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Hungary slams U.S. warnings about using Chinese tech giant Huawei's products

Updated 19:13, 12-Feb-2019


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Tuesday slammed U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying "the world is not going to be a better place if some countries spend their time intervening in the internal political affairs of other countries" in response to a statement from the U.S. official that the use of Chinese telecoms giant Huawei's products would complicate the partnership between the U.S. and Hungary during a joint press conference in Budapest.

During the presser, Pompeo warned Hungary not to deploy equipment provided by Huawei, the world's biggest maker of telecoms equipment. He said the use of Huawei technology would "make it more difficult for us to partner alongside them."

Szijjarto immediately brushed off the warning, saying that Budapest can have transparent relations with Beijing, according to reports from Russia Today.

"Cooperation with Russia or China that does not harm us," the Hungarian official said.

Later in the day, the Chinese Foreign Ministry also refuted Washington's "China threat" statement, saying this behavior is "neither fair nor moral."


"For some time, the U.S. has spared no effort in fabricating unwarranted charges against China and making various "China threat" theories. It has even made naked threats and provocations against China's relations with other countries, damaging the rights and interests of legitimate development and cooperation with Chinese companies," said spokesperson Hua Chunying.

Friendly cooperation has always been the theme of China-Hungary relationship, Hua said, and she hopes that other countries will stop their irresponsible intervention.

"We hope all relevant parties can abandon ideological prejudices and zero-sum game thinking, to provide fair, inclusive, transparent and standardized conditions for international cooperation," she said.

Pompeo, who is now on the first leg of a European tour, arrived in Hungary on Monday. The U.S. official has previously warned its NATO ally Hungary about having close relations with Russia.



The rogue state is rocking on the nerve of its minions.
Huawei phones are still top sellers in Poland

By Aljosa Milenkovic - 14-Feb-2019


Poland's capital Warsaw is the host of a controversial U.S. sponsored meeting that allegedly should bring peace to the Middle East. However, the true worth of that conference was even in its infancy stages difficult to quantify, considering the absence of so many key players, from Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon, in the region, to more global powers like China and Russia. But the Americans pushed full steam ahead with it, bringing to Poland their political heavyweights, led by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.

After an apparent warm welcome at the joint military base on the outskirts of Warsaw, where the Polish defense minister signed a deal for purchasing over 400-million-U.S.-dollars' worth of American weapons, Pence gave a speech to the soldiers outlining Washington's vision of the world. Judging by his later comments at the joint press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda, that vision excludes Russia and China having any significant role in the world of tomorrow. The U.S. vice president has openly praised Poland's actions against one of the (now former) Huawei employees.

"United States also welcomes Poland's partnership as we work to protect telecommunication sector from China. The recent action your government has taken against the Huawei executive and a Polish national accused of cooperating with him, demonstrate your government's commitment to ensure our telecommunication sector is not compromised in a way that threatens our national security. We must continue to work together to ensure that all investment review mechanisms protect critical security and economic infrastructure going forward,” Pence said.

Huawei has become a common target of scare tactics from the West. And many, including some of the West's highest ranking government officials, are portraying the company as the “big evil boogeyman” who's spying on them to steal their secrets. The case of Wang Weijing in Poland appears to be an excellent excuse for painting that kind of picture. But analysts are saying that there is something more behind that smokescreen, as we spoke with Sylwia Czubkowska, a journalist from local Gazeta Wyborcza who is extensively covering the entire case.

“The main problem of the whole situation is this new generation of 5G telecommunication infrastructure. This is the main problem for Huawei, for China, for Poland, Europe and (the) United States.”

