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IAEA Urges Iran to Explain Uranium Particles at Undeclared Site


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
What interesting timing.........
I`m sure that its just a complete coincidence... :rolleyes:

Nuclear Agency Urges Iran to Explain Uranium Particles at Undeclared Site


The UN nuclear watchdog on Thursday urged Iran to explain the presence of uranium particles at an undeclared site, as a landmark deal aimed at curbing Tehran's atomic activities threatens to collapse.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report made public last week that its inspectors had "detected natural uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at a location in Iran not declared to the agency".

The agency's acting head Cornel Feruta said IAEA and Iranian officials would meet in Tehran next week to discuss the matter, adding that the UN body had not received any additional information.

"The matter remains unresolved... It is essential that Iran works with the agency to resolve this matter promptly," he told IAEA member states at a meeting of the agency's board of governors.

A diplomatic source told AFP that the IAEA would send a high-ranking technical delegation to Iran next week.

The particles are understood to be the product of uranium which has been mined and undergone initial processing, but not enriched.

While the IAEA has not named the site in question, diplomatic sources have previously said the agency asked Iran about a site in the Turquzabad district of Tehran where Israel has alleged secret atomic activity in the past.

Sources say the IAEA took samples from the site in the spring and that Iran has been slow in providing answers to explain the test results.

The 2015 deal between Iran and world powers has been faltering since last year when the United States pulled out and started to reinstate punishing sanctions on Tehran, leaving the other signatories struggling to salvage the agreement.

Over the past few months, Iran has breached several parts of the deal it signed with the US as well as Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, in which it committed to scaling back its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

But Britain, France and Germany have said they are extremely concerned by Iran's actions in stepping up its uranium enrichment and other breaches.

Enrichment is the process that produces fuel for nuclear power plants but also, in highly extended form, the fissile core for a warhead.

On Monday, the IAEA confirmed Iran's stock of heavy water for reactors has surpassed the 130-tonne limit set under the agreement.

Heavy water is not itself radioactive but is used in nuclear reactors to absorb neutrons from nuclear fission.

Heavy water reactors can be used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons as an alternative to enriched uranium.

The IAEA has also said one of its inspectors was briefly prevented from leaving Iran, calling her treatment "not acceptable".

Iran has cancelled the inspector's accreditation, saying she triggered a security check at the entrance gate to the Natanz enrichment plant last month.

The IAEA has disputed the Iranian account of the incident, without going into details.
What a fucking farce this IAEA/JCPOA bullshit has become. I used to believe in it, but now I'm just lost.

I'm just sitting here hoping Iran ratchets up the stakes until finally someone in Iran kicks out these no good *** wipes along with any other foreign asset working on behalf of Iran's enemies.

Sick and tired of hearing how Iran's nuclear energy infrastructure must be monitored...**** off you hypocritical pricks. Israel has nukes, India, Pakistan and others have nukes and nuclear energy. Iran shouldn't be barred from it whatsoever...

Double standards are just unbelievably infuriating..

What's good for me is not for thee....
What interesting timing.........
I`m sure that its just a complete coincidence... :rolleyes:

Nuclear Agency Urges Iran to Explain Uranium Particles at Undeclared Site


The UN nuclear watchdog on Thursday urged Iran to explain the presence of uranium particles at an undeclared site, as a landmark deal aimed at curbing Tehran's atomic activities threatens to collapse.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report made public last week that its inspectors had "detected natural uranium particles of anthropogenic origin at a location in Iran not declared to the agency".

The agency's acting head Cornel Feruta said IAEA and Iranian officials would meet in Tehran next week to discuss the matter, adding that the UN body had not received any additional information.

"The matter remains unresolved... It is essential that Iran works with the agency to resolve this matter promptly," he told IAEA member states at a meeting of the agency's board of governors.

A diplomatic source told AFP that the IAEA would send a high-ranking technical delegation to Iran next week.

The particles are understood to be the product of uranium which has been mined and undergone initial processing, but not enriched.

While the IAEA has not named the site in question, diplomatic sources have previously said the agency asked Iran about a site in the Turquzabad district of Tehran where Israel has alleged secret atomic activity in the past.

Sources say the IAEA took samples from the site in the spring and that Iran has been slow in providing answers to explain the test results.

The 2015 deal between Iran and world powers has been faltering since last year when the United States pulled out and started to reinstate punishing sanctions on Tehran, leaving the other signatories struggling to salvage the agreement.

