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Ibrahim Durrani violently attacked 2 people in the limits of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Falcon Complex Karachi

this will never happen. the said person will never be punished. instead the other party will be harassed and made to apologize.

justice and fairness has nothing to do with a country like Pakistan where people are more concerned about hugging rather than violence and theft.

Kashamala Tariqs son killed 4 people in a car. he is never charged and the story has been burred.
So what can we do now, A revolution? I guess military supports our current system which is unfair and corrupt to core. Do we need the turning things up side down if they are wrong side up or it will continue like this.
So what can we do now, A revolution? I guess military supports our current system which is unfair and corrupt to core. Do we need the turning things up side down if they are wrong side up or it will continue like this.
who know? I don't
military or entire mindset supports this injustice.
the assailant got pre arrest bail now
"Following the west blindly " ???????
Try this in the west my friend ! That guy would not have been able to leave the scene of the crime in the first place.
Rule of law is still strong in the west. Same cannot be said about the system in Pakistan with Judiciary also corrupt to the core.
"Privileged" people, be it politicians or spoiled offspring of Armed forces personnel will continue to think of Pakistan as "Bap Dada ki jageer"
People in the west still stop their cars on street corners to let the pedestrians right of way or let the other car pass first.
Moral values in Pakistan are 10 times worse than in the west right now and that is not just by following the traditions of the west. That discussion would take several pages...

Perhaps u live in posh area of US so didn't know about crime and violence rate in US/West. Our youth is following them blindly on path of violence/vulgarity meanwhile positive values of there are ignored.
At least the violence and racism by large is in genes of US whites.

The reason for worse moral values is Western funded media and burger class created to destroy the country socially.
this will never happen. the said person will never be punished. instead the other party will be harassed and made to apologize.

justice and fairness has nothing to do with a country like Pakistan where people are more concerned about hugging rather than violence and theft.

Kashamala Tariqs son killed 4 people in a car. he is never charged and the story has been burred.

All this in the name of Islamic republic. Sometimes i feel pity for the ordinary pakistani.
I have to pass major time of a day on streets where such violence is quite common, however instead of suggesting harsh punishment such issues should be resolved at social levels. The ethics subject should be compulsory in education. Our well educated class looks to be involved in violence more than low educated.
Brother here's the thing , Allah swt is at war with us!

The transgressions and then playing ostrich isn't helping a bit

Absolutely, because we are using the cover of Islam to do all the things that is not allowed in Islam in the first place.
Disgusting. Where was security? Why is an Air Commodore's son allowed to stab people to death like this? You'd think that you're safe from violent Karachi crime inside privileged neighbourhoods like Falcon Complex but instead of MQM TTP BLA or SRA shooting at you it's people like this guy hacking at you with knives.

And what is it with Air commodore's sons misbehaving? First the guy whining about the security guard over corona SOPs, now this guy going around stabbing schoolboys over parking their car? Have either of these people faced any consequences?
I also live in one of the falcon complexes of PAF.
Do not take it like some air force base because it's a housing society of retired air force officers. The security is comprised of guards from private security companies. Often in old age and poor health working for peanuts. Also it's not a base where the civil police cannot come inside to arrest people. Hopefully soon they will arrest that SOB from his house . He knows it that's why he is still a fugitive.
As someone who belongs to the same community I regret to tell you that the behavior of few air force officers and their families are really embarrassing for PAF. I personally know few such officers who spoiled their kids and instead of punishing them ,they encouraged them whenever they did something wrong. Those bad eggs gave bad name to PAF. I am sure his father is one of them and didn't raise a gentleman in his home.
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This is why civilian primacy is needed (within bounds of course)
who know? I don't
military or entire mindset supports this injustice.
the assailant got pre arrest bail now
Well I knew one such penile discharge of a serving air commodore who got his *** handed over to him and he ended up in ICU. After that incident his behavior changed dramatically.His father used his contacts to arrest ones who beated him and register FIR but the damage was already done beyond repair . His arrogance was shattered and he was beaten black and blue by some street junkies whom he considered like insects. I am sure one such day is waiting for that swiss knife guy as well.
If justice system becomes such a joke then according to my books it's my right to punish the perpetrator at a time and place of my own choosing.
The knife in a hand doesn't recognize whether he is a son of a air commodore or a air marshal. Now it all depends on that designer moazzam whether he will get even with him or not.


still going on this trend, lets hope for more killing honor by powerful people
Airforce ka hai, koei kuch ni bigar sakta, yeh mulk ini kei hatho hai... yahan qanoon sirf ghareebo aur middle class lougo kei liyei hai.
Hamari awam ki mentality hi aesei hai, jis bi chutiye ko dekho apni bio par 'ArMy BrAt' lgaya hota hai jesei koei bohot bari fakhar ki baat hain aur bachia impress hojae gi, mazay ki baat yeh hai kei impress bi hojati hai. Sick mentality, army has destroyed this country. Interfered in politics, created their own people like NS who further destroyed the country and brought civil govt. name to dirt while army enjoyed behind the scenes.
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