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‘I was framed’: Court outburst by mining tycoon Liu Han as he is sentenced to death

Well, then clean them all. Everyone of you can help Xi watching over the Chinese official, so the law can stand and protect your country from those Rat (corruptors).

At least, the corrupt offcials are not the worst threat for China, while those liberal scholars who believe the full privatization of China's economy are even worse.

China supports those competitive private corporations.

For now, CPC didn't blindly follow the ideology of the equality, but the fairness. Since it is reasonable that a CEO is making more money than a waitress. When you are a more educated person who has spent more time to study, you deserve to earn more money than others.

But there is nothing worse than the full privatization of the SOEs.

Some SOEs are the blood vessels of the national economy, it must be secured and regulated by the government, and it is unthinkable when it is being completely controlled by other foreign vulture capitalists.

The nationalization and the privatization must find a good balance in between, while the extremism of either side will produce the good result.
At least, the corrupt offcials are not the worst threat for China, while those liberal scholars who believe the full privatization of China's economy are even worse.

China supports those competitive private corporations.

For now, CPC didn't blindly follow the ideology of the equality, but the fairness. Since it is reasonable that a CEO is making more money than a waitress. When you are a more educated person who has spent more time to study, you deserve to earn more money than others.

But there is nothing worse than the full privatization of the SOEs.

Some SOEs are the blood vessels of the national economy, it must be secured and regulated by the government, and it is unthinkable when it is being completely controlled by other foreign vulture capitalists.

The nationalization and the privatization must find a good balance in between, while the extremism of either side will produce the good result.

It is not corruption matter :D Well, for that I'll leave it to you, Chinese people. Because it is more about strategy than belief / justice. You can decide which is better for your economy. Sometime, private company is better than government one, but sometime, state owned company is better. I can't give my opinion on this :D

But after rereading of your post, I have to agree with you. If that company is vital, it shouldn't be sell to foreign people
It is not corruption matter :D Well, for that I'll leave it to you, Chinese people. Because it is more about strategy than belief / justice. You can decide which is better for your economy. Sometime, private company is better than government one, but sometime, state owned company is better. I can't give my opinion on this :D

I think the SOEs should control the strategic one, while leave the civilian sector to the private corporations.

The belief of blind privatization is just another form of extremism.
I think the SOEs should control the strategic one, while leave the civilian sector to the private corporations.

The belief of blind privatization is just another form of extremism.

I agree. It happen to my country. One of my stupid president sold our national strategic asset to foreign company
I agree. It happen to my country. One of my stupid president sold our national strategic asset to foreign company

The liberal economic thinkers are selling their poison to other nations.

Since the US is a plutocracy nation, all their corporate elites are looking to control the economic blood vessels of the other nations.

Most of your SOEs are simply gigantic that none of your local private corporations wouldn't even have enough capitals to handle their huge running projects. So the privatization will lead your SOEs and natural resources falling at the hand of those giant vulture capitalists from the US. While the process to build up your infrastructure will be disrupted.

The liberal economic doctrine is just another form of the colonization invented by the West, since they have used the same tactic to destroy the national economic of USSR. Just look what they have done to Russia. And Russia was supposed to be as powerful as the US, but just look how much Russia has been weakened by this liberal economic doctrine.
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Everyone thought about the economic reform, but Deng was just the person who implemented it.

But for sure, we don't forget his good contribution for the economic reform.

Because what Deng has done, it is ok to refute all the goods that Mao had done?

Without Mao, it is questionable that China could even possess the nukes, while the first step of China's industrialization was laid down by Mao.
Deng does not just contributed to economic reform but the Deng's theory contributed to integration of market capitalism with Chinese socialism characteristics. On the foreign policy side, he shifts active engagement to non-intervention, allowing us to buy time, stay low, and build up our economic strength. He shapes China pragmatic approach to geopolitics, economics, and diplomacy which became the most important policy in keeping China out of messy global conflict. No matter how big much of a mouth we had in the 1980s, there is simply no way we can back it up. Soviet's failed because they exhausted militarily. Thanks to Deng's low key approach to international conflict, it allows us to build up and now we can back up what we say we will do, militarily and economically.

Mao contributed to the formation of PRC but it was Deng that took the country to a new level. Think George Washington as Mao and Abraham Lincoln as Deng.
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