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IAF recommends gallantry awards for personnel killed in friendly fire

Good decision. they deserve it for carrying out a logistics supply mission in a hostile scenario.

No su-30 pilots died in car crash.
Sqn Ldr Rakesh Pandey was with Administrative branch

The Indians did the same in 1965 when they shot down one of their own AN-12 Transport with an SA-2 SAM, then tried to pass it as a PAF C-130.....they seem to be good achieving these kills on their side of border but then the spice bombs were supposed to be very good as well.
No IAF An-12 crashed in 1965.
By that virtue the spyder missile battery crew should also get them for answering to call of duty.

Yea, after blowing it out of sky and claiming that they have shot down a PAF C-130, one expects you lot to come clean......NOT.

View attachment 588585
Actually it is the part SA-2 which self destructed.

On 8 September 1965, one SA-2 was fired against an unidentified target believed to have been on a night mission above Ghaziabad near Delhi. It should be noted that this happened at the height of the paratrooper scare and subsequent news reports gleefully claimed the destruction of a Pakistani C-130 west of Delhi – which turned out to not have any basis. No Pakistani Air Force aircraft ever penetrated as deep as Delhi during the 1965 conflict. The subsequent publication of the photograph of the wreckage in a TV broadcast seemed to indicate that the wreck of the self-destructed missile was shown as the shot down aircraft !

No IAF An-12 losses occured in 1965.
Actually it is the part SA-2 which self destructed.

No IAF An-12 losses occured in 1965.
Yea, from 1965 to 2019, Indians have mastered the art of finding missile pieces.....and always the part with some informative inscription. :lol:
will they make a Bollywood film of this too?

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