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Huawei: A Reliable Business Partner of Turkcell

Choose a Western company then! We are tired of your backward talks about top techs, stay at 4g.

We even have not 4g everywhere . And yet ppl start talking about 5g in Germany.. But one thing will be sure we will have 5g and we may pay 20 euro for 4gb high speed internet because the government will sell the rights for 5g it is like hidden or indirect taxes today we pay 13 Euro for 20mbit 4gb internet

Sometimes if you own two products like Kabel internet and mobile internet you can get a special bonus 35 euro for telephone and cable internet and 20 euro for 14 gb mobile internet we are milked :(
At the GTI Awards Ceremony held in Barcelona, Spain on February 22nd, Huawei has signed cooperation agreements with more than 50 business partners around the world, and has obtained more than 30 commercial contracts worldwide. The number of commercial shipments of 5G base stations has also exceeded. 40,000. Take a great lead than other venders.

On November 20, 2018, Huawei's rotating chairman Hu Houkun revealed that Huawei's 5G base station shipments exceeded 10,000. In just three months, Huawei's 5G shipments reached 40,000. This aspect proves that Huawei 5G is recognized by more and more operators, and on the other hand, it proves that 5G commercial is accelerating.

Huawei contribute half of the whole 5G patients
Don't care what is the choice of turkcell, but turkcell is not stupid it can make the right choice under the fierce competition of operator market
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Turkey should adopt Chinese strategic. If China wants to sell anything to Turks, Chinese company must choose a Turkish partner to enter Turkish market. Second, a transfer of technology.
If you do not allow us, you have to allow US or Germany to spy.

In one way or another, you have to allow someone given that you do not have the tech advantage such as 3000+ patents on 5G.

Besides, China never interferes in others' internal politics. Germany or US do interfere in Turkey internal politics. So, Huawei is the best option.

At least Turks can diversify their portfolio and reduce risks.


Huawei and Turkcell Jointly Release Solution for Next Generation Wireless OSS

Building the Foundation of an MBB Automation Engine Platform for the 5G Era

Jan 17, 201

[Turkey, Istanbul, January 17, 2019] Huawei and Turkcell have jointly released a solution for Next Generation (NG) Wireless OSS. Latest test results show that the solution has greatly improved network Operation and Maintenance (O&M) efficiency via the customized WebUI and app-level fast upgrade based on microservice technology.

Towards the 5G era, operators face diverse challenges, such as complex network O&M, low resource efficiency, and difficult service experience assurance. NG Wireless OSS utilizes the latest technologies with microservices and AI, helping operators automate their network O&M and succeed in their digital transformation journey. The latest solution will provide the following benefits:

  • Scale-out capability for large-network management to realize "One Country, One System"
  • Fast Time-to-Market and high availability based on microservices to realize app-level independent upgrade
  • Programmable capability based on openness to realize customized O&M and closed-loop end-to-end workflow
Moving forward, Turkcell and Huawei will continue to innovate in joint workflow design, automatic system verification, and network capability openness as planned, and both parties are also determined to further cooperate and innovate in network O&M automation.

Ozgur Genc, Core Network Capabilities Director of Turkcell, said, “O&M automation is one of Turkcell's core strategies for evolution to 5G. Turkcell will accelerate its exploration of O&M automation through continuous innovation with Huawei. In addition, Turkcell will continue to reshape its tool chain system to meet demands for future O&M automation.”

“The successful deployment of NG wireless OSS in Turkcell is a solid foundation for O&M automation,” said Lin Guixiao, President of Huawei Wireless Network SingleOSS Product Line.

With the new mission of NG Wireless OSS being to realize O&M automation from 5G, and to achieve autonomous driving networks, Huawei will continuously build automation capabilities based on the newly released MBB automation Engine (MAE). This will unleash network automation potential and accelerate full-scenario autonomous driving in mobile networks.


I am a German not a Turk.

Total trade between Turkey and China in 2018: $23.634 billion
Turkey exported $2.915 billion to China and imported $20.719 billion

Thanks for enlightenment.

And now imagine what will bring OBOR. A disaster for Turkey. They will flooded Turkey with cheap Chinese junks.
Germany will be flooded by turks
No you have no idea that was the 70ies Germany

Now it is flooded with albanians, bulgars, russians, polnish and Syrians and Africans

The ones with many many children are arabs Syrians and Lebanese, kurds and albanians

Enjoy your upgrade of information
You do not care because you are ordinary one. Not CEO of Huawei.

Huawei officials says they cannot serve the entire world, after all. One official recently said they lost Guanzhou 5G race to China Mobile, which is a larger market than entire Australia.

So, he says perhaps before we should be concerned about Australia or New Zealand, we should concern about Guangzhou.

So, the point is not to have an entire globe under one service provider.

Wjat is the most interesting is that, in 5G race, there is no US company, there are companies from China and Europe, only.

