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How to lose weight fast but safely

I was slim and fit but had this habit of eating blindly. I was not one of those people who never read information on food label to get clue about calories /fat/sugar before eating them. I am fond of those food which are unhealthy i.e Pizaa, pastaz, ice,creams, sweets, cakes, rice, roti etc I thought that i will never gain weight but i was wrong ..Now some test suggested that my cholesterol level is high and i was told to lose some weight . My GP said that people from south asia have higher risk of diabetes and heart related disease and their unhealthy food dont help it either but instead make it worse . I cannot live without roti/chipatti even though reduced it from 4 to 2 roti daily ..I started walking one hour daily but it did not made any difference as just lost half KG in one month. My work has minimum physical activity as sit on chair most of time which dont help it either

any tips and suggestions ?

THe amount of effort you put in eating 'blindly', multiples of that effort 'with eyes open' will now be required.

Skip breakfast (16hours break for stomach - basically food fasting)
Lunch - with NO carbs
Dinner (latest by 7pm) - carbs down to 10%-15%
Forget about sweet stuff. Protein and fibre only.

You don't need carbs due to desk job. The only way you will lose weight is by burning the stored fat (carbs). Starve your body of carbs so that it is forced to burn the stored - no other way about it.

As for leisurely walk, it won't do much. Start off with 20 minutes daily brisk walk after dinner, and then build up to 40.
I wants to gain some weight at least 5 Kgs because I lose my weight few months back but I don't want belly either, any suggestions.

Yes, build up muscle mass. Do you already do some basic training?
Yes, build up muscle mass. Do you already do some basic training?
I was doing previously but now last one year no exercise just jogging but planing to join gym very soon and I am taking some multivitamins also.
I was doing previously but now last one year no exercise just jogging but planing to join gym very soon and I am taking some multivitamins also.

1. drop the multivitamins. You dont need them. They do more harm than good. Eat fruits and veggies and evrything you need is in there.
2. You should start with a protein rich diet consisting of meat (best meat would be chicken, various fish like salmon and tuna) Also eggs are good. Combine this with a moderate training (benchpress and curls for a start). You propably will gain also some fat, thats normal. After 2-3 months when you have first gains you can add more cardio into your routine.

Thats just a short info for start.
Very useful information guys. Thanks to all of you who contributed . May you guys stay fit and smart :D
@Oscar help a brother out LOL
@Oscar help a brother out LOL
Who is Oscar ?
You tag him every now and then
is everything all right? :D
I want to gain weight , any suggestions ? i tried everything , every Doc, Hakeem and Homeopathic .. still skinny

Eat elephant meat legend has it that it will make you ELEPHANT

@Proudpakistaniguy eat less in the night as well drink pure GREEN TEA not the tea bag one also try to eat grill fish
Drink tea with cinnamon in the morning
Eat less
Do speed walking only for half an hour
While working out lift weights not heavy and work on your lower abs only
1. drop the multivitamins. You dont need them. They do more harm than good. Eat fruits and veggies and evrything you need is in there.
2. You should start with a protein rich diet consisting of meat (best meat would be chicken, various fish like salmon and tuna) Also eggs are good. Combine this with a moderate training (benchpress and curls for a start). You propably will gain also some fat, thats normal. After 2-3 months when you have first gains you can add more cardio into your routine.

Thats just a short info for start.
Thanks buddy If you don't mind can you advise me diet chart for three or four meals but be in mind I am Muslim.
Great help for me.
Thanks in Advance.

Few weeks back I started to have cramps in my legs and feet and I visited a G.P he advised me to have Centrum tabs. But its ok i will cut it down since myself don't like medicines.

I used to workout moderate two time a day but since last one and half year due to my business / job activity I stopped but I will soon started it again.
I was slim and fit but had this habit of eating blindly. I was not one of those people who never read information on food label to get clue about calories /fat/sugar before eating them. I am fond of those food which are unhealthy i.e Pizaa, pastaz, ice,creams, sweets, cakes, rice, roti etc I thought that i will never gain weight but i was wrong ..Now some test suggested that my cholesterol level is high and i was told to lose some weight . My GP said that people from south asia have higher risk of diabetes and heart related disease and their unhealthy food dont help it either but instead make it worse . I cannot live without roti/chipatti even though reduced it from 4 to 2 roti daily ..I started walking one hour daily but it did not made any difference as just lost half KG in one month. My work has minimum physical activity as sit on chair most of time which dont help it either

any tips and suggestions ?
bro I know exactly how you feel, from a one time solid, slim and trim I have blown up to 200+lb, 2 apples per day will be a substitute for the barfi, this is just for starters .Kudos

No answers buddy i can eat a truck and not gain a gram losing weight for me is really easy i am 5 foot 8 and if i decrease my food intake to your level i easily go in the below 60 kg zone (right now i am at 62 kg)
Try donating blood when i did that i actually ended up losing 3 kg plus you will be doing a great thing while you are aiming for weight loss though i have some people go the opposite direction and gain weight as their body tries to compensate for the lost blood and goes into power saving mode
Lucky rascal.
Eat elephant meat legend has it that it will make you ELEPHANT

@Proudpakistaniguy eat less in the night as well drink pure GREEN TEA not the tea bag one also try to eat grill fish
Yes mate green tea is best. I have started using it and now prefer it over tea cause its light for digestive system

and i was told by many people to use grill/tikka meat rather than meat or fish cooked in oil
Thanks buddy If you don't mind can you advise me diet chart for three or four meals but be in mind I am Muslim.
Great help for me.
Thanks in Advance.

Few weeks back I started to have cramps in my legs and feet and I visited a G.P he advised me to have Centrum tabs. But its ok i will cut it down since myself don't like medicines.

I used to workout moderate two time a day but since last one and half year due to my business / job activity I stopped but I will soon started it again.

I will see what i can do. I have a competition at 28 september so im bit busy.

When you have cramps that means you have not enough magnesium. You can use those centrum tabs, they are not that bad. But the main factor is lack of Magnesium.
Unhealthy diet plans/lifestyle and eating more carbs and fatty food and sugar can store fat in ur body to make you gain weight but it will be insane thing to do
Try running first thing in the morning prior to your breakfast, an instant fat-burner.Kudos
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