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IAF gives Black Cat Commandos wings to fly to crisis situations

i think Indian Army make
An Assessment & simulation

Make a battle field and fight them with Ajmal Kasab.
let see how can they survive and make an combat against him if he will good equipped with arms.
i did see its videos. with out any concern i think he is good fighter .....:thinktank:

lol :lol:, why you only want the kasab to be kill by our IA??? send your entire terrorist/army battalion to our territory,we guys are waiting for you people.

You people need to watch this video.before you send your men into enemy lines.

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it is better India buy the C130 separately for the NSG well that one hour readiness is still very big

It is not possible to buy them a separate aircraft. NSG is a very small institution where its role is limited to VIP protection and Counter Terrorism. It does not have facilities nor budget to maintain and Run an Aircraft. NSG's transportation needs must be affiliated to a bigger and self reliable organization like IAF.

In future , if the nation demands a highly mobile team of National Guards , then yes the paramilitary forces of India might see a shift in their operational capabilities.

i think Indian Army make
An Assessment & simulation

Make a battle field and fight them with Ajmal Kasab.
let see how can they survive and make an combat against him if he will good equipped with arms.
i did see its videos. with out any concern i think he is good fighter .....:thinktank:

There is a difference between shooting an arrow anywhere in the circle and shooting an arrow at the center of the circle.

Then man you praise was advised to kill anyone , go rogue.. But the security officials had only a few genuine targets. If this is how your country boasts about its security personnel's then I am sorry for you and your men as they can never perform in the international arena.
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