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IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat


Apr 9, 2013
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The Indian Air Force has dropped a bomb with its alarming admission that it will be difficult for it to tackle a combined threat from China and Pakistan, raising questions about the country's ability to fight a two-front war.

The IAF has told a Parliamentary panel that Pakistan would certainly fish in troubled waters if China were to launch offensive operations against India. It, however, stressed that China may not pose "a collusive threat" if hostilities were to break out between India and Pakistan.

Setting off alarm bells, a senior IAF officer informed the Parliamentary standing committee on defence that a "collusive threat" from China and Pakistan would be difficult to tackle but the air force was prepared for it.

"We have made plans in case of contingency-III (two-front war)," he said, adding that India had upgraded its policy against China from dissuasion to deterrence.

The IAF currently operates 34 fighter squadrons, against a desirable 42. In a report tabled in Parliament on Tuesday, the panel asked the IAF to scale up its capabilities by speeding up the acquisition of 126 French Rafale fighters, a deal worth Rs. 120,000 crore.

The panel flagged concerns about poor border infrastructure on the Indian side, at a time when China has ramped road, rail and air connectivity across the line of actual control (LAC).

The panel warned that the pace of China's military modernisation and infrastructure development had affected the "strategic balance" between the two countries.

"Our defence forces must develop the capability to fight a multi-front war," the panel said. India is years behind the Chinese military with the neighbour currently outnumbering the country's combat power by a 3:1 ratio. India's hopes to bridge the gap in the next 15 years hinge on availability of funds.

Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday announced that the defence budget for 2014-15 had been hiked from Rs. 203,672 crore to Rs. 224, 000 crore, a 10% increase over last fiscal's outlay.

However, the meagre increase in the capital expenditure could hit the modernisation plans of the armed forces. The capital outlay has been increased from Rs. 86,740 crore to Rs. 89,587 crore in the interim budget for 2014-15, a hike of barely 3.2%.

China's official, but underreported, defence budget for 2013-14 stands at Rs. 594,000 crore.

IAF bombshell: Difficult to tackle China-Pak threat - Hindustan Times
howz that a revelation??thats the reason why IAF wants to increase the squadrons!
Its a revelation as the author spend most of his time getting info from Bharat Rakshak dot com. He finally venture out of that site and realize that reality is different.
With Pakistan's population set to increase to over 250 million over the next couple of decades, expect Pakistan to become a major military powerhouse in the world. On top of that, Pakistan is a major member of the 57 countries strong Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Expect Pakistan to have major Muslim allies in the event of a war. China is full steams ahead with new weapons like J-10B and J-20. Expect the qualitative gap between China and India to widen. To counter the threats in the near future, I suppose India must increase its defense spending not by 10% per year, but by at least 20% per year.
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I have always felt India's sanctioned squadron strength has been a very lower side. IAF should increase it's sanctioned strength to at least 50 sqdns. and Indian Navy's air wing need's to increase three folds.

LCA Mk2 needs to be deployed in larger numbers, and continuous development needs to be in place for Mk3 and Lead in fighter trainer versions.

SU30MKI, LCA MK2, LCA MK2Naval, and Rafale also needs to increase.
Do you know why this report was presented
Its Because IAF is worried that MODs decision to increase Tejas order from 169 Aircrafts ( 123 IAF + 46 Navy) to 294 Aircrafts (248 IAF + 46 Navy) would actually jeopardize the Rafale Deal
because 125 more Tejas cannot fill the gap left by not ordering 126 Rafales, even though MOD will save over 10 Billion USD in ordering more Tejas instead of Rafale
Do you know why this report was presented
Its Because IAF is worried that MODs decision to increase Tejas order from 169 Aircrafts ( 123 IAF + 46 Navy) to 294 Aircrafts (248 IAF + 46 Navy) would actually jeopardize the Rafale Deal
because 125 more Tejas cannot fill the gap left by not ordering 126 Rafales, even though MOD will save over 10 Billion USD in ordering more Tejas instead of Rafale

Time has come for us to adopt Made in India Systems and Platforms. Without genuine demand there cannot be supply and R&D. If Tejas can serve us well then what is the point in purchasing Rafale?

I am optimistic that the next government will push for further Indigenization of our defence forces.
Remember, it is the FITTEST which survives, not the BEST.
Pressure tactic to get the Raffale deal.

Foolish IAF, resorting to blackmail.
The Third Reich was arguably the most powerful and the most efficient war machine ever known to mankind. Yet it was crushed within a few years by a two front assault, in the west from Britain and America, in the east from the USSR. It is highly unlikely IAF can win a two front war, facing Pakistan and other Muslim countries in the west and facing China and other Muslim countries in the east.
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You mean the country that spends considerably less on defense WON'T challenge a country that spends way more? And here I been wondering about why China can't beat the US, and here I thought it was a Western plot.

Come on, why would this even come up, forget that Pakistan has close to if not surpassing 100 4th gen fighters, forget that they are building more.

China alone has about twice the number of Indian 4th gen planes.

China doesn't have a plan that says how to deal with full force US and Japan at the same time, you know why? Also why I don't got a plan that details how to fight Floyd Mayweather.
I'm pretty sure they everyone already knew that. The IAF is just creating a scene so that the government can speed up the MMRCA process.
The Indian government said: "There is no money left."

'There is no money left': Govt delays Rafale fighter jet deal - The Times of India

I don't get it, if they already "budgeted" for the first payment of the Rafale order (about 1-2 billion USD), then how come there is no money left?

The whole point of budgeting is to set aside the money for the right things. But when they looked, there was no money left? What's going on?
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