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I am a victim of liberal fascism

read the comment from Always neutral :

People who join the Armed Forces have their fundamental rights curbed and they cannot join if they donot accept that. Since the joining is voluntary so people who join it must accept they must live by the rules.

Initially both sikhs and muslims were allowed beards provided that they would trim it as laid down in the Armed Forces Orders.

The Sikhs order further stipulated that the beard during duty and operational hours would be restrained by a thin stocking type band after it was gelled.

However after certain time some mis guided elements demanded that their beards be allowed to grow without trimming it in the fashion of the mullahs.

This was turned down and after a prolonged court battle and discussions with muslim scholars the court ruled that the Armed Forces have the right to change their beard rules.

20 years later history is repeating itself in India.
India also has a muslim vice-president, who happens to have a beard.
People should not judge anyone who grows a beard and wears Hijab. People in western countries and India look down on people who grow beard and wear Hijab.

Speak for your self i think guys with beards rock

just if your going to grow one make it a decent beard not some thing that looks like a rat died on your face during the night.
The biggest left wing murderers were the Atheist Communist Bolshevist's of the Soviet Union. Under Joseph Stalin alone more than 60,000,000 people were brutally massacred. Look up how the Bolshevist's came into power, they butchered the Russian Aristocratic class in such a gruesome manner that you would be sick to your stomach, the daughter of the Czar who had Hemophilia B was brutally tortured before she was murdered, but if only you knew.

Under the Soviet Union there was no personal freedom, no religion allowed, everyone was an atheist, and if you weren't an atheist then atheism was forced down your throat otherwise you were kidnapped and no one ever heard from you again, everyone was given a role in society by the State so no one could choose to live the way they wanted, in other words you could be the smartest person in your town but if the government decides that you will be a janitor then that is your job until the day you die, and if the government deems that your a threat to them then you will be kidnapped by the secret police and your body will be disposed of in another corner of the country.

I was talking about Pakistan because Pakistan is probably the only country where there is a notion of liberal fascism exists but um okk...

And communism is very very different from Liberalism. Stalin was no liberal, calling him a liberal is blasphemy. You cannot be a liberal if you do not endorse freedom of religion, so the question of being a liberal fascist is out of question. And if we take a look at history religious intolerance has killed over millions. From the crusades and invasion of India up till now.
That does not make the treatment people like him receive from others any less deplorable.

His point is valid, yours is a typical canard meant to stifle introspection and proper discourse over the issues people like him raise.

Heck, your comment might as well have come out of someone on Fox News.

I'm not justifying the treatment he receives but I'm arguing the fact that liberal fascism does not exist. There is nothing liberal in being a fascist.

Sir Liberals will be taken out and these traitors will run away

Thank you for proving my point because only a religious fundo like you can say this. Just because I do not agree with you does not mean I'm a traitor or a person of lesser value. Taking out liberals just goes to show how intolerant you are.
You don't stand a chance........ Attack on Iraq, Libya & Afghanistan to implement Democracy, has killed far greater number of people than were ever killed by religious fanatics. You can be a hypocrite and deny it all, under an umbrella of petty excuses, but, that would only be your deluded subjective judgement.

Religious fanatics have existed since the start of religion. Religious fanatics of every religion combined have killed hundreds of millions of people. And if we consider America a pure liberal country then the max they have killed is around 100,000 people at the maximum. But equating America with liberals is laughable as there is nothing liberal about the American government or their economy.
I was talking about Pakistan because Pakistan is probably the only country where there is a notion of liberal fascism exists but um okk...

Your wrong to say that this notion only exists in Pakistan, actually the term Fascism it self is widely used by Liberals themselves to slander Conservatives or anyone for that matter who does not agree with their far left views, heck even i was labeled one when i proved the foul nature of homosexuality and actually backed my argument with highly reliable, reputable, and notable sources such as the CDC, NARTH, etc, but instead of bring up a good rebuttal to my argument the Liberal Fascists resorted to degrading words, bashing etc.

And communism is very very different from Liberalism. Stalin was no liberal, calling him a liberal is blasphemy. You cannot be a liberal if you do not endorse freedom of religion, so the question of being a liberal fascist is out of question.

