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IAF loosing dominance over its own airspace to Army and Navy.

Bound to happen.
Every force would like to have control on assets they buy from their allocations.
On other side of coin if we see
burden from Indian airforce will decrease to some extent
What utter BS. Why does the IAF think it has the right to control every asset that flys? This is outdated thinking, almost every modern military has platforms like heavy attack helos, medium lift helos, heavy lift helos, LUHs etc under Army ownership. I'm glad the MoD is siding with the opponents to this ridiculous IAF notion they have the right to all aviation assets.And is the article suggesting the IAF are annoyed by the fact the IN are inducting fighters? The IN FAR has been in operation almost 80 years and has had fighters for much, if not all, of this period- OF COURSE the IN has its own fighters, it would be ABSURD for the IAF to have its fighters operating off IN ACCs a situation the RAF had with their Harriers and it was a disater. The IN having aviation assets is now set in stone and non-negotiable and the IN is now looking to induct assets larger than they have ever before such as LR-MPAs, MR-MPAs and AARs.

This is a highly flawed article IMHO.
This is a serious stuff, every force may it be BSF, Navy, IAF, IA etc. is fighting for air assets like a 5th grade kid, lack of coordination among armed forces & no appointment of CODS even after 13 years of Kargil debacle is hampering our defence preparedness, i m not saying that apart from IAF any other force don't have right to operate air assets but planning to operate air assets should be well coordinated among all forces as any overlap of capabilities is a serious drain on already limited resources which our Armed forces have. There can be a distribution of air assets as per the best possible usage like all armed helicopters should be given to IA & IAF should only operate fixed wing aircrafts, MOD has to take the lead in this effort.

+ If IAF is objecting to IN's induction of fighter jets than they are seriously wrong, as any force in India that best deserves the fighter jets is not even IAF but IN, since IN always favors indigenous effort more than just buying everything off the shelf, i mean LCA tejas was meant for IAF from starting but now the force which is most favoring it is IN & what it is getting from IAF is only bad words. IN now will have 45+45 = 90 mig 29k's + 60 LCA mark 2's + 60-70 Rafales in it's inventory in next decade or so not to forget the 100s of helis, recon planes etc. it is inducting, this means they will be having one of the most capable aviation wing in the region after IAF, i think this is making IAF jealous.....:lol:
IAF is the most problematic branch of Indian Air Force..only for their objection,there is no Joint Tri-Command(except A&N) till now in India..they are too greedy and too nervous to loose control over resources. :tdown:
They should realise that Air Force orignated from the Army only almost 100 years ago and had the Army of that era been like them we would have never got to hear this word "Air Force".
losing dominance .....arent they on the same team???

Both the title & article are seriously flawed, it's just another example of hype for everything, created by Indian media. BTW the article is talking about how IAF is losing those assets to IA & IN which were it's monopoly from the day 1, of course they belong to same team just fighting on the question of resource sharing.
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