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IAF expanding wings beyond Pakistan and China

Do you even know how many F35 US is purchasing ? Russian fleet is also very big and Chinese fleet also stands around 50-60 squadrons.
With the no. of PAK-FA capped at 214, I am now hopeful for AMCA..We might get some consultations from here and there but AMCA is definitely on Cards now...
Firstly increase the number of squadrons and remove the ageing fleet.
What is the range of these aircraft? Do they have global reach like the USAF B-2 bomber?

It seems to me IN has more of a global reach through aircraft carriers, not the IAF.
IAF will have to replace lot of aging aircraft Mig-29s, Mirages, Sukois by 2022, the IAF Chief is definately forgetting the attrition and retirement factors. Even the Su-30 MKIs will be 18-20 years old by 2022? These #s do not add up?
The Su 30 MKIs will only go through mid life upgrade by then and have still half of their life left, replacement are only needed by 2035 or later!
Are you kidding me...the AC Marshall said they will maintain the strength of 34 squadron whatever happens. For god sakes 34 squadron won't be able to protect us in case of the famous two front war scenario.

How come our government let this happen. Around 3-4 decades back IAF used to have 60 squadron the it fell to 45 and now 34. Instead of increasing the strength we are decreasing especially when India is trying to increase its presence on a global scale. Atleast we should have 39.5 squadron.
Have you heard of something called force multipliers? The avionics and weapon systems aboard these mean machines more than make up for squadron numbers.

And how do you calculate the minimum number of squadrons required in each theater of operations? What's the formula you're adopting? Needless to say we must also take into account or project the adversary's forces at least 10-15 years in the future, though these may be somewhat conjectural.

But more importantly, a future war in our context would be short intense and swift. Maximum force would be applied in key areas for quick victory. In other words, concentration of force for maximum destruction in a particular theater of battle in the shortest possible time. So then the question is: Are 34 squadrons sufficient for this task? At present, probably yes. However, we would always need to keep an ideal combat ratio vis a vis our adversaries in mind. Since an enemy's combat strength would always vary and possibly increase with time, it would be imperative to factor this in, in future perspective plans.
NEW DELHI: India is gradually building powerful military capabilities in tune with its expanding geopolitical interests, which are no longer limited to the swathe stretching from the Persian Gulf to Malacca Strait, even as the eastern and western fronts are being strengthened to deter the twin Pakistan-China threat.

After the over Rs 3,00,000 crore plan to build a potent three-dimensional Indian Navy for the future, reported by TOI last month, it was IAF's turn on Monday to assert it was on the path to transform into a true aerospace power with the capability to rapidly deploy and operate around the globe.

"No other air force has attempted to modernize at such a fast pace in such a short span of 15 years," said Air Chief Marshal Norman Anil Kumar Browne, indicating a doctrinal shift in the run-up to IAF's 79th anniversary on October 8.

But he was quick to emphasize this did not mean "an expeditionary force" on the lines of the US Air Force. "We are not going to fight other people's wars. But yes, IAF must have the wherewithal to meet the requirements wherever India's strategic interests lie," said the IAF chief.

As for the two-front challenge, apart from progressively basing Sukhoi-30MKI fighters and missile squadrons in the two theatres, the plan also includes upgrading the Nyoma advanced landing ground in eastern Ladakh, located 23km from the LAC with China at an altitude of 13,300 feet.

"We want a 12,000-feet runway capable of handling fighters as well as transport aircraft at Nyoma. It will give us both defensive and offensive options. After being cleared by the defence ministry, it's now going to the Cabinet Committee on Security," said Browne.

Similarly, learning lessons from the 1999 conflict with Pakistan, the Kargil airstrip will be extended to ensure strategic airlift aircraft like C-17 Globemaster-III and C-130J 'Super Hercules' as well as fighters can operate from there. Moreover, the next six C-130Js, after the first six procured for the Hindon airbase for $1.2 billion, will be based at Charbatia (Orissa) for the eastern sector.

Armed with perspective plans till 2027, IAF is looking at a combat fleet of 250-300 fifth-generation fighter aircraft, 126-200 medium multi-role fighter aircraft and 270 Sukhoi-30MKI fighters, as also over 100 upgraded MiG-29s and Mirage-2000s. The estimated price tag for just these jets comes to over $70 billion.

"Our fighter squadrons will go up to 42 (from the existing 34) by end of the 13th Plan or 2022...We will be comfortable then,'' said ACM Browne.

Then, there are also different types of transport aircraft and helicopters, radars and missile systems, drones and mid-air refuellers in the pipeline to ensure modernization plans dovetail with long-term strategic interests.
Around November 2010 we had below aircraft in combat role in IAF

Jaguar M/S (Active)118 (Ordered)12
MIG-21 (Active)157
MIG-23 (Active) 14
MIG-27 (Active)122
MIG-29 (Active)69
Mirage 2000H (Active)45
SU-30/MKI (Active)130 (Ordered)60+40
LCA (Ordered)20


This Strength Of IAF make me very comfortable, only 250 jets capable of giving some worthy fight, others jets are just gap filler.
Hope that things will change soon fr IAF!!
Earlier it was said 50+200 and now new twist... :hitwall:seems better to wait until FGFA/PAKFA are ready to induct :coffee:
what he was saying.....

we must have to increase our number and please fact is that we dont required to reach beyond china

we have to deal only our neighbor (pakistan,china)

we need numbers
where was Indian air force at the time of Chinese invasion?

It wasn't invasion but was intrusion of some barren land where no people lives in the high mountain region of northern side.
India is aggressively building its arms. Pakistan will need counter this potential threat to keep away these enemies who want to take away our freedom and repeat ayodhya massacre like they did in the 90s
India is aggressively building its arms. Pakistan will need counter this potential threat to keep away these enemies who want to take away our freedom and repeat ayodhya massacre like they did in the 90s

OK anything else.

Now close ur eyes, take deep breaths slowly.................. slowly are u feeling better.

When u will open ur eyes u will see that u have survived and even India have not invaded.

Try to avoid zaid hamid u will feel peace at heart. ;)
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