So it is about the 5G, and who's going to build its infrastructure, hence gaining long-term financial benefits from that developing and implementing that technology. Huawei is among the world's leading developers of the groundbreaking 5G mobile networks technology. The company as an industry leader might be the reason for this witch hunt. But according to local analysts, the general feeling among the public toward Huawei products hasn't changed. Their phones are still the top sellers here and in spite of the initial apparent cooling of relations after Wang's arrest, Poland and China are trying to maintain positive economic momentum among the two nations. And as Patrycja Pendrakowska, president of the Center for Polish-Asian Studies, said to us:

“I can still see that Chinese government officials are planning visits to Poland, and also planning visits to other countries. That's the very positive point in this whole… let's put it maybe in this way… conflict, in this whole situation.”

In a bid to show that Huawei's communication technology equipment has no so-called “back doors” for spying, the Polish branch of the company is offering local authorities to open a “Cyber Security Center” in the capital, Warsaw. It's a move responding to the arrest of Wang Weijing, one of (now former) Huawei's executives in Poland, but so far there is no official response to Huawei's offer.

Huawei launches first 5G digital indoor system in Shanghai railway station

2019-02-18 16:25:24 chinadaily.com.cn Editor : Jing Yuxin

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station became the first railway station built upon the 5G digital indoor system after China Mobile Shanghai and Huawei Technologies Co Ltd partnered to launch the network's deployment there on Monday.

The move aims to achieve deep indoor 5G coverage within the whole station by the end of 2019. It will deliver easy access to fast 5G network services for all passengers.

A 5G network in the railway station will be a key milestone in 5G commercial deployment across Shanghai. It will lay a solid foundation for building Shanghai as a dual-gigaband city, with gigabit network speeds on both mobile and fixed networks.

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is one of Asia's biggest traffic hubs in terms of passenger volume, and a showcase for China's railway system. It handles over 60 million passengers every year, with over 330,000 people passing through each day during peak seasons.

As the 5G era approaches, one of the key concerns for telecom operators will be how they can use 5G networks to meet the needs of high-density areas with thousands of people are simultaneously using the network to make phone calls, access the internet, and make mobile payments.

It is well-known that 5G offers high bandwidth, low latency, and massive connections. However, it uses high frequencies, which means that network signals will lose a lot when penetrating into buildings. This makes it not easy to provide full 5G coverage in any indoor environment. In a huge building like Hongqiao Railway Station, with a large number of passengers generating vast data flows, the challenge is even tougher.

China Mobile Shanghai selected Huawei's 5G Digital Indoor System, which is currently the industry's only commercially-available solution for 5G indoor coverage. This product was developed in Shanghai, and is now ready for mass delivery. Huawei's 5G system is undoubtedly the best choice for 5G commercial deployment of operators.

According to industry insiders, most 5G base stations are being deployed outdoors. Huawei's 5G system will ensure that 5G network coverage extends into every scenario in every corner of the city.

At the launch event, China Mobile Shanghai and Huawei demonstrated the 1.2Gbps peak rate enabled by Huawei's 5G system. This will mean that after logging on to the network supported by the system, passengers will be able to download a 2GB high-definition film in less than 20 seconds. They will be able to enjoy a seamless entertainment experience as they wait, board and ride their train. And 5G will reshape people's lives by creating interactive services, such as robot navigation and takeaway delivery.

Peter Zhou from Huawei Wireless Network Product Line said 5G also will provide a big boost to cloud services. The railway stations of the future may be more intelligent than most can possibly imagine.

China Mobile Shanghai and Huawei Launch First 5G Digital Indoor System in Shanghai’s Hongqiao Railway Station

The digital indoor system is a milestone in building a dual-Gigaband Shanghai

Feb 18, 2019

[Shanghai, China, February 18, 2019] China Mobile Shanghai has launched a 5G network in Shanghai’s Hongqiao Railway Station, making it the first railway station to have a 5G digital indoor system (DIS). The deployment aims to achieve deep indoor 5G coverage within the whole station by the end of 2019 providing easy access to fast 5G network services for all passengers.

The railway station’s 5G network is seen as a key milestone in Shanghai’s commercial 5G deployment laying a solid foundation for Shanghai as a Dual-Gigaband city, with Gigabit network speeds on both mobile and fixed networks.


