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Featured IAF Mi-17-V5 Helicopter carrying CDS Bipin Rawat with family crashes

Exactly my thoughts.
The cloth in which they are carrying a body is probably acquired from a house nearby. No stretchers,no medical staff there to handle with the situation professionally and to treat the dead with dignity. No excuse either as that's not a jungle but a urban area. I remember when crashes happened here there were proper and professional response unlike this. Seriously how disorgnized indian armed forces are in many areas. If this is the treatment their four star CDS gets,imagine what treatment an ordinary citizen gets.
If I remember correctly, not very long ago they were dispatching the bodies in cardboard wrapping and that too from an IA garrison somewhere.
Shameless creatures.
ACdre Rizwan is the reason I never went to the PAF or stayed in Pakistan- in a good way. He advised me to get out of Pakistan because that is where I would shine and I took it to heart with results beyond my own expectations . But yes him and the entire cream was lost in that crash.

For Bipin it could be the pilot was trying to keep the CGS happy and on time taking a risk flying out in those conditions. Normally on air charts power lines are marked so perhaps he never looked or the charts were never updated.
Same thing happened with Kobe's crash, pilot didn't want to say no to the VVIP client, even though conditions were far less than ideal for flying and result in CFIT as well...
Well it’s more like inside job i think ,, was there a video of the incident?? I saw something on ARY
Same thing happened with Kobe's crash, pilot didn't want to say no to the VVIP client, even though conditions were far less than ideal for flying and result in CFIT as well...
Damn - that was a loss too. LeBrons gone as well and curry cant be bothered beyond his 3-pointers.
Tell that to Indian who laugh at Pakistan helicopter crashed with casualty.

Hence, make a difference. Don't be a Bhakt Indian.
If it has to be investigated as IAF standards and history, one should remember about FCR/Black box of Mi-17v5 being shot down by IAF on 27th Feb. They claimed that FCR/Back Box was stolen by locals/Kashmiris as that was the only way to cover. What to expect here?
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The butcher of Kashmir is dead and the world will be better for it.

To Pakistanis who are sending "condolences" and "mourning", this war criminal defended using Kashmiris as human shields and their torture, wanted internment camps for Kashmiri children, blinded Kashmiris en masse and placed Kashmir in the longest, most brutal lockdown the world had ever seen without even access to medicine. This is a small sample of his war criminal mentality.
Have you all forgotten Farooq Ahmed Dar?

View attachment 799815

Does anyone remember Bipin's response to Major Nitin Leetul Gogoi using Farooq Ahmed Dar as human shields? Bipin put a medal on him!
Then there is the mass blinding of Kashmiris:
View attachment 799817

Insha Mushtaq, age 14, was blinded due to the tactics Bipin Rawat pioneered in Kashmir.
View attachment 799816

More of Bipin's war crimes:
View attachment 799814

As in the past, Bipin again deflected responsibility over his war crimes and defended the practice of mass blinding Kashmiris.

Do I "mourn" the death of this monster? No.

I celebrate it because it may give Kashmiris a slight relief.
Agreed..................monster recalled on Russian carpet...

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Either it was a sudden crash with some mountain or tree or it was sabotage. If this video is really of the helicopter and after few minutes it went down. I seriously doubt some problem occurred in helicopter. This needs serious investigation.
IAF was on a mission to get rid of the man who wanted IAF to become a support arm of the IA

Does IAF follows any protocol regarding the weather conditions. As per the video, there was lots of fog yet they chose to fly under such circumtances and in the end asking for trouble. Who gave it a go ahead to fly especially when there was no emergency. Very unprofessional of the pilots to fly in an area which is full of mountains and surrounded with thick fog.

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Either it was a sudden crash with some mountain or tree or it was sabotage. If this video is really of the helicopter and after few minutes it went down. I seriously doubt some problem occurred in helicopter. This needs serious investigation.
There seems to be plenty of altitude for that helicopter so surprised that it was CFIT from that point. I genuinely thought the pilot decided to start moving before gaining altitude and ending up clipping power lines.
Hence, make a difference. Don't be a Bhakt Indian.
If it has to be investigated as IAF standards and history, one should remember about FCR/Black box of Mi-17v5 being shot down by IAF on 27th Feb. They claimed that FCR/Back Box was stolen by locals/Kashmiris as that was the only way to cover. What to expect here?

Correction, mi17 was shot down by PAF because according to eyewitnesses they saw fast moving jets moments before the chopper was shot down hence the black box was stolen.

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