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ICJ hearing on Kulbhushan Jadhav case : News, Updates & Discussions

This is a sign of things to come in future. Jadhav is going to be hanged in any case.

ICJ has no say in the matters like Domestic Issues, Internal Security etc and I am sure, FO is not playing with words. However, only execution is stayed which is indeed an interim relief for India in the matter but same does not guarantee the fate of the case to be in favour of India.
He shud be killed by punjab police ctd in police muqabla tonight.... end of case.... shot while trying to escape....
With reference to the Sushma and ToI, I have to dig for those posts sharing the subjected tweets and Indian Members are well aware. May it was @ranjeet or @ito that shared the same on the day when India submitted its prayers before ICJ. Members are well aware that on the same day, his stay was celebrated and that is what I am unable to understand that how come such happened way before ICJ's today Stay Order.
Pakistan has real short supply of people Educated in and Practicing International Law... when you have to send your Diplomat to represent your case in a Legal field... it shows were the challenge lies...
What happens if it is discovered that pakistan has already murdered KJ ( he is dead)?
what are the implications to all involved parties?
Congrats Harish Salve!

You're welcome.
But it will leave a very bad taste in pakistan's mouth. Lol

You and me can keep speculating, but let me tell you this case will be dragged till ppl get tired of this case and that's when Kulbhushan Jadhav will be released.... should be five years from now. :)

Kasab's was delayed for four years and he was given death sentence in the end. So technically no
For you education Read summary of court for that decision

View attachment 397678

Reasoning is NOT part of court order, it simply states what facilitates the court in the order they've given separately, that is why it is called REASONING and not ORDER. Funny how you project yourself as the "student of law" while lack basics at the very base of it. There are individual comments from judges as well.. which DO NOT constitute order. ;)

Open both of your eyes and bring all the English you've learned thus far. Reach page no. 2 and discover following paragraph from the press release.

Those are India citizens so we can kill them at will. Only issues involving 2 countries are taken to ICJ.

That's quite an interesting statement... then By your logic... you just give the best solution to resolve this matter of spy :)

Hey Guys... Let's grant him Pakistani citizenship... and Do with him whatever "thingy" you may want... :)

The End
What happens if it is discovered that pakistan has already murdered KJ ( he is dead)?
what are the implications to all involved parties?
Chances of him being dead are very high... the sole reason Pakistan has not allowed Councillor access is that he is dead.... In that case India can use influence across the globe to put sanctions against Pakistan.... and cut diplomatic ties...
Kasab's was delayed for four years and he was given death sentence in the end. So technically no
Kasab to Jadhav?
Pakistani tried in India to Indian tried in pakistan?
Don't you think there's a lot of difference?

Come up with better examples next time. :)
when nawaz govt is meeting jandal secretly and is ready to free kulbhusion and coas is supporting him for democracy then this is likely to happen we should not complain icj for this

Pakistan tried Yadav according to Army Act


Pakistan proved that Yadav is indian national....
Pakistan has real short supply of people Educated in and Practicing International Law... when you have to send your Diplomat to represent your case in a Legal field... it shows were the challenge lies...

This is what I want my rival in the Court to believe as such and am happy to see him enjoying the first round which is also one of the part of discretion of Honourable Courts to exercise so nothing new. The real fight of case still remains and that is where one has to see the material as well as the guts of Lawyer that proceed with the matter.

However, such remarks of being short of educate etc people, well the same doesn't even deserve a consideration to comment upon.
Pakistan wrote a letter to India for help in investigation, says Judge
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