The ceremony at the launch event

"Hongqiao Railway Station is leading the 5G commercial deployment in Shanghai," said Zhang Jianming, Vice Chairman of Shanghai’s Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology. "The 5G digital indoor system will deliver a new travel experience. Passengers will feel they are getting more out of their journey. The railway station will show how 5G applications can improve the user experience and offer real benefits to the public. It will help speed up digital transformation for all sectors across the digital economy."

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is one of Asia's biggest traffic hubs in terms of passenger throughput, and a showcase for China's railway system. It handles over 60 million passengers every year, with over 330,000 people passing through each day during peak seasons.

As the 5G era approaches, one of the key concerns for telecom operators will be how they can use 5G networks to meet the needs of high-density areas with thousands of people simultaneously using the network to make phone calls, access the Internet, and make mobile payments.

5G offers high bandwidth, low latency, and massive connections. However, it uses high frequencies, which means network signals will lose a lot when penetrating buildings. This makes it difficult to provide full 5G coverage in any indoor environment. A huge building like Hongqiao Railway Station, with a large number of passengers generating vast data flows, increases the challenge.

China Mobile Shanghai selected Huawei's 5G DIS, which is currently the industry's only commercially-available solution for 5G indoor coverage. The product was developed in Shanghai and is now ready for mass delivery. Most 5G base stations are currently being deployed outdoors. The 5G DIS will ensure that 5G network coverage extends into every scenario in every corner of the city.


The peak rate demonstrated at the launch event

At the launch event, China Mobile Shanghai and Huawei demonstrated the 1.2Gbps peak rate enabled by the 5G DIS. This will mean that after logging on to a network supported by the system, passengers will be able to download a 2GB high-definition film in less than 20 seconds. They will be able to enjoy a seamless entertainment experience as they wait, board, and ride their train. And 5G will reshape people's lives by creating interactive services such as robot navigation and takeaway delivery.

With the application of the 5G digital indoor system in more diverse scenarios, the 5G railway stations of the future will meet passenger demand for high-speed connectivity and mobile payments anytime, anywhere. They will also support services including 4K HD video calling and multi-way ultra-HD video uploading. These new services will create a better travel experience for passengers.

According to Peter Zhou, CMO of Huawei’s Wireless Solution, “5G will also provide a big boost to cloud services. The railway stations of the future may be more intelligent than we can possibly imagine.”

5G is now: Inspired user experiences

5G railway stations are just one of many ways in which 5G will be applied. 5G means faster network speeds and larger capacity and is the foundation for the Internet of Things (IoT). With 5G, a range of new services, such as virtual reality (VR), IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), smart city, and ultra-HD video, will see wider application.

Huawei’s Chief 5G Scientist, NAME believes, “5G will open a new era for mobile Internet, underpinned by digital transformation. 5G networks will connect 1 billion places, 5 billion people, and 50 billion objects, and bring digital to every person, home, and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world.”

As the first 5G networks are rolled out, Huawei has several 5G DIS projects underway. "The 5G DIS was built using Huawei chips, integrated designs, and high-performance antennas, and so on. It leads the industry in terms of performance, specification, and technologies," said Peter Zhou. "The 5G DIS technology will deliver ubiquitous connectivity for AR, VR, and accurate positioning and navigation. It will enable intelligent digital platforms for areas such as store management, distribution management, and targeted advertising."

The future of advanced 5G technology: 4G changed lives, 5G will change the world

As 5G industrialization accelerates, Huawei is working with partners in many industries to develop the indoor 5G industry, and enable smart buildings, remote healthcare, and smart railways. The whole world is becoming more intelligent.

Within the 5G world, the functions of mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing, and smart devices are constantly integrating and transforming. 5G is more than a next-generation technology. It is key infrastructure for the future digital world. Just as 2G transformed voice services and 4G transformed mobile Internet, 5G is the engine that will transform the world.

