This is one of the most mind boggling judgement ever. As it's from the Supreme Court so it sets a precedence in other criminal cases.
So if a crime is committed and no evidence was available at that moment to prosecute anyone, so the case had to be put on hold. But years later police found a lead which they want to pursue so the crime in question could be solved.
Interestingly what this judgment does is bar the Police from doing any further investigation in it.
As the reasoning of this judgement is, cause this Hudaibiya Mills case was put on hold for so many years so NAB cant do further probe in it even if they have some new evidence which could lead to solving this massive corruption case.
In my opinion not this case, but in some other case a full bench of Supreme Court will be formed to give a Judgement on it. It might not happen today but surely in a few years it is bound to happen, cause this judgement literally puts a time bar on every crime committed, which will be exploited massively by all types of criminals.