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Huge excitement in Bangladesh for PM Modi's visit!

It is the second most spoken language in your country so why not?

So he said in Bengali a lot of things, including "abar asibo phire, dhansiritir tire"; which other head of the state has done that? :)

@asad71 that was also clever psyops! :D
Rainman, Will you please stop trolling Bangladeshis. Bangladesh does not want anything to do with India and as a matter of fact, for most Bangladeshis India is never a point of discussion and are completely oblivious to them. We are increasingly giving up the Bengali culture for an Islamic one. Even some of the common spoken words are being replaced with Arabic.
Butcher Modi delivered his speech at Dhaka University in Hindi- as if BD had already become a part of India. Yet Awami Hindu wannabes pay no heed.

He spoke in his national language which is what he suppose to do. The organizer I believe arranged interpreter. I saw headphones among audiences.
So he said in Bengali a lot of things, including "abar asibo phire, dhansiritir tire"; which other head of the state has done that? :)
John F. Kennedy is famous for a speech in West Germany saying "Ich bin ein Berliner."
Rainman, Will you please stop trolling Bangladeshis. Bangladesh does not want anything to do with India and as a matter of fact, for most Bangladeshis India is never a point of discussion and are completely oblivious to them. We are increasingly giving up the Bengali culture for an Islamic one. Even some of the common spoken words are being replaced with Arabic.

Indo-Banga bhai bhai! :kiss3:
Very cute, this saying is still around after what happened in 62?

It is normal to trust people till the time they break it! But once broken, it is very difficult to re-build the trust. :)

India was a pacifist country by policy before 1962 with a miniscule army. 1962 was a necessary rude shock that helped Nehru realise that a nation cannot be run on such lofty ideals in real world. After 1962 our foreign policies and external threat assessment became more mature and realistic, we discarded NAM, and started giving military its due importance, which helped us a lot in the future wars. So 1962 was a blessing in disguise for us.

For China, they gained nothing from 1962 apart from enemity from a very large neighbour, it proved to be a blunder in the long run. Without 1962 we would have continued with our Gandhian/Nehruvian policies and China would have been the undisputed leader in south and south-east Asia! But not anymore.
Modi is the most popular leader in the South Asian region today..
It is normal to trust people till the time they break it! But once broken, it is very difficult to re-build the trust. :)

India was a pacifist country by policy before 1962 with a miniscule army. 1962 was a necessary rude shock that helped Nehru realise that a nation cannot be run on such lofty ideals in real world. After 1962 our foreign policies and external threat assessment became more mature and realistic, we discarded NAM, and started giving military its due importance, which helped us a lot in the future wars. So 1962 was a blessing in disguise for us.

For China, they gained nothing from 1962 apart from enemity from a very large neighbour, it proved to be a blunder in the long run. Without 1962 we would have continued with our Gandhian/Nehruvian policies and China would have been the undisputed leader in south and south-east Asia! But not anymore.
I agree, it was a good wake up call for you guys but, didn't you guys annex Goa almost a year before that? Not really pacifist through that method. I won't condemn because the Portuguese downright needed to now colonialism should have been over by then, but still my point stands.
I agree, it was a good wake up call for you guys but, didn't you guys annex Goa almost a year before that? Not really pacifist through that method. I won't condemn because the Portuguese downright needed to now colonialism should have been over by then, but still my point stands.

It was not annexation, it was freeing a part of our country from the clutches of the colonialists! :)
It was not annexation, it was freeing a part of our country from the clutches of the colonialists! :)
Alright sure, still not really a pacifist method like the one that was done against the British.
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Hasina representing a dictatorial figure: Kuldip Nayar

June 16, 2015 12:33 am

Staff correspondent

Veteran Indian journalist Kuldip Nayar in a recent writing said that Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina was ‘representing a dictatorial figure’ and ‘has effaced the lines between right and wrong, moral and immoral’.

‘Unfortunately Bangladesh, a product of the people’s right to a say in governance,has lost the vigour of expression which the nation once had. This is a sad development by itself. But it becomes all the more poignant when the person changing it is from the family which liberated the people from the clutches of West Pakistan,’ wrote Kuldip Nayar in an opinion piece published in Indian English daily The Statesman.

‘No one else is to blame except Hasina. She is herself extinguishing the flame of democracy. That it should be done by the daughter of Sheikh Mujib is not only disappointing but also disconcerting. That she can shackle the nation still further is a harrowing thought,’ read the article titled ‘A shot in the arm for Hasina’ published on June 11.

‘In this atmosphere of Hasina representing a dictatorial figure, [Indian prime minister Narendra] Modi’s visit was all the more unfortunate,’ wrote Kuldip, also a political commentator.

‘He [Modi] should have said somewhere while in Bangladesh that the country was a product of revolution and it should continue to radiate the same kind of thoughts. But he preferred to placate Hasina even though the people of Bangladesh were disappointed because they expected India to give some sign that it is not happy with the way Hasina is functioning,’ read the article.

‘Prime minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Dhaka was mistimed. It looked as if he had gone to shore up the sagging image of prime minister Sheikh Hasina. He has only heightened anti-India feelings because New Delhi is not seen as neutral,’ it read.

He wrote, ‘I do not know why and for how long we have to support the authoritarian rule by prime minister Hasina in Bangladesh. True, she is the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, who liberated East Pakistan from distant and oppressive West Pakistan. But that does not give her the right to flout the constitution and accepted norms.’

He mentioned that ‘ballot papers in favour of candidates of the ruling Awami League were shoved into the ballot boxes to the horror of voters and others’ in the recent city polls.

‘No doubt, Modi’s visit has given a shot in the arm to secular forces against the burgeoning influence of fundamentalists, led by the Jammat-e-Islam. But Hasina would still have had her way. In fact, the cavalier manner in which she has suppressed dissent arouses doubts about her credentials. Did she ever have conviction about a free state and the democratic way of governance?’ wrote Kuldip, also a famous writer.

‘True, Modi was able to implement a long-standing agreement on the exchange of enclaves…But he should have used the opportunity to thank all the political parties in supporting the accord with a useful and endearing neighbour,’ he wrote.

‘The people of Bangladesh were expecting some agreement on the Teesta waters,’ Kuldip mentioned.

- See more at: http://newagebd.net/...h.1osCidt3.dpuf
Kuldip Nayar
That's a famous journalist in India. I'm pretty sure he also wrote papers for The Daily Star and some other newspapers in Pakistan and the UK. Pretty interesting article too. Thank you.
Hasina is intelligent now she comes through votes
yes MODI was a big add for the BAL
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