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Hungary Became the First EU Country to sign on China's Silk Road


Jan 6, 2015
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China’s Silk Road in Europe: Not Just Hungary | The Diplomat

China's Silk Road in Europe: Not Just Hungary
Hungary became the first country to sign a Silk Road MoU, but various other European states are already on board.

By Shannon Tiezzi
June 09, 2015


Hungary has become the first European country to sign a memorandum of understanding with China on promoting the Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road, China media report. The MoU was signed on Sunday, during Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to Budapest, where he met with Prime Minister Viktor Orban. In a statement on the occasion, Wang said he hopes more European countries will join in.

Hungary may be the first country in Europe to officially sign an MoU relating to China’s “One Belt, One Road” strategy, but the subject has cropped up repeatedly during Chinese interactions with Europe. When Xi Jinping toured Europe in April 2014, with stops in The Netherlands, France, Germany, and Belgium, he urged the EU and China to work together to combine EU policies with China’s Belt and Road. When Li Keqiang attended the China-Central and Eastern European (CEE) Leaders’ Meeting in Serbia in December 2014, he also highlighted the role Europe has to play in the Belt and Road – and the role China can play in completing infrastructure and energy projects in Central and Eastern Europe under the aegis of that initiative.


More recently, during Xi’s visits to Russia and Belarus this May, both countries agreed to work with China on the Silk Road Economic Belt. Belarus agreed to the project hoping to win Chinese infrastructure investments, while Russia promised to link its new Eurasia Economic Union with China’s Belt and Road.

While the Belt and Road are often discussed primarily in the context of China’s near neighbors – particularly Southeast and Central Asia – Beijing has long been clear about the importance of Europe, particularly Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), to the project. A few months after Xi Jinping first unveiled the twin Belt and Road concepts in speeches in Kazakhstan (September 2013) and Indonesia (October 2013), Li extended the Belt and Road all the way to Europe during a November 2013 visit to Romania.

Likewise, the official action plan for the Belt and Road, issues by Chinese government agencies in March 2015, described the Silk Road as “a new Eurasian Land Bridge” that “focuses on bringing together China, Central Asia, Russia, and Europe.” That means the Belt and Road, by China’s own definition, will be incomplete without buy-in from European countries. And Central and Eastern European countries in particular have a special role to play. As Xinhua put it on Monday, “CEE nations will be essential links in the Belt and Road Initiative.”


European countries, like many of the Asian supporters of the Belt and Road, are primarily focused on the economics. “Chinese firms have invested more than 5 billion U.S. dollars in CEE countries in sectors such as energy, infrastructure and machinery,” Xinhua reports. In coming years, China will build a high-speed railway connecting Hungary and Serbia and construct two nuclear reactors at a Romanian nuclear power plant. According to U.S. law firm Baker and McKenzie, Chinese investment in Europe doubled from 2013 to 2014, reaching $18 billion.

In other words, the Silk Road in Europe was alive and well before Hungary signed the MoU on Sunday – and it will only continue to grow as more government agreements officially tie existing investments and initiatives to China’s Belt and Road strategy.


@AndrewJin @Yizhi @IR-TR @Chinese-Dragon @Nihonjin1051 @TaiShang @greenwood

CEE is one topmost attention in China's diplomacy, wish China and CEE can prosper by deepening ties!

Vision on the Global South
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Hungary is only one country in EU looking after her national interests.And for such crime(in the eye of collective West) is being target-staging "spontaneous" protests,constant Orban bashing in "truth" loving press,openly calling Orban dictator etc...Good for Hungary for standing up to pressure despite everything and signing up with China.More and more countries will do it in near future.Choice is obvious between China offer(lets grown up together) and USA offer(obey all orders or will suffer).
This project if done correctly will be a beautiful thing. Maybe it will finally free Eurasia from the hegemon
I dont believe in this project, look what USA did to Russia with its South Stream, if this project happens it will bypass USA from global economy, and believe me, USA, the most powerful country in the world, will not allow that. They will start hundred proxy war, but they will stop that, it is too early for projects like this.


With all respect, but I cant agree with you.
For me, modern day Hungary is like Hitler Germany in '30s. Just on much smaller/regional scale. Do you know how much Hungary profited from EU? Very much, the most of all ex-Warsaw pact countries. I dont like hungarian politics, their second most powerful party is JOBBIK (right-winged faschist party, with anti-Serbian, anti-Slovakian, anti- Romanian segment). Since my girlfriend is Slovakian, and I am Serb, I have reason to worry about, I do not want escalation, but if it happens, it will not ruin Serbia, Slovakia or Romania but Hungary, like NSDAP Germany.
I don't believe it had anything to do with US.
I suggest you to do simple web search to verify the "information" you have before making such bold claims.Good start is inform yourself which USA based organization come out with -EU energy security is priority of USA national interests and what actually does it mean.It is also good idea to inform yourself why Syria is a target of West-backed terrorists.Hint for you-it has absolutely nothing to do with "democracy" .
I suggest you to do simple web search to verify the "information" you have before making such bold claims.Good start is inform yourself which USA based organization come out with -EU energy security is priority of USA national interests and what actually does it mean.

That dastardly Federation of American Scientists?


It is also good idea to inform yourself why Syria is a target of West-backed terrorists.Hint for you-it has absolutely nothing to do with "democracy" .

