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I can answer questions about China and help you understand our country

I have few questions,

Is weed easily available there and what is overall society's reaction to it?

why chinese are famous for gambling a lot? are there many casinos there?

do chinese really eat each and every animal and insect?
On the contrary, I don't know that for a fact. Financial support for the Falun Gong from the US government is a red herring, it is the opposite. Falun Gong has been spending millions lobbying for US government support for its cause. Falun Gong is supported by wealthy Chinese in and outside China. Your portrayal of the group as opportunistic Chinese causing trouble on CIA's dime is inaccurate.
Falungong is also supported by anti-China forces such as Taiwan.
Falungong has little influence on Chinese mainland and is not recognized by Chinese Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and other religions.
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I have few questions,

Is weed easily available there and what is overall society's reaction to it?

why chinese are famous for gambling a lot? are there many casinos there?

do chinese really eat each and every animal and insect?
1.no, we have strict laws for drugs and we see weed as a drug.
2.really? maybe some underground casinos? if you mean casinos in film, you can go to Macao. but much Chinese play mahjong.
3.some people in some areas eat some kind of weird things.
I have few questions,

Is weed easily available there and what is overall society's reaction to it?

why chinese are famous for gambling a lot? are there many casinos there?

do chinese really eat each and every animal and insect?

Weed is illegal and highly illegal like other drugs but some people can still get it and use it. Maybe it is more common than other drug but the attitude is the same.

Gambling is a common problem maybe because of the idea of being able to make easy money and enjoy your time. I don't think it is that much worse than other places unless we are talking about very religious place that does not allow gambling at all. It seems worse in China as it is illegal and so has bad stigma and whenever there is the opportunity, it seems many people become addicted as that is the portrayal in the culture. Chinese have to go overseas or to Macau to gamble legally otherwise underground casinos which has the negative stigma.

No, all humans actually eat huge range of animals in the past and depending on culture and history. Englishman used to eat everything too and have wide menu and recipes even a few hundred years ago before industrialization. Industrialization made food production more streamline and mass produced so selected certain animals and styles of preparation to make things faster and cheaper and produce more. French even though industrialized, still kept many of their traditional foods like snails or frogs.

There are places in the world where maggots are local cuisine in Africa and South America. Some countries eat insects more than others due to food shortage. Indians following some Hindu branch or Bhuddist branch may totally avoid all meats and some eat humans, rats, and dogs in India. Just depends. Americans eat alligators and turtles, Italians ate bats from caves until extinction of the species of bats. We have in the past used bats in traditional medicines but not really as food. It is still buyable in blackmarket because there are still many Chinese people with old mindsets. If there are Chinese who eat bats, it is rarer than German eating humans. I'm sure they exist but this certainly is not normal. Even dog meat these days is rare and not normal although some places in China continue some traditions. It is more common in Korea.

Although as east Asians we do eat all types of seafood like the Korean and Japanese cousins. Almost every type of seafood is okay I think hahaha.

With China, we never had a forced unified religion that forbid certain meats or forbid meat totally like Indians. Europeans too. Places have different delicacies or even common strange foods. Vietnamese eat raw fertilized eggs, some Europeans eat maggoty cheese.

Most of the meats consumed in China is pork though! Very different attitude there between Chinese and Muslims. Second would be chicken and then fish and seafoods and beef. Actually quite a bit more uncommon to get more exotic but I know it is easy to get pheasant, venison, and duck which might be more rare in the west. Even more exotic but more uncommon would be snake and frog. Stranger than that usually you need to go to black market. There are still people who believe some exotic meats are more nutritious and healthier but it is a very rare and old attitude these days.

On the topic of food which I think is interesting is I notice east Asian attitude to food is definitely a bit more different to English or Anglo one. Asians like variety and bigger choice. I feel the attitude is some of us feel dissatisfied with sandwich with bacon and egg or chicken fried and beef and potatoes all day. This attitude is true for many Asians I noticed. This explains why our menus still remain bigger than other countries even though in the past they may have much larger menus too but now some are very small while others are in between.

