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Huzhigeng, 2009 leaked on the news of Chinese J-20


May 23, 2011
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huzhigeng???2 - - ?? - [] - ??


[Full-size prototype and there are still differences. Of course. This figure has been relatively close. . . . . ]


[Chengdu JJ. F22 already stronger than the half-grade mobility. . . This is well understood Yeah. . Plus side of the sub-YA (YA child than this larger figure above.) . Lifting body fuselage. Moreover, DSI is adjustable. . It looks from the front. Inlet some strange. . . But quite the whole science fiction. To science fiction than the F22. . ]


[The Shenyang that losing three wing snow HU. . Sub too. . . . The whole machine weighs big. Long and thin. . Flight control is extremely complex. . Super Tour less than the Chengdu. Stealth performance is not as Chengdu (double delta wing of the shadow body, or some influence). Mobility both strengths and weaknesses. . . . Chengdu instantaneous plate and stable plate very well. Energy greater mobility. So also a big plus side bar. With YA child. . . DSI in the Temple and the choice between the two. . Chengdu adjustable DSI. The Temple is not adjustable inlet than more advanced. . (601 experts now are 611.)]


[DSI bag is fixed.. You can not move, but the adjustable inlet, so the prototype looks weird from the front. Weird ..]


[Belly into the mountains is the fourth generation of gas ..... belly will not figure into the mountain air .. and previously exist on paper similar to the Big Ten more ..]

[F22 as the general layout of the nineties and made us come out, but the F22 is not only because of strong aerodynamic layout. (F22 aerodynamic layout was only eight ninety years the highest level) but to enhance aerodynamic flight control large increase The thrust-vectoring engine and has a strong electronics and F22 .. if we put forward the same general layout as we had the engine worse than the others (of course a grade of WS15 and F119, but F119 is just the nineties the United States technology.) It's still a hair ah against our four generations of the requirements specification, but requires a high performance .. so use complex in Chengdu aerodynamic layout of the metamorphosis of the aerodynamic layout ........ .. ....]


[Temple inlet 611 of the nineties and made familiar .. do not think Temple is invincible omnipotent .. .. there are many glitches ..]


[End of next year you can see the prototype of the ...... July had been largely made over map making ............... .. 601 prototype has opened many experts throughout The castle in 611. and Westerner, many experts are the last 611 .. so very busy ... to mobilize a meeting with the deities report]

[Heavy-duty machine is a nationwide collaboration of the program is 611 .. 611 flight control is designed for structural design is to design .. 601 and 611 (601 because of double experience more aircraft this year, figure .601 with four rounds of the re- .. and also involved the body structure, or 601 in the northeast of the main body structure ... composite parts. titanium parts in Chengdu has an advantage over the previous made plans ... so busy .. 601 died. four generations of their own to send map. but also to help re-four with 611 made plans .. Fortunately, the task has been completed ......( it will boast the Northeast ion fish got so many. Northeast they have four generations. and has seen his weight four.) both sides had.] Feng Lan:

Northeast of the ribbon is not carrier-based aircraft ah? Is China still engaged in several four generations? Light Medium? Heavy? Carrier-based? ?

[Northeast recently made a map to the Air Force is using Navy's not so fast ........]
Parting hook:

huzhigeng boss, you say nose, forward fuselage and a full-size prototype a difference, after the body closer to it? Please enlighten me.


[[611 generally like to use the machine machine authentication Jian Shi ... four generations of technology. ... But this JJ dragons edge of the prototype there is a difference .. and four generations is similar to the dragons and the Super Hornet as sharp arch side of the edge of the yo .. big the engine butt is round 360-degree axis of symmetry is not a binary vector push ..].

Green Six:

01 is made should be the prototype, right? As far as Chen said, a mad dog fanatics, get full-size metal prototype has N years? !


[Full-size metal prototype actually already out. . . But some people dare to enter the 132 photographs it? ? Get in it? ? The JJ can not stop you on the grass shot. 01, it has been in the making. . Prototype sci-fi and more bizarre. . Especially from the front. . ]


Digress for a bit, huzhigeng J10-21 is you know something?

[I only know Jian Shi Jian Shi B is not the final series of modifications. . ]
Parting hook:

Ask huzhigeng boss, the chief architect of four generations of machines Who are you? Is the Song Cong? Yang? Or transferred to the new season Xiaoguang?


