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I am a hero


Aug 26, 2007
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Ansar AbbasiWednesday, April 23, 2014

ISLAMABAD: I am a hero, no matter what I do. No law, no Constitution, no institution, nothing matters to me because I am the national interest and whatever I say or do, I do in Pakistan’s interest, whether others agree or not.

I can do Kargil without even informing the prime minister. For this if the prime minister dares to challenge me, I can remove him through a military coup because I am more important than anyone or anything else. The Constitution does not matter to me. I have the power to use the muscle of my organisation to do whatever I think is right.

I can use the army, I can use the ISI, I can use any other organisation, including the NAB, police, etc, to make a political party of my own. I don’t bother if it is a violation of the Constitution and law or the misuse of the institutions but still I do it because it serves my interest and keep in mind my interest is the interest of Pakistan.

I can take a U-turn on the Afghan issue on a single phone call. I can join the US war on terror and offer everything, including my armed forces, my air bases, my intelligence and whatever Washington demands.

No matter what the Quran says and what the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are, I can facilitate the US and Nato forces to bombard Afghanistan and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims, including women and children. I am the hero so I could even push the Pakistan

Army into the US war, forgetting even the slogan of “Jehad Fi Sabilillah”.

I can sell out Dr Afia Siddiqi to the US for dollars. I can sell Pakistanis and other Muslims to the US because Washington wants them.The Constitution and the law may not allow this but I am beyond any law, I am beyond all constitutional limits because I am a hero.

I can allow the CIA and the FBI to recruit their agents in Pakistan. I can allow a free hand to the Americans and its agents like Raymond Davis here. I can allow the CIA drones to do spying for the interest of the US. I don’t even mind if the drones become lethal and fire missiles on Pakistanis inside the Pakistani territory. I have the right to compromise the sovereignty of the country because I am a hero.

Killing of Pakistanis by the US drones does not matter to me. I am also right and could not be questioned even if I make the army a target of terrorists by owning the killings of innocent persons by the US drones as killings by Pak forces. Still I am a hero and no one should dare point a finger at me.

I can get the army commandos do the Lal Mosque operation without even consulting the Military Operations Directorate of the GHQ. I can get the mosque demolished and a large number of Madrassa students killed but nobody should question me because I am a hero.

I can get the people killed without any trial or charge sheet, I can make them go missing, I can target Nawab Akbar Bugti and bury him in his cave. I can put Balochistan in flames, I can do the same in the tribal areas and in Karachi, I can do even May 12 but I am beyond any accountability, because I am a hero.

I can suspend the chief justice. I can even send the whole judiciary packing if it dares to challenge me or any of my officers. I can get the Supreme Court and High Court judges arrested, I can even confine the judges’ families and their schoolgoing children to their homes.

To save my own office, I can impose another Martial Law because it is in the national interest. For my own interest is the national interest, I could quash the corruption cases of those alleged by even myself earlier to have looted billions and billions of national wealth. I can also clean the slates of hundreds of those facing serious criminal charges for the sake of my own political survival.

Whether I am in office or retired, I stay as a hero forever. You may consider me an individual but I am an institution.Therefore, if you would ever point a finger at me even as an individual, it would be taken as an attack on the institution. I am General (retd) Pervez Musharraf and I am a hero.

I am a hero - thenews.com.pk

Ansar AbbasiWednesday, April 23, 2014
ISLAMABAD: I am a hero, no matter what I do. No law, no Constitution, no institution, nothing matters to me because I am the national interest and whatever I say or do, I do in Pakistan’s interest, whether others agree or not.

I can do Kargil without even informing the prime minister. For this if the prime minister dares to challenge me, I can remove him through a military coup because I am more important than anyone or anything else. The Constitution does not matter to me. I have the power to use the muscle of my organisation to do whatever I think is right.

I can use the army, I can use the ISI, I can use any other organisation, including the NAB, police, etc, to make a political party of my own. I don’t bother if it is a violation of the Constitution and law or the misuse of the institutions but still I do it because it serves my interest and keep in mind my interest is the interest of Pakistan.

I can take a U-turn on the Afghan issue on a single phone call. I can join the US war on terror and offer everything, including my armed forces, my air bases, my intelligence and whatever Washington demands.

