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How would a modern day Pakistan v/s Israel conflict play out?

its a hypothetical scenario lets just say it happens because of the gaza conflict..
would iran give passage to a pakistan army to attack israel? your honest opinion would be appreciated

Well in an all out war USA would have Israel's back, they won't really need any help from India.
we ruled out an all out war simply because of the distance so a proxy war…?

lets leave religion out of this lol

Ah proxy war, India would definitely want in, not so much for helping Israel, but for reaping benefiting for ourselves. We are snide like that :angel:
30 nukes at Israel in case Iron dome actually works.

100 nukes at India.
do you know how many neukes it takes to finish the job for us forget israelies if ever pakistan tries to do what it did in 1960s (as at that time USA was backing you) israel will smash pakistan like a fig stop dreaming and think positivelli cause to fulfill yourpromise to youir god you dont have to commit seucide as its haram in islam
india wouldn't host israel i believe because i think the real fighting days between india and pakistan are over..
if israel and pakistan fight it would have to be a war between our agencies or air forces, the arabians wouldn't host us either i think so we can take out the air force.. then we have isi vs mossad and mossad is more capable at assassinations but the isi can build, trian, and arm guerrillas way better then any agency except maybe cia..
speaking of the CIA pakistan would also have to tightly secure its borders with Afghanistan because we will get another movement that wants an "islamic emirate" during this time..
Back to the indians… i think raw might join in on the war against pakistan but not the indian army, air force or navy and india will also not host any israeli military on its soil.

@Ravi Nair lets just say that this conflict between india and israel happens, what role would india play?

@Akheilos uncle ji tashreef liye is thread pe

@Yzd Khalifa would saudi arabia host a pakistani army or air force base for an attack on israel? just seeking your opinion

It depends on the situation. We had had several standoff's in the past with them.
Ah proxy war, India would definitely want in, not so much for helping Israel, but for reaping benefiting for ourselves. We are snide like that :angel:
what would they want out of that? what exactly would raw do in a proxy war between israel and pakistan?
do you know how many neukes it takes to finish the job for us forget israelies if ever pakistan tries to do what it did in 1960s (as at that time USA was backing you) israel will smash pakistan like a fig stop dreaming and think positivelli cause to fulfill yourpromise to youir god you dont have to commit seucide as its haram in islam
India is much much closer to Pakistan than Israel.

Stop worshiping Israel, be realistic.
It depends on the situation. We had had several standoff's in the past with them.
if its not a stand off but real shit about to go down and pakistan asked the saudis for their land what do you think your government's response be?
India is much much closer to Pakistan than Israel.

Stop worshiping Israel, be realistic.
well we dont worship israel but we certainlli support its fight to defend its self from relentless agreassion since last 67 years

as for pakistan and pakistanies well that is a nation which is still alive cause they are still united deu to there hate and revenge against india and your nation hasent spared a single o[pporteunity to feul the fire and we know it its onli that ... khair jane do have a nice day ;)
Pakistan lacks the Technological Advantage so Israeli forces will have an advantage.
Is pakistan some thekedaar of Islam and humanity that they will start attacking Israel

send some of your lashkar e tayyeba rats to palestine
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