly lieing to the world.And in this case,PA will be more of a culprit than GoP.
In either case,shame on us.
The way Pakistanis are trying to fight this case on PDF is the way Indians are fighting it in the real world.
All my patriotism aside,this KY case has become really interesting for me and I am no more willing to buy PA's narrative for free now.
And I have to say that despite being a patriotic Pakistani who detests all politicians equally,I have no confidence in PA leadership either.
In all of this saga,we have only one culprit and it's either KY or PA.
Let's see how all of this saga unfolds.May the truth prevail and the reality of the matter comes out as clear as daylight.

And once again,Pakistan has a lot to learn from India in regards to how national interest is safeguarded and how sons are protected.

Pakistan Zindabad.

Sadly, its unlikely that pakistan will let jadav live.

Its too much loss of face for the PA.

Its will turn out to be another Sarabjit singh. Of that I have no doubt. Only this time the world would be watching.
We should exchange him with col zahir ..India even did not disclose it , a clever move by India I must say ..either way KY won't be hanged so better to save an innocent man since we won't be able to prove KY crimes in ICJ ... KY won't be hanged with current leadership we have political or non political so better make a trade off...
India will win in diplomacy at any international level so we need to accept ,adjust and move forward ...they are more mature and well articulated in there moves..
They have prove one thing they will stand for there man be it terrosirst or innocent ..while we have expendables and don't care for the likes of afia and now col zahir ...
Our rulers have no interest in National Security of Pakistan, thus no effort has ever been done to protect the integrity of Pakistan.
Sadly, its unlikely that pakistan will let jadav live.

Its too much loss of face for the PA.

Its will turn out to be another Sarabjit singh. Of that I have no doubt. Only this time the world would be watching.
Let's no be too certain that PA is faking it all.
But if it is and if India can expose PA then I'd say that it will be a huge moral and diplomatic triumph for India and it wont matter if KY dies or lives.It will be job well done on his part already.
Let's no be too certain that PA is faking it all.
But if it is and if India can expose PA then I'd say that it will be a huge moral and diplomatic triumph for India and it wont matter if KY dies or lives.It will be job well done on his part already.

Even if PA is not faking it, it is certain that they have no Proof for any of their claims.

But for anyone who knows how PA operates, this should have been pretty obvious. Those who use the hammer, do not have the finesse to use the surgical knife.
Even if PA is not faking it, it is certain that they have no 'UNDENIABLE' Proof for any of their claims.

Sometimes truth is more difficult to establish than a lie.That's where diplomacy,soft power and resolve comes in all of which is severely lacking in our civil and military leadership.
Sometimes truth is more difficult to establish than a lie.That's where diplomacy,soft power and resolve comes in all of which is severely lacking in our civil and military leadership.

For a lie, proofs can be manufactured. For the truth, proof has to be Found. That is a lot more tedious, involves hard work, dedication and a genuine desire to seek the truth.

The only question now is, what next.
My Indian friend, rest assured things will unfold differently than you wish or imagine. What Indians fail to comprehend is that they are fighting a losing battle. Indian decision to approach the ICJ on the Yadav issue is a diplomatic gamble and the max India can attain from it is some face saving, something India is desperately looking for. Pakistan Foreign Office has already made it clear that Pakistan does not accept ICJ's jurisdiction in matters related to National Security but it will present solid evidence against the Indian Spy in the International Court. In other words, Pakistan will go ahead with Yadav's execution if it wills to, with or without ICJ's approval/consent but if Pakistan is able to provide solid evidence against Yadav as claimed by the FO, India will lose the (falsely claimed) moral high ground to accuse Pakistan of sponsoring terrorism in India, ever again. The Indian decision to approach ICJ may prove to have some serious ramifications and unintended consequences for India. Even if the final decision comes in your favor and Pakistan accepts it, one has to be quite naive to believe that Yadav will be proven innocent in a "retrial" that's going to take place in Pakistan anyway. Yadav's only chance was to receive a pardon from the president of Pakistan. Not going to happen now.

LOL banyias don't gamble, you should know that!

Anyway, Give it a rest my Pakistani friend. I believe that If Pakistan army had any solid proof they would have gone international long time ago and not only make statements in media. The fact that is was india and not Pakistan that took it to ICJ says a lot. I

And I'm under no illusions that Yadav will walk out free, but then again anything can happen when we talk about Pakistan. But the "india will be exposed" comments half of you guys make will not happen either, as the world don't give two hoots about what happens in Pakistani military courts.