This vision of the future led Huawei to invest consistently in 5G R&D from 2009 onwards, paving the way for its leadership of the industry today. Huawei's technological leadership has made it the technology supplier of choice for more and more customers. As of mid-January 2019, Huawei has signed 30 5G contracts and has shipped more than 25,000 5G base stations. Huawei possesses 2,570 patents on 5G.

"Shanghai is committed to building a Dual-Gigaband City," said Zhang Jianming, Vice Chairman of Shanghai’s Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology. "We are now planning field tests and pre-commercial trials of the technology. Ultimately, we will deploy 5G base stations across the whole city, and lead 5G commercial use in China. With Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Huawei, we have set up platforms to bring together the industry, academia, and research institutes. Through more investment in new infrastructure including AI, industrial Internet, and IoT, we will revitalize this city and build a hi-tech, intelligent Shanghai."

Guests at the launch event included: Zhang Jianming, Vice Chairman of Shanghai’s Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology; Wang Guannan, Deputy Division Chief of the Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission; Bai Zhengguo, Station Master of the Shanghai Railway Station; Li Xuecheng, Deputy General Manager of China Mobile Shanghai; Peter Zhou, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Huawei’s Wireless Solution; Zang Binyu, Dean of the School of Software at Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and Xiao Yuhuo, General Manager of China Mobile Tietong Shanghai.

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei: no way the US can crush us

(People's Daily) 08:33, February 20, 2019

Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Chinese tech giant Huawei, said in an interview that the arrest of his daughter, Huawei’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Meng Wanzhou, was a politically motivated act and unacceptable.


Ren Zhengfei. [Photo by Xinhua]

"The US likes to sanction others, whenever there's an issue, they'll use such combative methods,” Ren said to US accusations in an interview with the BBC on Tuesday. "We object to this. But now that we've gone down this path, we'll let the courts settle it."

Previously, Meng was provisionally detained by Canadian authorities on behalf of the US, when she was transferring flights in Vancouver, Canada, according to a Huawei statement.

“The US Justice Department started ‘unreasonable suppression’ and ‘technology bullying’ actions that reportedly unsealed criminal charges against Huawei, and continues to seek the extradition of Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou from Canada,” according to a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson.

"There's no way the US can crush us," Ren said. "The world cannot leave us because we are more advanced. Even if they persuade more countries not to use us temporarily, we can always scale things down a bit."

Ren reiterated that there is no impact on Huawei’s business due to Meng’s loss of freedom. The company has established processes and procedures, and no longer relies on any one person, he said.

When asked about the impact of the US getting partners to shut Huawei’s equipment out, Ren said, “If the lights go out in the West, the East will still shine. And if the north goes dark, then there is still the south.”


NZ PM: Huawei were never excluded from New Zealand's 5G network construction



New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Tuesday that Huawei has never been excluded from the construction of New Zealand's 5G network.

Ardern told the local talk show "AM Show New Zealand" that China's biggest telecommunications company Huawei was never ruled out of building parts of New Zealand's local telecommunications supplier Spark's 5G network.

"How far down the track the UK already is with Huawei, actually is different to New Zealand... we have a different process. We have a piece of legislation that says that we go through a pretty rigorous assessment independently via Government Communications and Security Bureau (GCSB), they'll look at concerns or any security issues," Ardern said.

"They have done so and have gone back to Spark... and said to them there are concerns, your option now is to mitigate those and that is the place in the process where we currently are."

"They never were not [allowed to build NZ's 5G network], there was a very quick interpretation of what happened, but as I say, the legislation sets out a process," Ardern said.

"The GCSB have raised concerns, that is in the public domain, they have gone back to Spark with those concerns, now the ball is in Spark's court, that is literally where the process sits."


VCG Photo

Regarding the argument that the "Five Eyes" alliance of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are facing pressure from the United States, Ardern said that although the "Five Eyes" alliance partners share information, New Zealand will make its own independent decision on the Huawei 5G solution.

