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HTT40 Basic Trainer contract inked

2 assembly lines are to be set up.

70 should be delivered in 5 years from today.
So until that optimistic deadline you will be compromising flight hours . Not just because you want to get rid of PC.7s but the onboarding time for the new systems - training maintenance, instructors and so on.
5 years is delivery, true streamlined operations will take much further.
So until that optimistic deadline you will be compromising flight hours . Not just because you want to get rid of PC.7s but the onboarding time for the new systems - training maintenance, instructors and so on.
5 years is delivery, true streamlined operations will take much further.
Base Repair Depot of IAF and HAL both have decades of experience working on the engine used in this trainer.

Long lead items are under Procurement already. And 5 years is not too ambitious considering 2 production lines will work.

PC7 MK2 has suffered from availability as Pilatus takes care of the maintenance.
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