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IAF Wing Commander Dismissed For Demanding Bribery


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
IAF sacks Wing Commander over bribery charges

New Delhi: IAF has dismissed a Wing Commander who was allegedly caught demanding a bribe of Rs 20,000 from officials of a French defence firm at the Aero India show in Bangalore in 2011.
Wing Commander A K Thakur was dismissed after a General Court Martial found him guilty of seeking bribe from French defence firm Dassault Aviation during the show in February 2011, IAF sources said on Tuesday. Thakur was accused of demanding bribe for allotting a 'more advantageous position' for its Rafale aircraft in the 'static' aircraft display section at the biennial airshow, the sources said.
An official of Dassault Aviation, who had filed a complaint against the officer, also appeared before the GCM headed by a Group Captain-rank officer, the sources said. Dassault Aviation's Rafale, which has now won the race for IAF's multi-billion dollar combat aircraft deal, was one of the six contenders in the hotly-contested tender when the alleged incident took place.
IAF sacks Wing Commander over bribery charges
The Wing Commander was found guilty of seeking bribe from French defence firm during the Aero India show in 2011.
The GCM had recommended Thakur's dismissal last year itself but its recommendations could not be confirmed so far as the officer had approached the courts seeking relief.

All for merely RS 20,000. For a wing commander, that's probably less than one month salary.
Such disciplinary action is inevitable for these black sheep's. :ashamed: :pissed:
Make an example of the clot.

True, but dismissing him alone isn't an example, the punishment should be much more radical and clear, that asking or taking bribes will cause drastic consequences, no matter how high the ammount was. If he really gets dismissed only, this is clearly the wrong signal IAF/MoD can send!
Some of the rarity when i have thanked Windy. :D
Such officers must be sacked. Good decision
There should be no place for corrupt in any sphere of life. good example set.
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