No matter what the Quran says and what the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are, I can facilitate the US and Nato forces to bombard Afghanistan and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims, including women and children. I am the hero so I could even push the Pakistan

Army into the US war, forgetting even the slogan of “Jehad Fi Sabilillah”.

I can sell out Dr Afia Siddiqi to the US for dollars. I can sell Pakistanis and other Muslims to the US because Washington wants them.The Constitution and the law may not allow this but I am beyond any law, I am beyond all constitutional limits because I am a hero.

I can allow the CIA and the FBI to recruit their agents in Pakistan. I can allow a free hand to the Americans and its agents like Raymond Davis here. I can allow the CIA drones to do spying for the interest of the US. I don’t even mind if the drones become lethal and fire missiles on Pakistanis inside the Pakistani territory. I have the right to compromise the sovereignty of the country because I am a hero.

Killing of Pakistanis by the US drones does not matter to me. I am also right and could not be questioned even if I make the army a target of terrorists by owning the killings of innocent persons by the US drones as killings by Pak forces. Still I am a hero and no one should dare point a finger at me.

I can get the army commandos do the Lal Mosque operation without even consulting the Military Operations Directorate of the GHQ. I can get the mosque demolished and a large number of Madrassa students killed but nobody should question me because I am a hero.

I can get the people killed without any trial or charge sheet, I can make them go missing, I can target Nawab Akbar Bugti and bury him in his cave. I can put Balochistan in flames, I can do the same in the tribal areas and in Karachi, I can do even May 12 but I am beyond any accountability, because I am a hero.

I can suspend the chief justice. I can even send the whole judiciary packing if it dares to challenge me or any of my officers. I can get the Supreme Court and High Court judges arrested, I can even confine the judges’ families and their schoolgoing children to their homes.

To save my own office, I can impose another Martial Law because it is in the national interest. For my own interest is the national interest, I could quash the corruption cases of those alleged by even myself earlier to have looted billions and billions of national wealth. I can also clean the slates of hundreds of those facing serious criminal charges for the sake of my own political survival.

Whether I am in office or retired, I stay as a hero forever. You may consider me an individual but I am an institution.Therefore, if you would ever point a finger at me even as an individual, it would be taken as an attack on the institution. I am General (retd) Pervez Musharraf and I am a hero.

I am a hero - thenews.com.pk
Next time lets send u Mr. Abbasi to fight ur friends the tangi bangis, and lets see when the bullets fly over ur head which hero u will be looking for.

Ansar AbbasiWednesday, April 23, 2014
ISLAMABAD: I am a hero, no matter what I do. No law, no Constitution, no institution, nothing matters to me because I am the national interest and whatever I say or do, I do in Pakistan’s interest, whether others agree or not.

I can do Kargil without even informing the prime minister. For this if the prime minister dares to challenge me, I can remove him through a military coup because I am more important than anyone or anything else. The Constitution does not matter to me. I have the power to use the muscle of my organisation to do whatever I think is right.

I can use the army, I can use the ISI, I can use any other organisation, including the NAB, police, etc, to make a political party of my own. I don’t bother if it is a violation of the Constitution and law or the misuse of the institutions but still I do it because it serves my interest and keep in mind my interest is the interest of Pakistan.

I can take a U-turn on the Afghan issue on a single phone call. I can join the US war on terror and offer everything, including my armed forces, my air bases, my intelligence and whatever Washington demands.

No matter what the Quran says and what the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAW) are, I can facilitate the US and Nato forces to bombard Afghanistan and kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims, including women and children. I am the hero so I could even push the Pakistan

Army into the US war, forgetting even the slogan of “Jehad Fi Sabilillah”.

I can sell out Dr Afia Siddiqi to the US for dollars. I can sell Pakistanis and other Muslims to the US because Washington wants them.The Constitution and the law may not allow this but I am beyond any law, I am beyond all constitutional limits because I am a hero.

I can allow the CIA and the FBI to recruit their agents in Pakistan. I can allow a free hand to the Americans and its agents like Raymond Davis here. I can allow the CIA drones to do spying for the interest of the US. I don’t even mind if the drones become lethal and fire missiles on Pakistanis inside the Pakistani territory. I have the right to compromise the sovereignty of the country because I am a hero.

