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Featured IAF Leh Airbase in Ladakh ,How Key is it for India and its Vulnerabilities

I knew you could deny, you're in the delusional mode

No after recent events ...from past 10 years... I came to conclusion ..... delusional is one who lives under someone's supremacy... am free to think , talk... I'm giving my opinion at my will.. .
No after recent events ...from past 10 years... I came to conclusion ..... delusional is one who lives under someone's supremacy... am free to think , talk... I'm giving my opinion at my will.. .
Without any valid logic and common sense, your argument worth nothing, and i gave you a prove they upgraded their S-300 under the permission of Russia, and i am talking about facts not about your fairy tales, fantasy world
And they come at you, not in ones or twos, not in dozens, but like Mongolian hordes.
Last time I checked its Pk defence not indian nor world defence. So "they" are the very Pakistani for which "PK" stands for in pk defence. You guys want everything Indian way but thats not how the reality is.
The fun part will be re-reading them in six months.
Yup thats the fun part we were told mighty SU30mki with vedic tech will be all over Pakistan airspace but in reality it was not even found on Indian airspace on given day.
We were told Pakistan will be isolated and the new era is Washington Beijing and New Dehli but nightmare oh nightmare someone please wake me up is whats happening to India. Many upon many wetted themselves on Supa power Afghan Kush.
course, any outright challenges to those who posted will be met with bland deflections.
Is Rafale the new Su30Mki?
Let me ask you a quiz question, who said "Raphale hota". May i say your brain is on cloud? :enjoy:
Now serious question how long would this base last in any event of escalation and one of the assets is shot down?
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Defending Leh airport would need at least 4 battalions of S-400 SAM against 2 battalions of PHL-03 with with 144 long range rockets, firing all within 5 minutes.

Limited stock of imported S-400 missiles against unlimited supply of Chinese domestic production rockets means Indians SAM defence will run out of missiles while the Chinese could continue to bombard the airport for hours until kingdom come.

Leh airport is located at less than 90 km from the nearest LAC and is within range of Chinese rockets, rocket assisted 155mm artillery shells, air to ground missiles and air launched stand off glide bombs. Leh airport is simply too close to LAC and is extremely vulnerable.

The longest range Chinese rocket is the 400mm WS3 with range of 480km.

PHL-03 300mm guided rockets is said to have a range of 160 km.
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Defending Leh airport would need at least 4 battalions of S-400 SAM against 2 battalions of PH-3 with with 144 long range rockets, firing all within 5 minutes.

Limited stock of imported S-400 missiles against unlimited supply of Chinese domestic production rockets means Indians SAM defence will run out of missiles while the Chinese could continue to bombard the airport for hours until kingdom come.

Leh airport is located at less than 90 km from the nearest LAC and is within range of Chinese rockets, rocket assisted 155mm artillery shells, air to ground missiles and air launched stand off glide bombs. Leh airport is simply too close to LAC and is extremely vulnerable.

why do you think India doesnt have rockets or artillery what a stupid presumption...

India currently mounts more artillery near the border also why do you think S-400 is the only way India has

to handle pretty much everything chinese have.
Himalayas are no ideal playgrounds for military at the end of line its the infantry who are dug deep into mountain passes that controls the flow of military strategies and India has already good experience fighting upwards and here India hold higher positions... PLA doesn’t have any edge over IA in Indo Tibetan border...
why do you think India doesnt have rockets or artillery what a stupid presumption...

India currently mounts more artillery near the border also why do you think S-400 is the only way India has

to handle pretty much everything chinese have.
Himalayas are no ideal playgrounds for military at the end of line its the infantry who are dug deep into mountain passes that controls the flow of military strategies and India has already good experience fighting upwards and here India hold higher positions... PLA doesn’t have any edge over IA in Indo Tibetan border...
I am talking about the defence of Leh airport against hundreds of rockets. How many SAM can you deployed for Leh airport and neglect air defence for other strategic sites. Rockets are cheap, SAMs are very expensive.
I am talking about the defence of Leh airport against hundreds of rockets. How many SAM can you deployed for Leh airport and neglect air defence for other strategic sites. Rockets are cheap, SAMs are very expensive.

You dont know much about military runways it seems...

First India wont wait for being pounded day in day out if there are large enough MLRS on LAC India can counter same with position its pieces on check-board ... India has domestic Guided Pinakas and Smerch but mostly these wont work in mountainous region thats true for both side top attack cruise missiles are logical choice and India has plenty pf Brahmos to spare being in production from at-least 2 decades now... cruise missile barrage is most likely MLRS wont be of much use...