A spokesman for Spark has said on Wednesday that it had yet to decide whether to submit a revised 5G upgrade proposal incorporating Huawei gear. Spokesman Andrew Pirie said Spark was still assessing information forwarded by the GCSB, "some of which is security classified."

Huawei was scheduled to construct Spark's 5G network. In November 2018, the GCSB suddenly opposed Spark's use of Huawei's 5G technology equipment on the grounds of the so-called "significant network security risk."

On February 18, the Financial Times quoted internal sources as saying that the British government concluded that it could simultaneously control security risks in the 5G network using Huawei equipment.

The Financial Times said that this was a heavy blow to the U.S. attempt to persuade allies to ban Chinese telecom operators from participating in the construction of high-speed telecommunications networks.

Although there is no official statement so far, the Financial Times said that the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) has concluded that the risk of using Huawei devices in future 5G networks is controllable.

At the World Economic Forum at Davos in Switzerland in January, Ardern promised to treat Huawei fairly. "This is not about a particular vendor. This is about a framework in New Zealand that I think serves us well."

Huawei eyes its own self-driving electric car?:coffee::enjoy:


2019-02-20 08:56

屡屡爆出猛料的博主曹山石,最新的一个爆料是关于华为汽车,按照曹山石的说法,华为轮值CEO在内部表态,“我们研究了4年,把未来电动汽车和自动驾驶的整体架构和关键技术基本摸清楚了,未来自动驾驶能力的电动汽车,除了底盘,4个轮子,外壳和座椅外剩下的都是我们拥有的技术。”(We have studied for four years, and we have basically understood the overall structure and key technologies of future electric vehicles and automatic driving. Except for chassis, four wheels, housing and seats, all the remaining technologies of future electric vehicles with automatic driving capability are the technologies we have.)






01 华为的自动驾驶技术


按照华为轮值CEO的说法,就是基本摸清了自动驾驶的整体架构和关键技术。从目前公开的情况来看,华为一直高调主推ICT Informationand Communication Technology)方面的技术,包括自动驾驶超算平台、C-V2X、OceanConnect车联网平台等。

此外,自动驾驶芯片方面,华为在2018年10月举办的年度开发者大会上,发布了能够支持L4级别自动驾驶能力的计算平台——MDC600,由8颗华为AI芯片昇腾310,同时还整合了CPU和相应的ISP模块,并且符合最高级别的车规标准,即ISO26262 ASIL-D级别标准。


上面是一些公开的信息,下面说一些非公开的信息。传闻,华为在汽车领域的投入非常巨大,甚至采用内部赛马的方式进行研发,例如在毫米波雷达方面,就有三个不同的团队在努力。华为做毫米波雷达,业内都是普遍知道的,毫米波雷达d 技术难度比激光雷达更高,其芯片更是受到禁运的影响,需要突破。



02 华为的电动汽车能力






03 华为的执行能力








Huawei beats rivals in smartphone sales

2019-02-22 14:46:36 chinadaily.com.cn Editor : Jing Yuxin


An exhibition official addresses visitors' queries on foldable phones at a high-tech fair in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. (Photo provided to China Daily)

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei recorded strongest growth in smartphone sales among the top five global smartphone vendors - Samsung, Apple, Huawei, OPPO and Xiaomi - with a year-on-year surge of 37.6 percent to surpass 60 million units in the fourth quarter last year, consultancy Gartner said in its latest report on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the global smartphone sales growth only rose 0.1 percent from a year earlier to 408.4 million units.

Apple saw the worst quarterly decline since the first quarter of 2016. Its iPhone sold 64.5 million units in the fourth quarter of 2018, a 11.8 percent drop compared with the same period of a year earlier.

Although Samsung's smartphone sales fell 4.4 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, it continued to take up the largest market share of 17.3 percent in the global market, followed by Apple at 15 .8 percent and Huawei at 14.8 percent.

"Demand for entry-level and midprice smartphones remained strong across markets, but demand for high-end smartphones continued to slow in the fourth quarter of 2018," said Anshul Gupta, senior research director at Gartner.