And now imagine what will bring OBOR. A disaster for Turkey. They will flooded Turkey with cheap Chinese junks.

BRI is the future. Those who miss on it will be sidelined from the global economy at large. No wonder Germany is part and parcel of it. Lots of BRI-routes end up in Germany, not in Turkey.

Anyways, back to topic. Enjoy the following:



China’s Huawei started its activities in Turkey with offices in Ankara and Istanbul back in 2002. Huawei Turkey, as it stands today, employs a total of 1,500 people, more than 85 percent of whom are Turkish. Huawei Turkey combines three significant operations in its Istanbul office: an R&D Center, a Training Center, and a Customer Solutions & Integration Experience Center (CSIC). Celebrating its 15th anniversary in Turkey in 2017, Huawei reigns as one of the world’s leading information and communication technologies (ICT) solution providers.

Huawei Turkey R&D Center

Huawei’s Istanbul branch launched its on-premises R&D Center in 2009, and since then has seen it grow to be Huawei’s largest R&D center abroad. Huawei allocates 14 percent of its total annual income to R&D globally, with its R&D center in Turkey having already received over USD 120 million in total funding since its establishment and which is now receiving upwards of USD 20 million of continuing investments annually.

Huawei Training Center (Academy)

Huawei Turkey is a major contributor to Turkey’s thriving ICT industry, supplying a pool of qualified experts to the local market on top of its innovations and product offerings. Since its launch in 2008, Huawei Academy has been providing training programs in Turkish, English, and Russian in 11 countries. Its services are on offer to the entire Central Asian region as well as a growing roster of interested countries including Azerbaijan, Albania, Georgia, and Belarus in addition to Turkey – where its technology base resides with an ever-developing infrastructure and growing personnel.

Huawei Customer Solutions Innovation & Integration Experience Center

Established onsite in Huawei Turkey’s Ümraniye-based office in Istanbul, the Innovation Center operates in an area of around 400 square meters, earning Turkey a foothold on the global arena where it readily shares its technological innovation. Huawei has invested a total of USD 1 million in the Innovation Center, enabling it to function as a hub of experience from which more than 600 global operations are monitored.

Business Lines

Telecommunications: With a history of successful cooperation with all three operators in Turkey for 3G infrastructure since 2009, Huawei Turkey has been recognized for numerous achievements over the years. Huawei Turkey was awarded the top spot in the Infrastructure Provider category in 2013, 2014, and 2015 in Turkey's prestigious “Bilişim 500” list. Its 3G achievements were surpassed with its contribution to deploying the 4.5G infrastructure, which went live on April 1, 2016. The hugely successful 4.5G deployment and the rock-solid business partnerships with Türk Telekom, Turkcell, and Vodafone Turkey were lauded by Huawei Global, dubbing it the most successful country where Huawei operated.

Providing two-thirds of Turkey with services through its current network, Huawei Turkey supplies the entire infrastructure of Vodafone Turkey and a major part of the infrastructure of Türk Telekom and Turkcell.

Consumer: Huawei Turkey established its Consumer Business Line in 2011. This line continues to grow, attracting attention with field investments, agreements concluded with operators, market investments, and smart device launches from 2015 to date. The line maintains a solid status and is poised to ensure that Huawei’s Turkish users avail themselves of Huawei’s innovative power. Huawei’s Consumer Business Line continues to support Turkish users through sponsorships, communication, and a number of projects in addition to the efforts to drive the local device market. The line has its eyes set on offering accessible and innovative products to gadget users through a number of cooperation partnerships tailored to focus on technology and innovation in the years to come.

Enterprises: The Enterprise Business Line was launched in 2011, and continues to partner with six parties in Turkey: Penta, Artronic, Nasa, Prolink, Arena, and Bilgi Elektronik as part of Huawei’s global strategy.

Huawei Turkey’s Enterprise Business Line ensures that its customers develop effective business models, while responding to global vertical industries’ needs in public, energy, education, training, finance, and health as well as the needs of corporate customers such as SMEs in parallel with ever-changing customer needs through its innovative and broad product range.



Someone should post this news to Turkish companies and warn them, imagine using Chinese 5G, they will definitly spy.

Old news. Fake news originated in the US.

According to the OP, the alleged spying has been carried out by another rival company, XTAL Incorporated ( http://xtalinc.com ), which is another US-based company.

The matter has to be solved in the US courts. If there is indeed spying, then, perpetrators should be brought to justice.

Generally, nothing comes out from such investigations and case is dropped.


In the meantime, I read somewhere that Huawei has opened a new experience center in Turkey this month, and, has achieved record sales.
Huawei usually gives the lowest price application whenever a tender is floated.
US: stop using Huawei products
UK: er... nope
US: they are spying on you
Germany: er... nope
US:we wont share info with you guys if you connect Huawei products into our network
France: er... nope
US: are we allies and you guys will trust me and obey
Canada, Japan, NZ: yes, but ... nope

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