Actually, if you look at the basic concept of Communism, and the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia, the Bolshevist's (AKA Communist), they were the "Liberals", they promised the Russian people "peace, bread, and land", they believed that all religion should be abolished because religion causes violence (a common belief shared by all Liberals), and that everyone was "equal" under the state, when in fact when they came to power they took the land from the people, millions were starved, and the peace went right out the window.

And if we take a look at history religious intolerance has killed over millions. From the crusades and invasion of India up till now.

Nope, if we take a look at recent history, the most bloodiest and devastating wars known to man were not fought over religion but rather the interests of war profiting corporations, economies of countries that literally ran on war, and of course natural resources. Capitalism and Communism are all secular ideologies, have nothing to do with religion, and are responsible for the deaths and miseries of millions of people.
Making fun or criticising others personnel style is extremely disgusting.Someone doing that cannot be called a liberal in any sense of that word.Then why some pakistanis still uses this term liberal fascist?Because they need to something to counterweight their discriminatory hate filled ideology which otherwise cannot be even compared to liberal principles of religious and personal freedom.Right wing extremism is very well in line with their ideology,where as fascism is something opposite to fundamental principles of liberalism..
Making fun or criticising others personnel style is extremely disgusting.
Something liberal fascists are very good at.

Someone doing that cannot be called a liberal in any sense of that word.
But yet liberal fascists have earned themselves that title.

Then why some pakistanis still uses this term liberal fascist?
Why so called liberals use the term fascist to slander conservatives and other who disagree with their views?

Because they need to something to counterweight their discriminatory hate filled ideology

"Hate filled ideology"? lolz, perfect example of liberal fascism, bashing and slandering others beliefs and views just because they differ from yours. Tell you what, keep your liberal hate filled fascists views to yourself if your going to slander others beliefs.
Incorrect - it is a term coined to highlight the intolerance, prejudice and derogatory commentary by a extremist left wing fringe that proclaims to be 'liberal'.

Strawman - a liberal fascist's position would be along the lines of denigrating a particular segment of society for adhering to certain religions beliefs that have nothing to do with societal equality or justice - such as 'changing 'Khuda Hafiz to Allah Hafiz' or arguing that 'Pakistan should reject US aid and stop accepting US diktat' etc.

Before the term 'liberal fascist', it was these extremist fringe liberals that resorted to derogatory language in describing a section of Pakistanis that wished to see a more independent and assertive foreign policy by Pakistan as the 'Ghairat Brigade' etc.

Replace 'bear/hijab' with 'the black color of your skin' and try and justify it. Judging people by their appearances and treating them in a derogatory manner, whether because of their skin color or facial hair/clothing, is discriminatory, intolerance and prejudice.

Does not make it right ....

While one may have an instinctive reaction, depending upon the environment, to another's appearance, for whatever reason, what makes us 'civilized' is the ability to get beyond that 'instinctive reaction' (bred by upbringing, media, society or whatever) and treat the other with respect and civility.
First of all it is such a non-argument. Lets us talk in the context in which the argument is being made.
If somebody talks against beard or hijab or rights of muslims in UK, that will hardly be called liberalism. That is a form of misguided racism, and only a fringe group advocate such a thing. Nobody calls them liberal.
However, some people in pakistan may have view that hijab/beard means backwardness. Similar view can be found among the intelligencia in India where any outward display of hindu religious sign is considered a sign of backwardness. Yes they are leftist(mistly), but they are not extremist at all.
People like Arundhati have quite extreme views about governance/democracy/religion in India, but she would hardly be called liberal fascist. However hindu nationalist will like to use such word to discredit her(I dont necessarily share her views though).

As long as people are being extremely nasty with each other only with word, in arguments and debates(without inciting/threatening violence) I have no issues with such exteme view.

I agree we should not have preconceived notions about others(regarding their appearance) but that has nothing to do with liberalism/conservatism. It is wrong but how is it important to the debate.
I'm not justifying the treatment he receives but I'm arguing the fact that liberal fascism does not exist. There is nothing liberal in being a fascist.

Thank you for proving my point because only a religious fundo like you can say this. Just because I do not agree with you does not mean I'm a traitor or a person of lesser value. Taking out liberals just goes to show how intolerant you are.
Sir Most Liberals are also enemies of Islam in Pakistan and Sir yes I am a Fundamentalist and proud of it and Sir rise of Islam will take place as a matter of fact it is taking place and and Liberals or Traitors will have to run away

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