[Viagra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (But Song has great credit. Based on his lay under, of course. 611 credit for the whole team.]


Boss, adjustable DSI is that concept? Is it adjustable drum package? It is really a science fiction too.


[Drum kit of course, is not adjustable. But the adjustable inlet. This maximum rate will go up. . . Competition. ]

Blade 2009:

Consult with people under HUZIGENG Kazakhstan: Do you have six generations of (American Standard Five) What is the concept?

[Americans are also demonstrated. . . Time we know. . We also demonstrated. But pretty close. Will be the same. Six generations of manned and unmanned sub-two. . ]


huzhigeng much, why the Air Force will have two four generations, are what get high and low, or really as Fish said ion may only verify the machine 611, or not high-volume assembly models.


[Oh. . 611 Demonstrator? ? ? ? ? ? Chengdu heavy as four and F22. Not produce too much. Up to 300 to the frame. . Because it is heavy-duty machine. . Volume of fine is not much. . Unlike the Northeast. Quality over quantity is a little to. . I have never heard heavy machine equipment is much more than that of the medium. F22 F35 equipped with a number of more than? ? Oh. ]
Blade 2009:

There are many uncertainties in the engine, then how can you say too full?

[First flight the engine will definitely not use WS15. No country flight with the new engine. Yankees YF22 no. Mauritius no. Similarly we will not use. Engine will not slow. ] Jcyjsk:

Xie boss patiently explain. You have 611 to participate in the ribbon Westerner, not afraid of leaks ah? Russia this supercilious look wolf, we have anti-ah.


[Much earlier 611 people have hair. Please some of the nineties. 611 is the gross national experts the main body structure expert. They are to take our wages. Oh. . . . ]

huzhigeng boss ask about 611 for the four weight standards (such as stealth, super patrol, super-mobile, over the horizon) and the United States the same? Or with Chinese characteristics?

[Four generations of the standard is stealth. Ultra-mobile. Super Tour. BVR. . Think about it. . This is the standard. . . Therefore, our fourth generation will be small? ? ? ? But we are more focused on the ultra-mobile. . Super Tour. . (So ​​our four generations are more slender) 611 is the fourth generation to take the essence of the United States and Mauritius. Unique characteristics of four generations of Chinese machines. . A canard. A sharp edge of a large arch. DSI adjustable inlet. . Do not have these characteristics? ? ]
Chaohu people:

Pa looks like they have learned to say, four generations of a duck wings + V-type tail, the other, and F-22 is almost right. Four generations and the Internet in general should speculate about it, the details must have different friends. Understand the point of the line can get some pictures about it, anyway, it must have four generations of the same place.


[Aerodynamic layout has a different galaxy. . ]

Blade 2009:

The first batch did not know the overall performance of the Air Force version of the F35 and then compared how?

[Chengdu and F22A an order of magnitude. The F35 is not for this medium-sized ground-based air combat aircraft not used more than a. Not a grade on the aircraft. ]

To imagine the Soviet Union had a change of machine ribbon emblem on the ribbon can be said to imagine the map of the TG.

[Copy Mauritius is four generations of Americans. Conventional layout. Can be called Raptor Sharansky. . Our side of the duck-stealth is lifting body layout. Completely different. ]
Son of Ge:

F-fork certainly ease the way for the world first

This time Eupolyphaga even than Russia's gross perverted ....... rare ah

[No way. Want and F22A confrontation. . Not abnormal not work. . Mauritius. . Even if the bar. . Now the fools of. . But 也好. The money can also fool the Asan. ]

Wow, the boss who spilled so much material, I see bright red to take the little brother. . . .

Ask a stealth coating stress what so what? There are useless to a more sci-fi stealth technology is similar to plasma. . .


[Now the plasma can only be used for local] If you can again:

Two pelvic fins is really the biggest flaw Ah, what can stealth

huzhigeng: [prototype no pelvic fins] (recall the front: full-size metal prototype?? really just a prototype of the pelvic fins Insurance !!! Oh, yeah!)

The chiefs are expected in the ah, ah, there are still a few doubts:

1, adjustable DSI, I always thought the main advantage is with the DSI can be weight loss, eliminating the need for structural adjustment. Adjustable really the first time I heard, no wonder that science fiction does

2, is not it all moving V-tail, it seems that did not mention this

3, all to the Russian ...