Over the past few months, Iran has breached several parts of the deal it signed with the US as well as Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, in which it committed to scaling back its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

But Britain, France and Germany have said they are extremely concerned by Iran's actions in stepping up its uranium enrichment and other breaches.

Enrichment is the process that produces fuel for nuclear power plants but also, in highly extended form, the fissile core for a warhead.

On Monday, the IAEA confirmed Iran's stock of heavy water for reactors has surpassed the 130-tonne limit set under the agreement.

Heavy water is not itself radioactive but is used in nuclear reactors to absorb neutrons from nuclear fission.

Heavy water reactors can be used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons as an alternative to enriched uranium.

The IAEA has also said one of its inspectors was briefly prevented from leaving Iran, calling her treatment "not acceptable".

Iran has cancelled the inspector's accreditation, saying she triggered a security check at the entrance gate to the Natanz enrichment plant last month.

The IAEA has disputed the Iranian account of the incident, without going into details.

Iran should explain that like that:

Or be prepared for bombing by allies for not possessing WMD.
What a fucking farce this IAEA/JCPOA bullshit has become. I used to believe in it, but now I'm just lost.

I'm just sitting here hoping Iran ratchets up the stakes until finally someone in Iran kicks out these no good *** wipes along with any other foreign asset working on behalf of Iran's enemies.

Sick and tired of hearing how Iran's nuclear energy infrastructure must be monitored...**** off you hypocritical pricks. Israel has nukes, India, Pakistan and others have nukes and nuclear energy. Iran shouldn't be barred from it whatsoever...

Double standards are just unbelievably infuriating..

What's good for me is not for thee....

Man made uranium isotopes at a location and Iran says it’s a “carpet washing facility”. I mean come on.

The sad thing is Iran’s nuclear apparatus is filled with spies if they are able to find these things. I mean up till 2003, nobody knew about Iran’s nuclear program. Up till 2006 ?no one knew about Fordow.

But suddenly spots are being located. This isn’t the first one either. There was factory that was bulldozed after being discovered.

If Iran has a nuclear weapons program hopefully it’s better concealed then this amateur hour.
Man made uranium isotopes at a location and Iran says it’s a “carpet washing facility”. I mean come on.

The sad thing is Iran’s nuclear apparatus is filled with spies if they are able to find these things. I mean up till 2003, nobody knew about Iran’s nuclear program. Up till 2006 ?no one knew about Fordow.

But suddenly spots are being located. This isn’t the first one either. There was factory that was bulldozed after being discovered.

If Iran has a nuclear weapons program hopefully it’s better concealed then this amateur hour.

Bang on the money man, you bring up a really important potentially fatal (well actually fatal) point and that is just how porous certain areas of Iran's internal infrastructure actually are.

I hark back to the unjustified and horrendous killings of the nuclear scientist by Israel or Israeli trained Iranian traitors which just boggles my mind that the security in place by Iran at that time and still now is just so filled with holes, saying it was woefully inadequate is an understatement, amongst other things. Granted there has been an increase and concerted effort (I assume) to try and mitigate any future breaches of security but when that Nazi/Fascist Netanyahu and his Jewish supremacist ilk can just come out on Israeli television and consistently show the world about some new Israeli operation in Iran I just lose it lol. Really brings one's moral down knowing that literally next door or at work there is someone who just isn't who they say they are and they're actively working against your interest and nation.

I do agree that Iran has quite of amateurish establishments running things, like. How can this many leaks and security breaches happen constantly? There should be an increase in security in Iran but hell who am I to say. This is an area that I don't fully know. If we are being real with ourselves and just call a spade a spade so to speak. There are tons of Iranians who are blindly sympathetic to Israel and will go out of their way to subvert their own nation to further progress Israel and American goals within the country. So going about countering the security issues is an inherently difficult task even in the best of times I guess. Or Iran could genuinely be combating Israeli operations in Iran proper but are finding it difficult for some reason or another.

To your last comment, man, I've always been a supporter of Iran attainting or at least having a breakout nuclear weapons capability for obvious reasons. So many detractors on this sensitive can just shove off in my honest opinion. The world is not a nice place and human beings do not view themselves as equals. Ballistic missiles and proxies won't truly level the playing field as long as nation states like Israel have nuclear weapons that can fatally cripple other nations. Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons?

IAEA mofos should first explain why traces of explosive materials was found on their inspector during sceurity checks in Natanz?

Iran cancels accreditation of IAEA nuclear inspector

Thing is they wont and what is increasingly apparent is how the IAEA will become more and more influenced by those who want to use it as yet another tool to pressure and directly spy within Iran which they're already doing.
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