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Hundreds of Muslim girls being forced into converting to Hinduism in UP

Why don't you read the OP instead of wasting my time...? This is what the OP states

"According to the FIR filed by Zubeida’s family in 2013, Rameshwar Thakur and his sons Arvind and Nagin Thakur have been charged with kidnapping and compelling a young woman into marriage."

One FIR turns into Hundreds? I guess the author is being liberal only with numbers and truth here.
It is inevitable that India will try and reclaim Hinduism as its bedrock, its foundation. After all, almost a billion Hindus live there. Hindus were colonized by Muslims for hundreds of years, then we carved two countries our of India etc etc How much love do you think Hindus actually have for Muslims? If I was a Muslim in India, I would be crapping bricks. This rise of the BJP has been going on for quite some time now and it will only get stronger. The secular ideals of India's founders were based on pragmatism at the time but that doesnt make any sense anymore. The whole world is lurching to the Right whether its America, Europe or any other part of the World. India is no different. Hinduism will become increasingly prominent in Indian society. It is the their right. Why argue with that? The Muslims of India have a stark choice ahead of them: Either assimilate ie dissolve into Hindu society or rebel. You cant have it both ways. Hindus will not become more tolerant to accommodate Muslims. They have a 1000 year 'beef' (no pun intended) with Islam. They will expect Muslims of India to 'hindufy'. That, unfortunately, is where Indian Muslims stand. It's not an enviable position but an inevitable one-either become acceptable to the Hindu majority or prepare to perish. There is no middle way that is even remotely acceptable to the likes of the BJP/RSS/VHP etc. And these are not some fringe yahoos with no support base. These are the bastions of Hinduism. There are no good times ahead for Indian Muslims. The best you had is in the past. India will become Bharat. A Hindu Rashtra. And you muslims of India will get caught like rabbits in headlights. Gujarat revisited....

@Horus plz ban user ranjeet he is spreading hindooism here. he can't even leave us alone here plz ban him

Let him speak. He has a right. Free speech should scare no-one. At least he is honest about his hatred of Muslims.
why are u here? why don't u go to idf and leave us alone u nutcase bindi

He may leave you alone on the internet, but that guy could quite possibly live across the street from you (if you live in India). Think about that.
Dont know how this went so well with a thakur family,i know of some rajput family of haryana who disown their sons if he marries in another hindu caste... can't even think about marrying a muslim girl.
Modi sarkar is supposedly setting scores with Pak by "purging" his own kind

He may start there, but that is because he has no choice. But I assure you, if the entire world turned a blind eye and he knew that Pakistan couldnt retaliate he would happily see every single Muslim in South Asia either become Hindu or die. Think about it. He is a Hindu. Just like we are Muslims. We have beef with people because of history, they have beef because of history. They have centuries of beef with us whether they readily admit it or not. They dont like us, they tolerate us. There is a difference. Pakistanis may be safe from the surge of Hinduism, but Indian Muslims are not. I relly dont see anything other than serious problems for Indian Muslims in the future. Modi himself declared Delhi to be free after 800 years (cant remember the exact quote but it was last year). What he said was very very worrying. India will become Hindu again. Its just a matter of time, and Muslims will be the confirmation of that transition. That is a fact. No Hindu leader can claim India has become Bharat unless the Muslim issue is dealt with. Lets call a spade a spade.

I don't know who gave hindus the authority to come near MUSLIM WOMEN.

You what? LOL! Do you know how much shit you guys are in? And that is the best you can come up with?
Not without reading/knowing about the scenario... Questions should be intelligible, not stupid.

Are you saying whatever said in the OP is true and can be taken at face value? Do you really think crime of such proportions can really go unnoticed in India?
Its probably fake news.

It may be fake it may be real. The thing is it is plausible. It is possible and the scary thing is it may become probable and inevitable. Muslims are not safe in India. I dont blame Hindus for that and I dont blame Muslims for that. It is just the way it is. Nations have been ripped apart over things a lot less sensitive than religion. South Asia is on the cusp of a Hindu revival. Whatever that means.
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