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I will fight against the army if it tries to take over: Qadri

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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I will fight against the army if it tries to take over: Qadri
By Reuters
Published: June 27, 2014

LAHORE: Tahirul Qadri, who has been vowing to bring down the country’s government, has denied widespread speculation he is backed by the powerful military.

Qadri flew into Pakistan this week from his home in Canada, calling for revolution following months of tension between the government and the military.

The military launched an offensive this month against Taliban insurgents after lengthy government-backed peace talks failed and the Taliban attacked the country’s busiest airport.

Qadri’s arrival prompted fevered speculation in a coup-prone country where conspiracy theories are a national pastime. Many insinuated he had military backing, which the cleric-turned-political activist emphatically denies.

“I will fight against the Pakistan army if it tries to take over,” Qadri told Reuters in an interview, but stopped short of giving details of how he would do this.

“I am against military rule. My destination is true democracy,” he added, speaking in the sitting-room of his heavily guarded home on Thursday night, surrounded by aides and pictures of Muslim holy sites.

His supporters clashed with riot police this week outside the capital’s main airport, causing his plane to be diverted. Qadri refused to leave his business class seat for several hours after landing.

Qadri said he feared for his safety because nine people were killed in a stand off between his supporters and police the week before. The cleric has a large network of religious schools, from which he draws many of his supporters.

On Thursday, he renewed his calls for a peaceful revolution, but was coy about his strategies, timing and ultimate goals.

“I will achieve my goal just through the struggle of the masses,” he said. “They will come out on the roads and will force the rulers to resign.”

Qadri wants the elected government to resign over accusations of electoral fraud, but is unclear exactly how its replacement would be chosen.

“I want neither mid-term nor long-term elections,” he said. “I don’t want anything which is not legitimate. My concerns are true democracy, fair elections and human rights.”

Qadri’s long speeches calling for political reform – punctuated by detailed constitutional references – may strike less of a chord among Pakistanis than his outrage over daily power cuts, high unemployment and inflation.

He is now working to build alliances with other figures in the opposition, including popular cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan, who has offered Qadri tentative encouragement.

It’s yet more pressure on the embattled government of Nawaz Sharif, already bruised by confrontations with the military.

Sharif knows the power of protests: he was previously overthrown in a coup in 1999, but saw his nemesis, the former army chief, forced to resign by mass street protests in 2008.

Qadri, whose website says he has written more than 1,000 books and is a man of “manifold and staggering achievements,” hopes for a repeat of that episode.

“Corrupt rulers are making money instead of resolving people’s problems,” he says.

Pakistan’s parliament, stuffed with wealthy lawmakers who pay neither taxes nor utility bills, is one of Qadri’s favourite targets.

In response, the country’s Federal Investigation Agency announced this week that it would scrutinize Qadri’s affairs.

Qadri has sworn not to be deterred.

“I want rule of law, equality between poor and rich, men and women and Muslims and non-Muslims,” he said firmly. “I will continue my struggle until the goals are achieved.”
Well buddy without them you cant do anything and against them you would run away to planet Neptune. :P :P

All hail business class revolution.
yes he will go sit inside an air conditioned container or Emirate plane and fight from there whenever there is a slightest of danger to his life.
“I will fight against the Pakistan army if it tries to take over,” Qadri told Reuters in an interview, but stopped short of giving details of how he would do this.

He is trying to spread anarchy in Pakistan and openly saying that he will fight against Army. His supporters are already fighting with police on the streets, now he wants to fight the army too. This guy is bad news for Pakistan.

If anarchy spreads in Pakistan because of his actions and Army tries to take control of the situation and tries to stop him will he fight the army?
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It's funny, without the army he probably doesn't stand a chance. The man is worthless, first he says that he wants the military to help him topple the government, now he wants the military to stay out of the nation's affairs, which is it?
calls himself an alaama and then goes on to surrender a Muslim countries identity for a non Muslim one (in spite of having the option to keep both)

seeks immunity from Pakistan and then tries to rule it

chants against the only people who are ready to sacrifice their lives for our safety and security

get this GREEDY guy out !!!

PAK ARMY for the win


on a side note though:

having a beard long enough to mop the floor etc. does not make a guy "mr. nice guy or religious" its his actions and character that do.
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