[The first. Been said above. DSI bags are not adjustable. But the adjustable inlet. ]

[Second. 611 full-motion V tail already mature technology. From the point of view the prototype will not move. . After all, is not a prototype prototype]

[Third. Super Tour is integrated in all aspects. Axial symmetry is not necessarily that great on the resistance. F22 does not have horizontal tail it how big the resistance? . 611 of the body is slender. Very conducive to super-cruisers. ]


Slender and bye ... ... they would not (J-8) a range of children it

[That there are so long. . Really. It was the rocket. . Weighs. ]

[This is the side edge of the pointed arch of the latest technology in the nineties .. just out of it. In the side bar to pull out the strongest vortex, a lot of benefits for low-speed performance. F-18EF why the cow, because he's Gothic side of a very low speed performance of cattle (this side of the Su-27 than the edge of the much easier.) The world's only super-peak and Xiaolong rhubarb in this side of) .. Xiaolong 04 Gothic side of this experiment is quite good .. so that the above Chengdu will use this technology with great canard .. .. high speed mobility invincible. senior inlet is indeed strange .. look at some ....]

Fighter 07:

In the end is the prototype or prototype it? Prototype should not issue such plans before it?

If it is a prototype next year, what engine? Taihang? Hair?

[End of next year out of the first flight of the prototype is not installed WS15. Taihang engine is currently tentative.]

Bi Yuntao:

More reliable, as flying in the air for all to see on exploration (large side of, depression, DSI), the structure of SAC's efforts, although we can not see, but the boss said, according to the fish or some ionic materials. TG position is about 20 years behind the United States, is more appropriate. 20 years later than the F22 flight, later served 20 years ...


[So four generations in the F22 of course, stronger than normal air, if Americans are to design a new fighter. Better than we can of course .. Shenyang has done well in the structure .. so heavy four northeast and Chengdu joint efforts results ..]

Palace Confucianism:

I can not say that all the world's fourth-generation machine will have more than 50% of the same points ... ...


[To have ten percent of the good. The. . Some fighters from the outside even closer. Poor performance will be quite large. . Our four generations and the United States which point the same? ? ? ? To tell the truth. Completely different. Is not the same. . ]
Ye Xiaojing:

Finally stopped the old HU, HU large, long time no see, ask a question, you said the fourth generation machine next year with the first flight line too, but now the line a lot of problems too, not yet mature, and thus the reliability of installed capacity sufficient guarantee? Whether the risk is too great?

[I say prototype end of next year out. . Out on the first flight? ? Do not be roll and other related tests? ? ? Certainly have to wait until the year after first flight. . What are the risks too great line? ? ? In my opinion no. . At least two years after the Taihang line than it is now too easy to use. . 11BS. Carrier-based aircraft are installed Taihang. . BS engines do not fall. . ]

PS:[ ] Within the Huzhigeng news on J-20's answer, which he leaked in 2009, today it seems, on the j-20's flight performance and appearance are basically so he was right.

In which he referred to several issues. First: J-10B J-10 is not the final improved. 2: J-20 is a heavy fighter, the number of purchases would not be much, roughly 300 or so. SAC J-XX Stealth J-20 aircraft as a mix, like the U.S. F-22 and F-35, like, F-22 will not buy too much, but the F-35 will purchase a lot.
Conclusion: The comprehensive news and disclosure of his year before he leaked a few days before the news, be sure the Shenyang J-XX is not on the upcoming flight after, but also a fully equipped state of flight.
Comprehensive huzhigeng leakage, it is certain he is the insider, from his J-20 on the year before the disclosure can be seen, but he highly confidential forum where most people get in, which is the address of the message can not find the original cause. Forum where these messages are his people Zhuantie out. Some say as he came,
J-8X2 is the standard five generations of machines, but worse than the J-20.
su-30MKK a fraction of J-11B
God does not vulture strategy will test high-altitude UAV, which is a pre-project.
J-XX fully equipped state at the end of flight, and it is used with J-20, the number of purchases than the J-20 and more.
General news of him while we can get the data:

J-10B J-10 is based on the improvement of half-generation air superiority enhanced (。。。)。

J-16 J-11 is based on an earlier version of the same part of the reference to the improvement of Su-30 multi-purpose half a generation to enhance hit type (。。。)。

J-10B J-20 can be in mass production and the formation of Air Force combat air superiority was enhanced combat effectiveness, but also the J-20 pre-production to keep flying into the key production and profits, but also the validation part of the 5 611 (4) generation of machine technology trial machine.

