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ICBM's (Intercontinental ballistic missiles)

We need ICBMs in the range of 11000kmz at all costs...for our survivability....:what:

yes when we develop an icbm of 11000kms ten us will never mess with us:pakistan::pakistan:
yes when we develop an icbm of 11000kms ten us will never mess with us:pakistan::pakistan:

Yeah right...in a decade or so...
Yeah right...in a decade or so...
maybe within next 2-3 years
hope fully ...Insha-Allah...:)
maybe within next 2-3 years
hope fully ...Insha-Allah...:)

Good,stick to the hopes.....wake up man,we are not going to jump from 2750km to 11,000km in 2 or 3 yrs...
Good,stick to the hopes.....wake up man,we are not going to jump from 2750km to 11,000km in 2 or 3 yrs...

You and your uncle sam are in for a rude awakening!
You and your uncle sam are in for a rude awakening!

Did I mention anything wrong here?.....I am giving the facts along with figures...
I guess the nation( including me) will "awaken" on my posts rather than drone attacks,Davis issue,Abottabad Op etc...
Did I mention anything wrong here?.....I am giving the facts along with figures...
I guess the nation( including me) will "awaken" on my posts rather than drone attacks,Davis issue,Abottabad Op etc...

Yeah, you're right, your screwed up facts are indeed awakening the sleeping nation! Wake yourself up before going to your grave with a borrowed self.
Good,stick to the hopes.....wake up man,we are not going to jump from 2750km to 11,000km in 2 or 3 yrs...

Alhamdolillah ! where there is a will there is a way...so we gonna have it soon ...Insha-Allah....:)
Hey guys...a pretty good ICBM project costs over a billion dollars......do you really think Pakistan has this much money to waste???
Also,by the time we make one,our possible enemy(US) would have developed far better interception systems...(not considering the massive retaliation)...
If US has to be attacked,it would be a better option to strike its military bases in Afghanistan and Middle East.....

Tipu,Taimur are nothing but rumors...Shaheen III was a TD and Ghauri III has been in development for the past 12 years...


There is a next missile system(4000km),with an entirely new name,which advertises its abilities...

Also ,Pakistan is following the footprints of the US (after WWII) regarding nuclear delivery systems...

(I'm not merely speculating,I KNOW)

Ahaseeba, if we can afford to let Zardari loot billions, we surely could afford to build these missiles. We just have to kick out Zardari.:mod:
Ahaseeba, if we can afford to let Zardari loot billions, we surely could afford to build these missiles. We just have to kick out Zardari.:mod:

Exactly.....we should bring forward a more sincere leadership...
Yeah, you're right, your screwed up facts are indeed awakening the sleeping nation! Wake yourself up before going to your grave with a borrowed self.

Oh please tell me how is this fact screwed up?...that we can make a 11,000km range system within next 2-3 yrs?
Oh please tell me how is this fact screwed up?...that we can make a 11,000km range system within next 2-3 yrs?

Since Pakistan cannot increase the range of its missile to 11000 km in 2-3 yrs, therefore, Pakistan should stop trying building ICBMs altogether, that is what u r trying to say and u call that fact. Who taught u this devilish game, CIA or RAW?
Since Pakistan cannot increase the range of its missile to 11000 km in 2-3 yrs, therefore, Pakistan should stop trying building ICBMs altogether, that is what u r trying to say and u call that fact. Who taught u this devilish game, CIA or RAW?

Yes,in a sense that the best time for having it was today.....

WoW ...I am playing a devilish game...and I'm going to beat my country...and guess what...
People in SPD read all my posts in their meetings,and they go for what I suggest...

Nah,RAW didn't offer me enough money,so I went for CIA...they give a good package:rofl:
viewers hello everybody, here I am a new participant in this forum, do u ppl realy think tat India doent hav ICBM as India has such an advance space technology.
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