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i need help from members


Feb 22, 2012
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now the elections is close and i dont know who to choose i wanted abo el fotouh he was in the muslim brotherhood but he left he is liberal he has some good ideas about the future and national projects but what worries me is sometimes he says things and the opposite like our marshal tantawi he said once he should be gone after this he said he will help me in buliding the new egypt
he talks like liberal but the salfis support him and i dont know why
and what is wrong is the salfis are supporting him
and this
after this he says i dont recognize isreal
here is a video shows him with taliban in afganstan
some people say it is normal in poltics but i dont know who i am electing so i want to hear your opinions
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vote for secular liberals not Dik h34D mullahs or fundos
the problem is the top 4 are
1 him
2 hamdeen sabahi belives in arab nationalty and want us to fight for them again he is nasri (follows abd el nasser)
3 ahmed safik was in the mubark regime and there are some talks about corruption
4 amr mosa the same mubark riegime also corruption
i dont know who to choose
do not Vote for any one who was associated with Mobarak, elect between brotherhood and fotouh because they will be able to coordinate well with the recently elected parliament , fine tuning is always required between president and parliament.
do not Vote for any one who was associated with Mobarak, elect between brotherhood and fotouh because they will be able to coordinate well with the recently elected parliament , fine tuning is always required between president and parliament.
i dont want the muslim brotherhood i want to elect someone far from them .abo el fotouh was from them but he left them and they are running for presdint agnist him with someone from the brotherhood but i am worried that it could be just a play to gurantee some one from them will be presdient
I think egyptan people should vote for the secular candidates and avoid Salafis. This is because electing salafis would ruin peace with Egypt's neighbours and Egypt needs domestic stability.
I think egyptan people should vote for the secular candidates and avoid Salafis. This is because electing salafis would ruin peace with Egypt's neighbours and Egypt needs domestic stability.
the secular candidates are 3
2 from the mubark regime
1 who dont want peace

is that your dad ... nana , dada ??? whats the joke i lost u

the problem is the top 4 are
1 him
2 hamdeen sabahi belives in arab nationalty and want us to fight for them again he is nasri (follows abd el nasser)
3 ahmed safik was in the mubark regime and there are some talks about corruption
4 amr mosa the same mubark riegime also corruption
i dont know who to choose

bad choices unfortunately 2 hipocrats ex mubaraks , one ethnically nationalist and one fundo ... :hitwall:
I like Amr Moussa

i dont want the muslim brotherhood i want to elect someone far from them .abo el fotouh was from them but he left them and they are running for presdint agnist him with someone from the brotherhood but i am worried that it could be just a play to gurantee some one from them will be presdient

the Brotherhood is actually pretty progressive minded......conservative, but not in a 'bad' way

the Al-Nour party however is bad news for Egypt.....'bad' in the sense that they focus so much on social issues that they have no real plan or roadmap to take the economy forward

at least ikhwan consists of educated people who do have an economic and political plan....i met once Dr. Mohammad Shater - very bright individual
What's the problem with muslim brotherhood? what is AKP to turkey is what Muslim brotherhood is to Egypt
Vote whoever you like, I seriously doubt brotherhood can turn egypt into theocratic state. Egyptians are too modern for that.
So if you find the brotherhood candidate talking sense and reliable, you should not eliminate him from your choices.
I always choose candidates on their economic policies because social and economic problems are above all. Youths of the countries need jobs and prosperity, not confrontations with foreigners.
The brotherhood are not corrupt, and seem the best out of a bad bunch, maybe they might act like the AK party of Turkey.
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