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Hydro power plants updates


Imagine how many thousands of engineers, technicians, crane operators etc etc etc are being trained in these dam and hpp projects. I hope we utilize their talent and skills in the years to come and not let it go to waste by exporting them to Middle East.
The Diamer-Bhasha project had remained stuck for decades due to various reasons. The dam’s construction would create thousands of jobs and utilize a huge quantity of cement and steel, which would give a much-needed boost to the industry. Besides, its main purposes of water storage and producing 4,500MW of cheap and affordable electricity would help the country meet its energy requirements.
The 6.4 MAF (Million Acre Feet) water storage capacity of the dam would reduce the current water shortage in the country of 12 MAF to 6.1 MAF. It would add 35 years to the life of Tarbela Dam by reducing sedimentation. An area of 1.23 million acres of land would be brought under agriculture due to the dam.
An amount of Rs78.5 billion would be spent for social development of the area around Diamer Bhasha Dam. It would also be a major source of flood mitigation and save billions worth of damages caused by flood each year.
Punjab Power Development Board has Approves 33 Small Hydroelectric Power Plants

Sikandar Azam Khan said that Punjab had a comprehensive network of canals for irrigation purposes.

The PPDB has identified 33 points for installation of small hydroelectric power plants.

Out of these seven points were present in district Faisalabad.

He also mentioned 1.1-MW hydroelectric power plant which was installed by Sir Ganga Ram in 1925.

He said the PPDB should also review this model to exploit the potential of existing canals.

He said the Punjab government was also contemplating to undertake waste to energy projects in six major cities of the province.

Keyal Khwar Hydropower Project


The Project is located on Keyal Khwar Nallah, a right bank tributary of Indus River in Lower Kohistan District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa situated at a distance of 310 km from Islamabad on Karakaram Highway

Salient Features
  • Gross Head
732 meter


  • Installed Capacity
128 MW
  • Annual Energy
418 GWh

Keyal Hydropower Consultants (KHC), JV of Lahmeyer Int., NDC and EASE-PAK

Donor Agencies
KfW Germany, European Investment Bank (EIB)


  • Detailed Engineering Design completed in December 2011.
  • The Contract for Civil & Hydraulic Steel Works terminated due to non-performance of Civil Works Contractor on 08.12.2017. The Contractor handed over the entire Project to the Employer on 30.01.2018.
  • WAPDA requested M/s KfW for issuance of “No Objection” to proceed with bidding process of the Civil Works Contract.
  • KfW issued No Objection on 09.08.2019 for commencing tendering process of Keyal Khwar HPP by adopting Pre-Qualification procedure instead of Post Qualification, subject to the availability of funds as proposed by WAPDA.
  • As per guidelines of Donor Agency regarding change in bidding criteria, Project Consultants were requested to modify the bidding documents on 27.09.2019.
  • Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) alongwith Coordination Group Partners carried out Energy Sector Technical Dialogue with WAPDA on November 18, 2019.
  • 3rd revised PC-I has been submitted to Chief Engineering Advisor, Federal Flood Commission, MoWR on 13.02.2020.
  • Bidding documents for E&M Works are under preparation.
Physical Progress 9.99%
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