In the end Pakistanis will keep beliving that India is behind all the terror in Pakistan, and that's all that matters for the establishment. Pakistani propagandamachines aim is the Pakistani public itself, not the world.

Anyway I appreciate your optimism, I really do. But a couple of days ago you guys also believed that the case will be thrown out, now look what happened. So I advise you to mix the optimism with a little dose of reality as well.
Jadav is still as good as dead and was NEVER a question or concern. My concern is the impact this would have on IWT proceedings that are bound to occur
well sir thing is india never ever took or stole a drop of water from pakistan rather its a figment of imagination by ISPR and a parnoia created my them due to incompetence and corruption over last 50 years when after ayub khan no pakistani govt was able to make a single dam or reservoir or water conservation policy for betterment of pakistan heck they could not even divert and chanelise water into using it for inlnd storages for fisheries but waste and let it flow in sea every year whose fault is that

we are allowed to use almost 36 ceuseccs of water every year for our use in dams & storage and we do not have cpacity for even 7% as of now for that figure even if we complete what we have started and what we plan in next 15 years we still would have just 20% cpacity of what was given to us by IWT so even then we are donating 80% of our share to pakistan then how come its a so called theft ?

now as for the impact of this case on pakistans case on IWT well make no mistake pakistan has rubbed india the wrong way and i know pakistanies wont like it but now indian governemnt will increase pain for pakistan where ever and when ever it can cause that is what pakistan did for india for last 70 years .... so in short its going to be a TIT for TAT policy ball is in pakistans court now i hope sir you do not find my post too offensive
The world now knows that Pakistan caught an in-service Indian agent on Pakistani soil who confessed to raising and spreading terror in Pakistan killing scores of innocent civilians. India contests this claim, but Pakistan sticks to it's position.

The hard facts are:

1) Pakistan holds the monkey;

2) The monkey has sung like a canary;

3) Pakistan's stand on ICJ is that it has no jurisdiction on this matter;

4) The matter of Indian Terror in Pakistan is on world media.

Doesn't seem like an Indian Win to me.

Totally your opinion, and not what the world "knows".

The world knows that Pakistan claims to have caught a Indian who they blame is an active service man responsible for spreading terror, and who they have convicted in a military court.

The world also knows that India claims the guy is an innocent civilian, and that whole legal process was a bogus military show.

IF you take away the Pakistani masala you added, these are the facts that the world knows.
LOL banyias don't gamble, you should know that!

Anyway, Give it a rest my Pakistani friend. I believe that If Pakistan army had any solid proof they would have gone international long time ago and not only make statements in media. The fact that is was india and not Pakistan that took it to ICJ says a lot. I

And I'm under no illusions that Yadav will walk out free, but then again anything can happen when we talk about Pakistan. But the "india will be exposed" comments half of you guys make will not happen either, as the world don't give two hoots about what happens in Pakistani military courts.

In the end Pakistanis will keep beliving that India is behind all the terror in Pakistan, and that's all that matters for the establishment. Pakistani propagandamachines aim is the Pakistani public itself, not the world.

Anyway I appreciate your optimism, I really do. But a couple of days ago you guys also believed that the case will be thrown out, now look what happened. So I advise you to mix the optimism with a little dose of reality as well.

My Indian friend, I am least interested in knowing what Banyias do (or don't do)

And you may "believe" in whatever you want, but told you already that things are not going to unfold as per your wishes and imaginations. just wait and see

As for the world not giving two hoots about what happens in Pakistani military courts, agreed ... But the world doesn't give two hoots about KY and Indian rants either, You guys may continue to believe that India is the center of the universe ... India's self delusion doesn't harm us in any way.

And as for India itself taking this matter to the UN, let me remind you that India itself took the Kashmir Dispute to the UN also, hoping that Pakistan will be declared an aggressor state. Pakistan wasn't declared an aggressor, but Kashmir did become an internationally recognized disputed territory. 70 years on, and despite repeated and desperate efforts, India has not been able to backtrack, the UN won't let it do so. The unintended consequences I was talking about.

No, I didn't say or believe that the case would be thrown out. But it's really funny to see the Indians jumping up and down with excitement as if Yadav were declared innocent by the ICJ (and India had won its case) .... It isn't about us being optimistic, it's about you guys being delusional. You needed a reality check very badly, and you were given one.
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