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ICBM's (Intercontinental ballistic missiles)

It is an offensive weapon. If Pakistan's military is only for defensive purposes then it has no business in keeping ICBMS. All it needs is a missile that can counter India.

India has no such statements, saying its military is of defensive nature. The development of an ICBM is a natural progression. I suspect, India will declare its ICBM's around the year 2020. It would have enough military and economic clout by then to withstand any pressure that the world might exert on India on such a declaration. Surya ICBM is under development, though this is a rumour.

BTW how does it keep a strategic and tactical balance, if India develops a cruise missile? I mean if it is developed, it is obviously not for Pakistan. Ditto for Pakistan. Its ICBM is of no use in India, where smaller missiles would do the job. So how is it to keep the balance?

Defence is the first Stage and Offensive is the second we need the ICBMS and we dearly wants these thing.. on some sides what i am reading that the name will TIPU of pakistani ICBM we are at the 2 stage missiles they are working on GSLV tooo .. how far the ICBMS now.
both Israel & India are in our missiles range
so we actually do not need ICBMs
but i read some where that we have ghauri 3, shaheen 3,
& under development process tipu which is ICBM
Pakistan should go atleast for 4 warheads per missile. This as opposed to the Hawkish behaviour would rather prove more economical; as per missile we can produce greater punch & thus can lower the maintenance & build-up of various carrying vehicles ...one vehicle per warhead
Pakistan should go atleast for 4 warheads per missile. This as opposed to the Hawkish behaviour would rather prove more economical; as per missile we can produce greater punch & thus can lower the maintenance & build-up of various carrying vehicles ...one vehicle per warhead

Thats exactly what I wanted to say...
Thats exactly what I wanted to say...

If one missile is intercepted, four nukes are gone with it. Isn't that the idea? Miss Ahseeba u r really trying to help Pakistan.
If one missile is intercepted, four nukes are gone with it. Isn't that the idea? Miss Ahseeba u r really trying to help Pakistan.

First,its mister AhaseebA.....

It depends on the type of interceptor...if its exo atmospheric type ,yes it may waste all MIRVs...
First,its mister AhaseebA.....

It depends on the type of interceptor...if its exo atmospheric type ,yes it may waste all MIRVs...

And that is why uncle sam wants Pakistan to have as many warheads in a single missile as possible. Do you understand what I mean?
And that is why uncle sam wants Pakistan to have as many warheads in a single missile as possible. Do you understand what I mean?

The missile like DF-31A that carrying a megaton city buster is a good choice for Pakistan.
I always was of the mind to let everyone have nukes. one goes off...turn the offending nation into a sheet of glass. Hunt down all thier nationals and hang them. That would deter the next nation.
I always was of the mind to let everyone have nukes. one goes off...turn the offending nation into a sheet of glass. Hunt down all thier nationals and hang them. That would deter the next nation.

If america uses it, who's going to hunt down americans and hang them?
ICBM: Pakistan intercontinental missile 'Taimur" is ready
Technology to cover range of 7,000 Kms, Pakistan, to increase its defensive capabilities, has started preparing intercontinental missile with a range of 7000 kilometres.

According to sources, the intercontinental missile has a range of 7000 kilometres and is capable of hitting its target falling within its range. The missile can contain nuclear as well as traditional warheads. The missile has been termed a significant milestone for the defence of the country and is believed to strengthen the defence. According to sources, this missile is ready and would soon be test fired.







Agni 5
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For Pakistan (to have a good chance of win) we will go for pre-emptive strike. Now the problem with first strike is that our country (because its relatively less spacious) can be in return busted by Indian nukes.
So what we have to do is to neutralise the enemy missiles & especially that of silos....& because hardened silos are very hard to breach we must go for very precise CEP <100m & very hard punch 0.5-0.7 Mt.
Look according to above graph the Pakistan warheads with the above mentioned properties still will find hard to take-off these silos (which demands a CEP of ~75m). However such difficulty can be surmounted via two methods:
  1. Using a second wave of attack. (this will increase your 'price to attack' (warheads used/warheads destroyed)
  2. using special earth penetrating warheads (EPW)*..such warheads increase the effective 'crater size' upon warhead blast & because the hardened silos survival probability immensely decreases with increasing crater size/depth; it will be a perfect cure

*An EPW warhead can atleast double the crater size at a given yield; which implies that a 0.5MT warhead would act like a 4MT surface blast against a super-hard silo & thus will follow a 4MT curve (as in graph) & with a CEP of 100m it will definitely destroy any futuristic silo...
Now multily it with 4; because as in my previous post I had put up a 4MIRV missile

To attain given CEP require heavy technical capabilities & thus Pakistan should suffice with a CEP <200m but must increase warhead to 1000-1200kt
We need ICBMs in the range of 11000kmz at all costs...for our survivability....:what:

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