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I take back this opinion - Seems elecctions is the best way

Pakistan situation seems to be similar to Egypt. First let the youth be happy and protest and make noise, then give them hope and then suddenly give a big shock and setback, destroy their moral and dreams so they go back to their lives and let the big boys handle politics.

In Egypt the youth rose up against long rule of Hosni Mubarak, he would not step down until Barak Obama and rest of west leaders pressurised him to step down, once he stepped down the MB and Salafis overtook the revolution, then under the new electrol system both Salafis and MB won majority of the seats and took over the government for 1 year until the military toppled them. The youths were sidelined.

Now in Egypt junior Mubarak is in power and secular and liberal parties are dominating the parliament. The Egyptian youth who wanted a change have disappeared, the MB and Salafis who won majority have disappeared.

How is this even possible. Under one electrol system you win 300 seats and under another one you win 5. The youth who were protesting on the streets have disappeared whilst the big boys are back.

Pakistan is similar, all youth had enough of Nawaz and Zardari, then IK came with hope and new vision, all youth followed and cheered for him, he became PM and it was naya Pakistan, then he was toppled and the youths are in jail and being tortured, their hopes and dreams are finished. Remember the real message is for the millions who are watching.

It looks all engineered. I wonder what the youths felt when Bhutto was hanged or Pakistan was divided. Their hopes and dreams were shattered and probably left politics for the big boys.

Is it our turn to give up, take a backseat and let the big boys come back. Believe it or not we are at the end of the road.

Things can still be changed for a better future !

Big Time India deliver us from our own monsters… and sooner than later someone would declare any officer and families légitime target !
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Yep given them even more free rein. No thanks they through their lot in with cutthroats, criminals and bandits.
The biggest benificiaries of the failing system should be made incharge of creating the new system.
"Billi ko Duudh ki Rakhwali karaa lo"
(Cat should be put on guard of Milk)

People are still posting this stuff in this age of media and awareness. Unbelieveable.
Who the hell is Asim Munir or any army chief for that matter?

People of Pakistan are the rulers of the country. The people they choose are the bosses of the military forces. The Pakistan army and its chief should be relegated to the position where they belong. I dont understand our obsession with army chief and his unauthorized powers he has usurped for himself.

Because army has never been confronted with genuine questions and never been held accountable, they have become outright thugs and criminals. Its time we as nation should end this illegal occupation.
Asim Munir is already defacto in power and all he needs to do is defunct these aging parties. Pakistan belongs to the people and these people aren't in our benefit.

He needs to take office for 5 years and do alot of reforms in these 5 years. PPP, PML, PTI none of them shall ever be seen anywhere..

Pakistan belongs to today's youth and the next parties after Asim Munir's 5 years reform should be parties made out of Pakistan's youth entirely new faces.

Pakistan has no place for ridiculous boomers
Again most dumb stupid ideas. These idiotic ideas have never worked and will never work. What Asim Munir needs to do is stop interfering in politics, and do the job of protecting borders and let those people good or bad chosen by people rule.

The biggest benificiaries of the failing system should be made incharge of creating the new system.
"Billi ko Duudh ki Rakhwali karaa lo"
(Cat should be put on guard of Milk)

People are still posting this stuff in this age of media and awareness. Unbelieveable.
There is no cure to ignorance followed by arrogance.
Its like putting ISI in charge to investigate arshad sharif assasination. Lets investigate ourselves to see if we guilty.

The only thing this fauj needs to do is stay tf out of everything and let people live.
Asim Munir should cease office for 5 years and make all political parties defunct these political parties should never rise again. He can either assume office or put someone else from the military in charge on interim basis for 5 years until everything stabilizes.

Main while Pakistan's youth will begin creating new fresh political parties and when that 5 years time is reached elections will resume in Pakistan and this time under entirely new political parties with new faces. Any youth party who has any sort of links or ties to the former elements will be disqualified.

But Asim Munir has to defunct PPP and PML and the remaining parties along PTI.

Nobody wants PPP, PML and the remaining parties in Pakistan and by doing this Asim Munir will gain the trust of the people and support which is crucial. giving Pakistan to the youth who are the future of Pakistan.

Nawaz', Zardaris etc etc these people are old and spend including there families and this is just an end of an era and Asim Munir has to realize this.. No need to do clean sweep on only PTI but all of them cause the people are sick and tired of these dynasties.

What Pakistan needs is basically to begin on a new fresh chapter
Asim Munir should cease office for 5 years and make all political parties defunct these political parties should never rise again. He can either assume office or put someone else from the military in charge on interim basis for 5 years until everything stabilizes.

Main while Pakistan's youth will begin creating new fresh political parties and when that 5 years time is reached elections will resume in Pakistan and this time under entirely new political parties with new faces. Any youth party who has any sort of links or ties to the former elements will be disqualified.

But Asim Munir has to defunct PPP and PML and the remaining parties along PTI.

Nobody wants PPP, PML and the remaining parties in Pakistan and by doing this Asim Munir will gain the trust of the people and support which is crucial. giving Pakistan to the youth who are the future of Pakistan.

Nawaz', Zardaris etc etc these people are old and spend including there families and this is just an end of an era and Asim Munir has to realize this.. No need to do clean sweep on only PTI but all of them cause the people are sick and tired of these dynasties.

What Pakistan needs is basically to begin on a new fresh chapter
a better solution is to defunct Asim Munir and his Army Ghundas...a source of all ills.
A politicians, now matter how evil cannot cause all these problems because they know they have to go back to people and they know after 5 years they will be made accountable for their crimes. Generals on the other hand are not answerable to anyone, they think.

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