"Slowing incremental innovation at the high end, coupled with price increases, deterred replacement decisions for high-end smartphones. This led to a flat-growth market in the fourth quarter of 2018," Gupta added.

On Thursday, Samsung released its new mobile category - consumer-ready foldable smartphone – which aims to "write the next chapter in mobile innovation history by changing what's possible in a smartphone", the company said.

At the upcoming Mobile World Congress next week, some smartphone makers, including Huawei, Motorola, OPPO, Xiaomi, Nubia, and LG, will unveil their new products possibly including the foldable smartphone.

Global Times✔@globaltimesnews

#Huawei plans to invest $20 million per year in #SaudiArabia's research centers, procure $500 million worth of local equipment per year, and add 10,000 jobs for Saudi Arabia in the future.

#Huawei will support #ICT development in #SaudiArabia, a country will be among the world's first group of #5G countries, a Huawei executive said Friday at China-Saudi Arabia investment summit in Beijing.
Global Times✔@globaltimesnews

#Huawei plans to invest $20 million per year in #SaudiArabia's research centers, procure $500 million worth of local equipment per year, and add 10,000 jobs for Saudi Arabia in the future.

#Huawei will support #ICT development in #SaudiArabia, a country will be among the world's first group of #5G countries, a Huawei executive said Friday at China-Saudi Arabia investment summit in Beijing.
Huawei to help Saudi Arabia become world’s top 5G country
By Chu Daye Source:Global Times Published: 2019/2/22 14:26:08

Chinese telecommunication giant Huawei Technologies said it will support information and communication technology (ICT) development with its most advanced technology in Saudi Arabia, which it says will be among the world's first group of countries deploying the fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology.

Without giving details, Mark Xue, a Huawei senior executive, said the Middle East powerhouse, which is seeking to diversify its economy, will be among the world's first group of 5G countries along with European countries, China, South Korea, and Japan.

Xue, a vice president of Huawei, made the remarks on Friday at the China-Saudi Arabia investment summit in Beijing attended by more than 1,300 representatives from the Chinese and Saudi business communities.

The meeting was held in concert with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud's ongoing visit to China to further cooperation between the two countries and further integration between the Saudi Vision 2030 initiative and the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative.

Xue said his company will support Saudi Arabia in its drive, and Huawei is ready to invest $20 million per year in its three local research centers, cooperate closely with 140 local suppliers, procure $500 million worth of local equipment annually and add 10,000 local jobs in Saudi Arabia in the future.

To further the kingdom's drive toward a digital economy, Xue said Huawei will train 10,000 Saudi talents in the ICT sector, of which 5,000 will obtain vocational certification before 2020.

Huawei opened in January its first flagship store in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which is also its largest store in the Middle East and Africa.

In 2018, Huawei's smart phones held the second largest market share in terms of sales in Saudi Arabia, according to Xue.

In 2016, Huawei became the first Chinese company to be granted a 100-percent ownership in Saudi Arabia.

Huawei has been smeared in the US, as the country seeks to pressure its allies to ban Huawei equipment from 5G wireless technology contracts at a time when the world is rapidly moving toward 5G.

Not all US allies have been convinced that Huawei's equipment poses a problem and the company continues to invest globally.

On Thursday, Huawei said it would hire 200 new employees and increase research and development spending in Canada, despite the country's arrest of Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou at the behest of the US in December 2018.

The company said it will increase spending in Canada by 15 percent from C$180 million ($136.5 million) and add the new employees to its research and development team, according to a statement the company sent to the Global Times.

Huawei said its subsidiary in Canada has spent $500 million on research since its operation began in Canada in 2008.
Trump's "policy of banning huawei" seems to huawei played a very loud (a very strong AD

US regime policy against Huawei helped Huawei commercialize its 5G technology for free.

As the saying goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

US regime efforts seem to have generated further interest in Huawei products.

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