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"I killed 13 children today" - Israeli sniper


Okkkkkkkkk chill dude

How do you know that this is not made by a fake account?

Has anyone checked his IP?

Making such claims based on Twitter feeds is total BS and shows how easy it is to influence people
Indians and Israelis Flip side to the same newly manufactured coin. Now Internet Indians have to troll for IDF
No one denies high death toll of Palestinian citizens. At occasions, Israeli soldiers have also targeted children and it is a known and verified fact - just the other day there was a thread about some commander being under investigation for such an act. But that doesn't negates the fact that propaganda is used, not necessarily by Palestinians but may be by sympathizers who are spread all over the world.

Not trying to negate that propaganda isn't being used, the only problem again is that Israelis have engaged in it far more, than civilian either living their life miserably dreading for the next bombing or in refugee camps. Some commander targeted schools,hospitals,mosques and in the latest mishap- the UN camps? You know that drama of investigation.

P.S. The support for Israel and its every actions from the majority of your countrymen, is unbelievable.
Not trying to negate that propaganda isn't being used, the only problem again is that Israelis have engaged in it far more, than civilian either living their life miserably dreading for the next bombing or in refugee camps. Some commander targeted schools,hospitals,mosques and in the latest mishap- the UN camps? You know that drama of investigation.
Than make it that it is not so obvious. Hurts the credibility of legitimate news. It becomes crying wolf. I saw a fake image and next day a post like this, how am I to believe that it is not a lie like yesterday? At least the Israeli propagandist don't make such silly mistakes, learn from the enemy if you can!
P.S. The support for Israel and its every actions from the majority of your countrymen, is unbelievable.
They tend to draw an equivalence with own country - Mumbai and all. They haven't got faintest of clue about the conditions of Gaza and, accept it, HAMAS isn't the smartest of organization out there.
Darkie, that link doesn't disprove the fact that you people love hoping on israels dick. In every israel/palestinian thread, you people descend like a horde of fangirls defending your boy band(israel) with all your might. Ignoring the fact that your boy band(israel) could'nt care less about you.

I'm really starting to believe that jews weren't persecuted all throughout history for no reason.
And the great martial race Pakistan keeps beating its chest and does nothing to stop Israel.
What did you guys do till now for Palestine?55+ Islamic nations and you couldn't do anything.Empty vessels make more noise.
Butthurt people.
No matter what you say for a White man you are still a brown **** :rofl::rofl:
So why try to be white, when they laugh at you trying to be a white man.:omghaha:
So rich coming from a brown pakistani about dark skin you know the term Coconut "Brown on outside,white on inside". :D

Dumb darkie proves it again. I didn't mention anything about being white or a white man. I'm light not white darkie. There's a difference, not that I expect a darkie to understand. To you and your people anything not dark is white or trying to be. lol you can't even form sentences properly.
Dumb darkie proves it again. I didn't mention anything about being white or a white man. I'm light not white darkie. There's a difference, not that I expect a darkie to understand. To you and your people anything not dark is white or trying to be. lol you can't even form sentences properly.

Light or dark brown, you are still regarded as a darkie or a **** or a Sammy or a Coolie or a Curry Kakker in your adopted land. No need glorifying your slightly lighter complexion.
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