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Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution


May 30, 2010
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Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution 8 June 2010


Up to 700 people in a tribal region of north-west Pakistan watched the Taliban publicly execute a man accused of killing two brothers, officials say.

Masked militants shot the man, blindfolded and bound, dead at a football ground in Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan.

Militants in Pakistan's tribal areas have killed scores of people accused of spying for the US in recent years.

But such public executions by the Taliban are rare.

The BBC's M Ilyas Khan in Islamabad says that the latest execution highlights the power the Taliban wields in the region and reflects the growing power and confidence of the militants.
'Quick justice'

Our correspondent says that the security forces appear to have been powerless to stop the execution from taking place.

The killing also signifies an effort by the Taliban to win local people's sympathy by delivering quick justice, our correspondent says.


'Quick justice'

Our correspondent says that the security forces appear to have been powerless to stop the execution from taking place.

The killing also signifies an effort by the Taliban to win local people's sympathy by delivering quick justice, our correspondent says.

Locals in Miranshah told the BBC that the man who was killed, known only as Waheed, was 25.

They said two masked militants opened fire on him, killing him on the spot. He had earlier been found guilty by a self-styled Taliban "court".

A government official said that the body of the dead man was found near the town, along with a letter that named him and said he had been executed on the orders of a Taliban council for killing two brothers, Noor Zeb and Alam Zeb.

Local sources say Waheed opened fire on his two brothers in Miranshah's cycle ground area after a brief altercation last month.

There have been instances of public Taliban "justice" in the area before, but they are not common.

In December 2005, the Taliban in Miranshah clashed with a local militia led by Hakim Khan. His group had set up checkpoints in the area and were extorting money from motorists, traders and residents.

Both sides suffered casualties, but eventually the Taliban killed him and nearly 24 of his men. They were condemned as robbers and extortionists and their bodies were left hanging from trees.

The Pakistani army has launched several offensives in the volatile north-west over the past year, killing hundreds of militants and capturing several of their strongholds.

But it has resisted US pressure to launch an offensive in North Waziristan.
BBC News - Hundreds witness Pakistan Taliban public execution
This Law which Taliban exibited is Pashtunwali Practiced in these areas from thousands of years.

the reporting of this incident was more for resons of sensationalism and propoganda for pressureizing pakistan for operation in NWA then for any other reason.
Our correspondent says that the security forces appear to have been powerless to stop the execution from taking place.

which security forces?
which security forces?

he means Pakistani Security forces

Ahmed you ur self are Afghan

plz define concept of Badal in Pashtun walli practiced in Pashtun societies of Afghanistan and Pakistan in tribal areas
Basically underlining the message that Pakistani forces hold no sway in the area.
And winning the hearts of the local populous against our Nation.
he means Pakistani Security forces

Ahmed you ur self are Afghan

plz define concept of Badal in Pashtun walli practiced in Pashtun societies of Afghanistan and Pakistan in tribal areas

Yea that is right, Badal is part of pashtunwali culture. but i believe this habit is alot stronger in tribal areas of Pakistan. In Afghanistan not all pashtoons practice this, specially those who are residing in cities, and it is not part of the culture of Tajiks and others. There is something else in Pashtoon areas of Afghanistan and i am not sure if this happens in FATA, if somebody comits murder, to settle the issue, the family of murderer gives a girl to the family of victim, there should be one girl, no matter how young she is(older single women not accepted), and the man from the victim family no matter how young or how old he is,and that is how the life poor girl is screwed forever. but the practice by the taliban might be religious or a mix of religion plus tribal culture.
Basically underlining the message that Pakistani forces hold no sway in the area.
And winning the hearts of the local populous against our Nation.

off course, the taliban are running a mini state along with their afghani couterparts.
Yea that is right, Badal is part of pashtunwali culture. but i believe this habit is alot stronger in tribal areas of Pakistan. In Afghanistan not all pashtoons practice this, specially those who are residing in cities, and it is not part of the culture of Tajiks and others. There is something else in Pashtoon areas of Afghanistan and i am not sure if this happens in FATA, if somebody comits murder, to settle the issue, the family of murderer gives a girl to the family of victim, there should be one girl, no matter how young she is, and the man from the victim family no matter how young and how old she is,and that is how the life poor girl is screwed forever. but the practice by the taliban might be religious or a mix of religion plus tribal culture.

I dont belive Taliban have any thing to do with Islam.
their ideology is mixture of Pashtunwali and Islam according to tribal customs.
I dont belive Taliban have any thing to do with Islam.
their ideology is mixture of Pashtunwali and Islam according to tribal customs.

Exaclty!!! You have got the point. I have been saying this for long time now.
Miranshah for long has been ignored. Even when Swat was being captured by Fazlullah and gang, Miranshah was a stronger Taliban hold.

Not sure about what sort of training goes on there, but sooner or later every militant graduates from Miranshah 'spiritually'.

Moreover there are no security forces in Miranshah. The North Waziristan operation is now long due. Hopefully after the South Punjab ops.
Miranshah for long has been ignored. Even when Swat was being captured by Fazlullah and gang, Miranshah was a stronger Taliban hold.

Not sure about what sort of training goes on there, but sooner or later every militant graduates from Miranshah 'spiritually'.

Moreover there are no security forces in Miranshah. The North Waziristan operation is now long due. Hopefully after the South Punjab ops.

North Waziristan is over due true however as it is we are over stretched currently!!

the US,NATO are not putting pressure from across the border to stop these terrorists escaping from our side!! this is obvious from the amount of border check posts they have compared to the amount we do!!!!

US & NATO are also sitting in afghanistan and not doing any sort of operation!!! until and unless we corner down the terrorist into a small whole no point in doing operation in NORTH WAZIRISTAN!!

all sides must work together!! i guess the "ALLIES" really don't want to solve the problem hence there approach is all talk and blaming pakistan while they themselves do nothing!!!!! :flame:
It's common for the Taliban to hold a public execution once in a while, it helps pressurize the people into abiding by Taliban laws and has a psychological effect also, making people fear the taliban, that fear can then be reaped as rewards in the form of monetary support or conscripts.
NW operation right now will no doubt stretch our capability but its not true when you say that Americans are doing nothing then you are wrong, there are reasons why Hell Fires are coming down into NW ;)
NW operation right now will no doubt stretch our capability but its not true when you say that Americans are doing nothing then you are wrong, there are reasons why Hell Fires are coming down into NW ;)

i am assuming your post was meant for me(if not ignore it)

but yes they are using "DRONES" in NW all the more reason for people choosing the lesser of two evils in terms of supporting taliban!!! not all people killed in drones are "taliban" civilans die to! leading to a big collateral damage to pakistan's war efforts!!

for a minute consider a drone attack on hyderabad! or faislabad or pasni,gawadar!! people of the area will be "pis*ed" to say the least!!

all i am saying is close the god damn border from the afghan end and we will do the rest thank you but we don't need the drone strikes!!! to be honest pakistanis have disowned North Waziristan as part of pakistan hence its not a "SHOCKING" turn of events that the people there are acting "NEUTRAL" and not rising up against the taliban!!! ;)
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