Indonesians find bats nice to eat, Australians eat kangaroo, Greek find sheep eyeballs nice to eat and Finnish or Swedish like rotting shark or some fish they have preserved there. Scottish like sheep bladder and the stereotype is Chinese like to eat everything. This is maybe half true as our preference for wide selection is definitely true but it is much less common than people think. For those who have lived all over China for a while they can understand what I mean. There is definitely exotic for anglo standards but it isn't quite so common and there is very exotic like pangolin or snake but honestly there is weird choices all over the world especially in places that have kept their old menus or some are too poor to choose. In Ukraine's holodomor, people ate human beings. During the worst of China's famine, people ate dogs and grass sometimes.
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Stop lying. Those rich people you're talking about are American politicians. Behind the NGO that support cults are the CIA.
Also, I don't mind that the USA supports the cults. Because it is notorious and has no support in China, it will not affect China's stability at all. On the contrary, their propaganda can quickly worsen the image of the USA in the hearts of Chinese students and urge them to return home after graduation.
Moreover, it is impossible for these cults not to penetrate American society. Sooner or later, they will bite the United States.

Lying? The benefit of living in a transparent society is that I can see where my tax dollars are being spent. I can also see which lobbyist has made campaign contributions to which politician.

And I can see the FLG have made substantial contributions in the past.

As for the flow of funds in reverse, I can tell you the Trump administration paid FLG 20 m$ to buy their ultrasurf. A piece of software that allows dissidents wherever they may be to communicate and collaborate without the fear of being caught and persecuted by oppressive regimes. A piece of software that their activist use in China.

I don't trust FLG neither do I trust the CPC. For the FLG, the US is just a means to an end.
And your narrative that the FLG is evil while the CPC is as pure as fresh driven snow is equally preposterous.
What terrible things have been done in American history?
John Biles
1,Slavery. Starting in 1619; there were four million slaves by 1860.
2,Beating your wife was generally legal in the US for a very long time.
3,Raping your wife was also legal.
4,The US killed and dispossessed 100s of 1000s of Native Americans, stealing their land.
5 ,We infected Blacks with smallpox while telling them we were treating them for diseases (Tuskeegee experiment)
6,We loan-sharked just about every major Caribbean island, sometimes occupying them for over a decade to extort money from them.
7,Our ambassador to Mexico helped General Huerta murder the freely elected president of Mexico, helping to cause a decade long civil war that killed a million people.
8,We beat up Mexico and took half its land.
9,We slaughtered each other in a civil war to the tune of 750,000 dead.
10,We allowed defeated Southern traitors to take over the South and run a racial segregation system for a century.
11,Southerners and Confederate wannabes put up monuments to traitors all over.
12,We punched out Spain and took its colonies, then killed thousands of Phillipinos who wanted independence.
13,We joined an eight nation alliance to punch China in the face.
14,We stole the entire nation of Panama from Colombia.
15,We beat up and killed Blacks in repeated race riots, including literally bombing blacks in Tulsa in 1921.
16,We also bombed striking miners in the 1920s
17,The US army has beat up a lot of strikers over the years.
18,We let the wealthy run riot, doing things like killing their own employees with unsafe equipment and did nothing for decades about it.
19,We polluted America to the point that in the 1970s, the river through Chicago was *flammable*.
20,We buried our cities in smog.
21,We backed dictators around the world in the 1940s to 80s because they were anti-communist.
22,We overthrew elected democratic governments which threatened US businesses or might have if
23,we’d left them intact long enough to do anything.
24,We send drones which lay waste to places in our war on terror, killing terrorist and civilian alike.
Among other things.
Article source:
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I have few questions,

Is weed easily available there and what is overall society's reaction to it?

why chinese are famous for gambling a lot? are there many casinos there?

do chinese really eat each and every animal and insect?

The Chinese do like to gamble. But Gambling is tightly regulated in China, where gambling games are widely available but organized casinos are rare.