J-16 J-xx can be in mass production and the formation of the Air Force and Navy combat effectiveness was enhanced air strike capability, but also the J-xx pre-production to keep production and profits SAC key, J-16 has four redundant full authority digital type fly-AESA radar systems and high-power, J-16, whether air or ground attack capabilities are many times greater than its J-11B.

SAC J-XX with the development of the cost at hand, we now progress quickly, and Shen 601 to fly out of their pocket is definitely not now progress. Investment funds is not the Air Force, the Air Force's attitude is setting the J-XX, Air Force, according to the equipment needs money just to buy products machine.

SAC J-XX is the original type of the Air Force, 601 reserved for the type of margin expansion for the Navy

B2 is not on the ship, B2 can not air.

Carrier space is limited, finite set machine, hoping containing multi-purpose machine has the ability.

J20 canard + + Gothic side of the diamond delta wing with vortex flaps of the ultra-unconventional layout

JXX advanced edge vortex flaps of + diamond delta wing with conventional layout (designed to send block the mouth of resentment canard)

HX no horizontal tail fins of the flying wing without using Bump intake system, air refueling has not 6000Km to 8000Km range, will be the ultimate stealth performance, it is time to meet the stealth aircraft to destroy the concept at the airport.

J-16 airframe and flight control mainly based from the J-11BS, that J-16's J-11BS bare metal has been proven mature.

J-16 and J-11BS biggest difference is on the radar and avionics electronic warfare subsystems, these are reluctant to teach the same type installed in the J-11BS.

With visual observation to distinguish the J-16 and J-11BS is very difficult.

For more than a 4-degree full-authority fly-by-system J-11bs and J-16, to solve the transonic limit overload defects.

Rely on more accurate and without fear of flight control solution, simply strengthening the body is not a wise solution.

SF 5 (4) on behalf of, more or less reference points F22, F35 and F18E, also very own characteristics.

SF 5 (4)-and T-50 compared to profile really looks like.

We do not fight, and things in there, and will actually an x-1x which is 6,7,8,9 in the number of meaningless fierce arguments do.

First, based on J-11bs enhanced combat model is out there

Second, 5 (4) on behalf of the general layout of the common heavy Jxx also fast.

For those who are not service the aircraft, the final number by the Air Force decided to present arguments in 1x, x is 6,7,8,9 which number, so why bother.

Based on J-11bs enhanced combat-oriented than J11BS basic aerodynamic layout unchanged.

The final number of new aircraft by the Air Force decision
Wait, J-8X2?

Wasn't the J-8T the last variant of the J-8?
Wait, J-8X2?

Wasn't the J-8T the last variant of the J-8?

J-8 series is the final version, but also the standard Five machine. He referred to the SAC specializes in designing conventional aerodynamic layout of aircraft, it is certain that SAC is developing four types of aircraft and flight.
J-11B (has been flight)
J-XX (about the end of flight)
God vulture strategic high-altitude UAV

after reading this thread, my mind has exploded`:hitwall::hitwall:`

`damn, there are so many unclassified projects under going development``J-20 and J-16 is just a 'tip of the iceberg'``!!!

i'm really looking forward in 2012, at least 2 more stealth fighters and bombers will be unveiled`:tup:

people hold your breath
after reading this thread, my mind has exploded`:hitwall::hitwall:`

`damn, there are so many unclassified projects under going development``J-20 and J-16 is just a 'tip of the iceberg'``!!!