In roughly couple of hours runways can be repaired so if chinese keep on throwing India can do the same..

Leh is a strategic base but not the only one India has advantage here as plenty of major bases from Tibetan border are with in 200 kms ... Issue is with chinese here if Brahmos keep on pounding infra at Tibet bases PLAAF has a long way to reinforce...

MLRS are basically useful in planes that too when they have guided rockets as trajectory should not be hampered by mountain ranges...
What nonsense are you posting!!!

Long range rockets have flight path very different from small/medium calibre rockets, they come down at near vertical direction which no mountain can stop it. May be your indian rockets behave differently. And how are you going to counter the mobile rocket launchers that is constantly on the move? Using your satellite or counter battery radar? They will be moved within 3 minutes after firing and your target location becomes outdated immediately.

Nearest Chinese airport is more than 200 km away, other than using missiles, you have no way of hitting them.

And what is it nonsense that you wrote "MLRS are basically useful in planes that too when they have guided rockets as trajectory should not be hampered by mountain ranges..."
What nonsense are you posting!!!

Long range rockets have flight path very different from small/medium calibre rockets, they come down at near vertical direction which no mountain can stop it. May be your indian rockets behave differently. And how are you going to counter the mobile rocket launchers that is constantly on the move? Using your satellite or counter battery radar? They will be moved within 3 minutes after firing and your target location becomes outdated immediately.

Nearest Chinese airport is more than 200 km away, other than using missiles, you have no way of hitting them.

And what is it nonsense that you wrote "MLRS are basically useful in planes that too when they have guided rockets as trajectory should not be hampered by mountain ranges..."

Haha I again repeat MLRS are useless in Himalayan terrain... Mountain region doesnt give much running time there are few major roads and extremely hard in these ranges to go off roading... before they are being deployed other side can mount other-side can call for air strike there are plenty of air to ground munitions that can easily take care of these targets ... it seems you dont understand the terrain that Army has to negotiate in Himalays..

And no Rockets dont use manoeuver they use ballistic trajectory mostly even guided rockets cant go beyond few course corrections... only way to attack is top down cruise missiles better check the terrain once and let me know can a heavy truck fire and go hide thr lol
Haha I again repeat MLRS are useless in Himalayan terrain... Mountain region doesnt give much running time there are few major roads and extremely hard in these ranges to go off roading... before they are being deployed other side can mount other-side can call for air strike there are plenty of air to ground munitions that can easily take care of these targets ... it seems you dont understand the terrain that Army has to negotiate in Himalays..

And no Rockets dont use manoeuver they use ballistic trajectory mostly even guided rockets cant go beyond few course corrections... only way to attack is top down cruise missiles better check the terrain once and let me know can a heavy truck fire and go hide thr lol

Haha learn about

Himalayan Terrain between Tibet and Delhi
Learn about ballistic trajectory
And specially without being Biased learn about Indian capabilities
Haha learn about

Himalayan Terrain between Tibet and Delhi
Learn about ballistic trajectory
And specially without being Biased learn about Indian capabilities
Watch the trajectory of this long range precision rocket fired from 100 km away. The rocket flew to high altitude beyond 10,000m and came down vertically on a target about the size of a tank. You can't even hide in a small V shape valley.

Also, try to learn about the highland plateau and geography of Tibet, and trajectory from high ground to low ground.


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Watch the trajectory of this long range precision rocket fired from 100 km away. The rocket flew to high altitude beyond 10,000m and came down vertically on a target about the size of a tank. You can't even hide in a small V shape valley.

Also, try to learn about the highland plateau and geography of Tibet, and trajectory from high ground to low ground.

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U r wasting your time.

After brutal killing of 20 indian soldiers they decided to create a buffer zone rather than avenging their soldeirs. Indians are only referring to PLA moving back without mentioning who lost the battle and Indian army is also moving back wothout revenge.

U will see alot of post stating india is not in 1962 without referring that PLA has developed much more in comparison to 1962.

China do not have hige quantitative superiority but also qualitative as well. There is no alternate for chinese j20, long range guided rocket force of china with more than 300 km range will get havoc into indian territory.

Look at the mantle level of these posters they will counter rocket with brahmos. PLA will be really happy if India keep on wasting much expensive brahmos on cheap rocket batteries. They dont even the difference between tactical and strategic weapons.

Furthermore china ability to produce inhouse weapon is alone a much bigger capability against india.

However, as i said earlier chinese and india will not fight as both r more interested in economic growth and military confrontation will stop them ... unless hindutva kickin it will not be escalated further
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