As for eating strange things, I don't think Chinese people eat more strange things than other countries. Most people eat just the same things, and a few people have special hobbies. In general, strange foods include several specific bugs, cicadas, scorpions, centipedes, and silkworms are the most common. Unusual animals include dogs, snakes and rabbits. There is also a special group of wildlife lovers who will eat a variety of rare animals, but these people are very small, older and illegal. Very few young people have this hobby. As for bats, China has no habit of eating them at all. Even that special group doesn't eat bats.
@MH.Yang Can you recommend me any books on Deng Xiaoping? Everytime I hear his speeches I burst into tears. I would argue that he was the most important man in the history of communist China.
Chinese people are generally atheists. But China has 180 million Buddhists, 30 million Christians and 30 million Muslims.

The Chinese Constitution stipulates that Chinese citizens have the freedom to believe in religion. However, China prohibits the dissemination of cults. Generally, China only recognizes Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Taoism. Every university in China has halal restaurants, and China has 39000 mosques.
BTW: there are 2000 mosques in the United States and 1750 mosques in Britain.
What is the condition of muslims or in China?
Also do ethnicity mattes in treatment of muslims?
Also is the condition of muslims remained same under new regime or there is any change ?
Advance apology if it sounds rude but it is a genuine query. Thank you.



The China Islamic Association organizes more than 10,000 pilgrims to Saudi Arabia every year. Mosques in China also have a lot of foreign exchanges.
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Lying? The benefit of living in a transparent society is that I can see where my tax dollars are being spent. I can also see which lobbyist has made campaign contributions to which politician.

And I can see the FLG have made substantial contributions in the past.

As for the flow of funds in reverse, I can tell you the Trump administration paid FLG 20 m$ to buy their ultrasurf. A piece of software that allows dissidents wherever they may be to communicate and collaborate without the fear of being caught and persecuted by oppressive regimes. A piece of software that their activist use in China.

I don't trust FLG neither do I trust the CPC. For the FLG, the US is just a means to an end.
And your narrative that the FLG is evil while the CPC is as pure as fresh driven snow is equally preposterous.

Let me remind you of some facts:
CPC has 96 million members, 84 million members of the Communist Youth League and 130 million young pioneers. Any family has one of their members. The government's approval rating is as high as 97%(This data comes from the statistics of American companies).

In this case, your hostility to the CPC is hostility to the Chinese people.

Why do I say that this cult will only let Chinese students leave the United States and return to China?
Because it will make these students feel the malice of the whole United States against CPC, and these students will think that this is malice against themselves.

BTW: You have acknowledged the support of the US government for this cult.
Please buy 1more, astrotec, KuGou, AfterShokz, EDIFIER,huawei, Chinese brand headphones. 70% of the world's headphones are made in China. Miscellaneous brand headphones are cheap but the quality is not guaranteed.
Yeah but HyperX, Alienware, Razer e.t.c all have better quality
I have few questions,

Is weed easily available there and what is overall society's reaction to it?

why chinese are famous for gambling a lot? are there many casinos there?

do chinese really eat each and every animal and insect?

It is a drug, and drug abuse and trafficking in China will be severely punished.
Carrying or trafficking more than 50g of heroin or 1000g of opium or 50g of methamphetamine is the death penalty.
China is the country with the most severe punishment for drugs in the world. When you enter China, you must check your luggage carefully to avoid being framed.

Gambling is also illegal in China, but gambling is not illegal in Macao.
Macao, Monaco, Atlantic entertainment city and Las Vegas are the four largest gambling cities in the world.
And the police generally don't care about small gambling, so many Chinese gamble when playing mahjong, and the stakes are very small(10 to 100 CNY). Hong Kong has made many films about gambling in Macao, which leads many foreigners to think that Chinese people like gambling.

We don't eat bats, and I've never heard of Chinese eating bats. We do eat some strange things, such as cicadas, silkworms, crocodiles, snakes and so on. And throughout East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea) and Vietnam, people eat dog meat.
@MH.Yang Can you recommend me any books on Deng Xiaoping? Everytime I hear his speeches I burst into tears. I would argue that he was the most important man in the history of communist China.

Sorry, I don't like Deng Xiaoping. I like Mao Zedong.
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