i'm really looking forward in 2012, at least 2 more stealth fighters and bombers will be unveiled`:tup:
This is well understood ah, you think, according to the traditional practice of the Chinese government, J-20 is just the disclosure of it? And the news from some time ago, you can also see the PLA's senior officials have disclosed several key projects in the development of good. Just this month, the disclosure of more.
J-11B is open the.
J-8X2 is the first disclosure, in accordance with the practice of SAC J-8 series will certainly have to continue to develop or I am sorry J-8 series, but also may do a J-8 of the last series.
J-16 has also been an open secret, and his main alternative to the J-11B,
J-XX is the SAC of the Five Dynasties machine project, and J-20 with use, like the U.S. F-22 and F-35, as also most of the Five Dynasties China Sourcing stealth aircraft,
High-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles vulture strategy, we focus only sh

people hold your breath

This is well understood ah, you think, according to the traditional practice of the Chinese government, J-20 is just the disclosure of it? And the news from some time ago, you can also see the PLA's senior officials have disclosed several key projects in the development of good. Just this month, the disclosure of more.
J-11B is open the.
J-8X2 is the first disclosure, in accordance with the practice of SAC J-8 series will certainly have to continue to develop or I am sorry J-8 series, but also may do a J-8 of the last series.
J-16 has also been an open secret, and his main alternative to the J-11B,
J-XX is the SAC of the Five Dynasties machine project, and J-20 with use, like the U.S. F-22 and F-35, as also most of the Five Dynasties China Sourcing stealth aircraft,
High-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles vulture strategy, we focus only sh
Chinese Air Force needs a J-20, and Shen Fei J-XX, as the high and low use.
J-11B and J-16, J-XX is China's navy needed
J-15 is the Navy's an emergency product.

Air Force high-altitude strategic UAV vulture project.
Five machines SAC has several projects, but they are conventional aerodynamic layout, but the performance is better than Russia's stealth.
J-20 flying into the aerodynamic layout of the non-conventional target is compared to the U.S. F-22X.
Can be seen in recent years, China's Five Dynasties machine will have several models flight.
J-XX will present its first flight in years.
This is well understood ah, you think, according to the traditional practice of the Chinese government, J-20 is just the disclosure of it? And the news from some time ago, you can also see the PLA's senior officials have disclosed several key projects in the development of good. Just this month, the disclosure of more.
J-11B is open the.
J-8X2 is the first disclosure, in accordance with the practice of SAC J-8 series will certainly have to continue to develop or I am sorry J-8 series, but also may do a J-8 of the last series.
J-16 has also been an open secret, and his main alternative to the J-11B,
J-XX is the SAC of the Five Dynasties machine project, and J-20 with use, like the U.S. F-22 and F-35, as also most of the Five Dynasties China Sourcing stealth aircraft,
High-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles vulture strategy, we focus only sh

are you using google translator? the english is difficult to understand``you can just put your simple words together, i think it will easier to understand
are you using google translator? the english is difficult to understand``you can just put your simple words together, i think it will easier to understand


Chinese Air Force needs a J-20, and Shen Fei J-XX, as the high and low use.
J-11B and J-16, J-XX is China's navy needed
J-15 is the Navy's an emergency product.

Air Force high-altitude strategic UAV vulture project.
Five machines SAC has several projects, but they are conventional aerodynamic layout, but the performance is better than Russia's stealth.
J-20 flying into the aerodynamic layout of the non-conventional target is compared to the U.S. F-22X.
Can be seen in recent years, China's Five Dynasties machine will have several models flight.
J-XX will present its first flight in years.
are you using google translator? the english is difficult to understand``you can just put your simple words together, i think it will easier to understand

J-10B 是以 J-10 为基础的 提高半代的空优增强型(。。。)。

  J-16 是以 J-11为基础同时部分参考早期版Su-30的提高半代的多用途增强打击型(。。。)。







  J20鸭翼+哥特边条+具备涡襟翼的菱形三角翼的 超非常规布局

  JXX先进边条+具备涡襟翼的菱形三角翼的 常规布局(专堵鸭翼怨念派的嘴)





  对于采用4余度全权限电传操纵系统的J-11bs和J-16, 解决了跨音速限制过载的缺陷 。









J-15一个过渡机型 ,应急产品海军使用的,同时替代J-15的已经在研制。
after reading this thread, my mind has exploded`:hitwall::hitwall:`

`damn, there are so many unclassified projects under going development``J-20 and J-16 is just a 'tip of the iceberg'``!!!

i'm really looking forward in 2012, at least 2 more stealth fighters and bombers will be unveiled`:tup:

people hold your breath

Currently, from what I've read from various credible sources, there are at least seven fighter projects: J-20, J-16, J-18, J-19, J-2X, JH-7B, and stealthy JF-17.

However, are you sure that the J-8X2 is accurate?
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