Killing of Pakistanis by the US drones does not matter to me. I am also right and could not be questioned even if I make the army a target of terrorists by owning the killings of innocent persons by the US drones as killings by Pak forces. Still I am a hero and no one should dare point a finger at me.

I can get the army commandos do the Lal Mosque operation without even consulting the Military Operations Directorate of the GHQ. I can get the mosque demolished and a large number of Madrassa students killed but nobody should question me because I am a hero.

I can get the people killed without any trial or charge sheet, I can make them go missing, I can target Nawab Akbar Bugti and bury him in his cave. I can put Balochistan in flames, I can do the same in the tribal areas and in Karachi, I can do even May 12 but I am beyond any accountability, because I am a hero.

I can suspend the chief justice. I can even send the whole judiciary packing if it dares to challenge me or any of my officers. I can get the Supreme Court and High Court judges arrested, I can even confine the judges’ families and their schoolgoing children to their homes.

To save my own office, I can impose another Martial Law because it is in the national interest. For my own interest is the national interest, I could quash the corruption cases of those alleged by even myself earlier to have looted billions and billions of national wealth. I can also clean the slates of hundreds of those facing serious criminal charges for the sake of my own political survival.

Whether I am in office or retired, I stay as a hero forever. You may consider me an individual but I am an institution.Therefore, if you would ever point a finger at me even as an individual, it would be taken as an attack on the institution. I am General (retd) Pervez Musharraf and I am a hero.

I am a hero - thenews.com.pk

Excellent article, bang on the target. :-)
Dont hold back, these scums need to be ripped a new asshole.
Now they are crying why oh why, I agree with the fact that no one is above the law. Let it be the army, the ISI, or anyone else. But Geo is completely exposed and cornered here. The way they went all out laying not accusations but talking as if they are 9999% sure who did this, and being the judge the Jewry and the executioner. Then u deserve whats coming ur way. They couldnt wait for the law enforcement agencies to do their thing. Mirs brother should be the other clown who should be hanged by his balls. The way he was barking on indian channels, really pathetic behavior. Now they have no room for complain.
Media is also above the law. These goons blackmail politicians and civilians but when they tried to blackmail the Army they get shown a big danda up their rear end. Why cry foul? Jang group is also known to be sympathetic to Taliban and Al Qaida. The sooner this black mailing thugs are banned the better it is for Pakistan.
Ansar abbasi worships Osama bin laden. What more do you expect from a guy who supports the killers of 50,000 Pakistanis.
Next time lets send u Mr. Abbasi to fight ur friends the tangi bangis, and lets see when the bullets fly over ur head which hero u will be looking for.

In the contract it did not say that in return of fighting in tangi bangis you can do anything in Pakistan.
why all the allegation on police, how come police dont come out as angel since they have lost more than army
In the contract it did not say that in return of fighting in tangi bangis you can do anything in Pakistan.
why all the allegation on police, how come police dont come out as angel since they have lost more than army
ANd why is it that only the geo group has a problem with the army, and come on. They are crying wolf now, but when they were accusing the General then did they think about it twice. U know what happens in the west if a media outlet runs their mouth like geo did. They could have been sued for every peony they have. And I think the Army and ISI should do exactly this. Geo is at fault here.
ANd why is it that only the geo group has a problem with the army, and come on. They are crying wolf now, but when they were accusing the General then did they think about it twice. U know what happens in the west if a media outlet runs their mouth like geo did. They could have been sued for every peony they have. And I think the Army and ISI should do exactly this. Geo is at fault here.

fcuk GEO, no one is talking about GEO, I am talking about Pakistanis criticizing their institutions, institution that they pay for

Musharraf did 1000 times more good to the country than what ganja paindu did

Lagta hay sarey parhey likhy Multan chaley gye hain.
I always ask people to list 10 things Musharaf did that are still helping Pakistan.
I will list 10 things musharaf did that are still and will keep on hurting Pakistan in the near future
And u need to relax a little. No ones a saint here. But the army is atleast loyal to the country, and is holding it together. what have the politicians done other then rob us to bits.

and who told you that, Army Dictators?
Pakistani people are paying from their A$$ses for Army to hold it together, they have given up education and health for this and they are bigger heros, their kids are dying from diseases that can be cured by using an Asprin
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