Assad had a good deal on the table (Qatar-EU pipeline), but he was forced to bow down to his weapon supplier/creditor Putiepoo as Putiepoo cannot afford to let Europe diversify as that would inevitably mean the good times for Russian budget are going to end.
I don't care for democracy in Middle East, the whole term is an oxymoron.....we will preserve our way of life and no tin pot dictator covered by another tin pot dictator will stand in our way.

Don't quote me anymore, you do not have the prerequisite knowledge for this debate, unless you have some proper links that differ from the FAS link i presented.
most ignorant thing I've read in a while. If you don't understand basic geopolitics you should probably go back to school.

figures you probably never finished higher education. You're even too lazy to state an actual reasoned opinion. Just linking to someone else's. How utterly worthless.

I don't believe it had anything to do with US.
most ignorant thing I've read in a while. If you don't understand basic geopolitics you should probably go back to school.

What basic geopolitics? :-)

Reducing dependance on Russia so it does not wield to big of an influence is bad? Tell me more. I'm sure you have a "Lomonosov" degree of unarticulated speech and thus ofcourse you're much higher on the educational ladder than poor old me.

How to get a fake diploma in Russia | ONE RUSSIAN HACK'S CORNER

Fake Diplomas = Fake Modernization | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Probably a proud graduate of above scam and sham. Just for you, you shouldn't worry, we will get our cheap energy resources as soon as we scuttle Assad (he can keep the Mediteranean resort for 100.000 russians who keep his country afloat, np) and behead the militias in Libya. Why do you think this refugee crisis is on the forefront now? It's an excuse to go back and put someone who will supply regularly, cheaply on top. Realpolitik enough?

figures you probably never finished higher education. You're even too lazy to state an actual reasoned opinion. Just linking to someone else's. How utterly worthless.

To what did i link 50 kopejka bot? To the FAS study your toiling comrade in the 50 kopejka brigade could have linked himself seeing he was the one to talk about it?
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Lol. Wow. You have some serious mental and anti social issues. Slovenia? Figures....

You might actually want to study geopolitics before attempting to speak on it. it's clear you have no understanding of it whatsoever.
Lol. Wow. You have some serious mental and anti social issues. Slovenia? Figures....

You might actually want to study geopolitics before attempting to speak on it. it's clear you have no understanding of it whatsoever.

awh...you so weak you can't even quote so i get notified 'cuz you know i'll destroy you.

Funny you even speak about education.....on PISA tests, Russia was behind tiny Slovenia in every category, let alone Switzerland.
What's even funnier is, that you started with derogatory remarks against me and my education, but when i return tit for tat you cry like a little girl. So much for that tough Slav stereotype.
Although there is some truth in it, i'm half Slavic and tough as nails, it seems it just doesn't hold true for you.
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Are you still crying because I pointed out a basic fact about your very low level of understanding geopolitics? It's no one's fault that you haven't studied enough to make intelligent comments on the subject. The fault is your own my little slovenian.

Read a few books on the subject and maybe then you won't have to regurgitate the thoughts and opinions of others.

awh...you so weak you can't even quote so i get notified 'cuz you know i'll destroy you.

Funny you even speak about education.....on PISA tests, Russia was behind tiny Slovenia in every category, let alone Switzerland.
What's even funnier is, that you started with derogatory remarks against me and my education, but when i return tit for tat you cry like a little girl. So much for that tough Slav stereotype.
Although there is some truth in it, i'm half Slavic and tough as nails, it seems it just doesn't hold true for you.
Are you still crying because I pointed out a basic fact about your very low level of understanding geopolitics? It's no one's fault that you haven't studied enough to make intelligent comments on the subject. The fault is your own my little slovenian.

Read a few books on the subject and maybe then you won't have to regurgitate the thoughts and opinions of others.

Dude, you're trash. To everyone. What you point out or not is irelevant (even if it would be correct), as trash you will remain. A false flagger working for peanuts. Trash.

But i understand that you cannot engage in meaningful debate, as what they got you working on for peanuts....what was it?....50/posts/day/account with multiple required accounts.

No wonder you immediately resort to ad hominem as to generate effect, as if you would be operationg on intelligence basis alone, you'd go hungry, you don't have it in you to fill 600 posts/day with debate.

If it was tl;dr-you're trash. Working for peanuts which i would be ashamed of working for.
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Lol. The irony of your delusional rantings are quite entertaining. I'm sure that irony is lost on someone with your mental skill set. But please, carry on. Eurasia is rising. Keep throwing tantrums. I'm sure that will help your cause you little pseudo analyst you.

Dude, you're trash. To everyone. What you point out or not is irelevant (even if it would be correct), as trash you will remain. A false flagger working for peanuts. Trash.

But i understand that you cannot engage in meaningful debate, as what they got you working on for peanuts....what was it?....50/posts/day/account with multiple required accounts.

No wonder you immediately resort to ad hominem as to generate effect, as if you would be operationg on intelligence basis alone, you'd go hungry, you don't have it in you to fill 600 posts/day with debate.

If it was tl;dr-you're trash. Working for peanuts which i would be ashamed of working for.
Hungary is only one country in EU looking after her national interests.And for such crime(in the eye of collective West) is being target-staging "spontaneous" protests,constant Orban bashing in "truth" loving press,openly calling Orban dictator etc...Good for Hungary for standing up to pressure despite everything and signing up with China.More and more countries will do it in near future.Choice is obvious between China offer(lets grown up together) and USA offer(obey all orders or will suffer).

Progress on Central-Eastern Europe railway,
Post #4
China, Hungary, Serbia reach agreement on railway project
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