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IAF C-17 Flies to Port Blair, Deploys Rotational Infantry Battalion

i also think so that it won't be capped at 45 units as we are producing the same and can rack up production anytime...however the buzz word is that we are only looking at 45 units with a further 100 to be procured by Russia and rest to be exported to friendly countries...

As I say it is a token order to justify the project economicaly viable for example how many Brahmos we plan to induct when we plan to joint venture with Russia & what order we actualy have today for brahmos .
IAF's plans are for 10 up to 2015. 5 within this year. To be based at IAF Hindon.
IAF's plans are for 10 up to 2015. 5 within this year. To be based at IAF Hindon.

Yes,but the contract(already signed) has a clause by virtue of which the Indian Air Force can extend the number to sixteen and this the maximum number that the Indian Air Force wants to go for.The Il76 Gajraj(numbering seventeen) have no modernisation plans so they will be canned.
The upgraded An32 will be the mainstay,the MTA(if and when inducted) will be in the middle.C130J are for spec ops and so the numbers are less.:frown:
He got this info directly from a RAW agent!!!! :lol:

Nahin, galat! ACM Browne personally told me; and then I crossed check with Sonia. MMS knew nothing about this matter.
Of course the IAF will use these in disaster relief ops where nessercary.

The point is not about necessity, but about possibility as we could see recently when even the C130Js could find usful landingstrips and it requires far smaller once than the C17!
There is a big confusion about the STOL capabilities of the C17, it's by far not comparable to other tactical transport aircrafts, it's only better in this field than most of the heavy class counterparts. So you will find more airstrips for it than for a C5 or AN 124, or even compared to our older IL 76 versions, but it still will remain a very big and heavy aircraft that requires quiet some space to operate.
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