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How to help save Imran Khan govt?

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Jan 28, 2019
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Please discuss ways in which we can help Imran Khan and save his govt?

It is clear that opposition is not doing this for the benefit of Pakistani people, for 4 years they kept silent while poor of Pakistan were raped. Now that it is final year of Imran Khan's govt, they want to end his government?

No thank you. We don't want a Niazi zinda hai just like bhutto zinda hai.

Imran Khan should complete the last year of his government so he can't cry mujhay kyu nikala. Let him complete his term. Then he will be judged for his governance performance.

Discuss ways we can save his govt.
State institutions claiming to be neutral are not neutral after all.
And if you go against state institutions, you are labelled as Anti Pakistan?

This is what happens when you give EXTENSIONS.

The ego of an old man puts the REPUTE of an entire institutions on the line.
Please discuss ways in which we can help Imran Khan and save his govt?

It is clear that opposition is not doing this for the benefit of Pakistani people, for 4 years they kept silent while poor of Pakistan were raped. Now that it is final year of Imran Khan's govt, they want to end his government?

No thank you. We don't want a Niazi zinda hai just like bhutto zinda hai.

Imran Khan should complete the last year of his government so he can't cry mujhay kyu nikala. Let him complete his term. Then he will be judged for his governance performance.

Discuss ways we can save his govt.

Only his stick can safe imran khan gvt


But Problem with Imran khan he is sacrificing everything for this guy



As a foreigner and a "neutral" observer I can say this much: IK is here to stay for he is the symbol of the Pak Deep Nation and State Unity like Reis Erdo'an is in Turkey. Reis has uninterruptably been in the power since 2002 thrashing down numerous coup and murder attempts coupled with violent protests - all sponsored by the terror loving Satanic Imperialists and serviced via their proxy traitor corrupt-to-the-soul scums and maggots....

The Pak folks who want IK out need to wait for a long time.....
Please discuss ways in which we can help Imran Khan and save his govt?

It is clear that opposition is not doing this for the benefit of Pakistani people, for 4 years they kept silent while poor of Pakistan were raped. Now that it is final year of Imran Khan's govt, they want to end his government?

No thank you. We don't want a Niazi zinda hai just like bhutto zinda hai.

Imran Khan should complete the last year of his government so he can't cry mujhay kyu nikala. Let him complete his term. Then he will be judged for his governance performance.

Discuss ways we can save his govt.
Before it was corrupt politicians robbing the poor , now it is the IMF robbing the poor thanks to IK and his poodles. They had a chance to making a difference but instead chose the easiest way out "screw the poor even more".
Please discuss ways in which we can help Imran Khan and save his govt?

It is clear that opposition is not doing this for the benefit of Pakistani people, for 4 years they kept silent while poor of Pakistan were raped. Now that it is final year of Imran Khan's govt, they want to end his government?

No thank you. We don't want a Niazi zinda hai just like bhutto zinda hai.

Imran Khan should complete the last year of his government so he can't cry mujhay kyu nikala. Let him complete his term. Then he will be judged for his governance performance.

Discuss ways we can save his govt.
Who rapped you. I will try my best to punish that niga. Idiot. Two years were covid. He fought like lion. Morally corrupt nation
Imran Khan can easily get out of this conundrum by giving extension to COAS, appointing Aleem Khan as CM Punjab & making Maulana Fazlur Rehman President. Then after 1.5 years hold elections to decide if PTI or PML(N) forms govt based on performance.

Additionally, Governor rule can be imposed in Sindh to remove the threat of another long march.

If the dismal performance of Buzdar continues, in the next elections the PTI and Anti-PMLN votes will go to PPP.
Pakistan deserves whatever hell it is getting now for still being a democracy. If Pakistan had any brain, we would have gone the authoritarian route years ago like Iran, GCC, and Turkey which are 100x more stable than Pakistan has ever been. It is so easy for foreign powers to meddle in democracies it is insane. We could be like UAE and Singapore or we can have democracy. Not both. Nothing in Pakistan will ever be fixed until we have rulers for life, I have been saying this for years and people always laughed at me. Guess who's laughing now.

Frankly I have no sympathy for Imran Khan and his govt as he bought into his own lies and put his trust in democratic institutions which have empowered all the wrong forces and done more damage to this country than anything else. Democracy is the most effective way to weaken a country, something which IK clearly did not understand because he thought that if democracy works in the west, it will work here too. What a fool, he should have known better. This is the kind of bubble thinking you get when you elect an Oxford educated elite as PM. Nawaz Sharif may be corrupt but he is also shrewd and in a country like Pakistan, you cannot run the country effectively if you are more focused on the politics of optics than the politics of substance. Nawaz understood this better than anyone else and he understood that fear and intimidation is far more effective than making aspirational promises and then failing to deliver.

A country's leader reflects upon his people. A naive idealist like Imran Khan reflects deeply upon how naive and misguided Pakistanis themselves are about their own country. Pakistanis think that one man alone can save this country from the depths of evil, from succumbing to corruption and their anxieties in a sea of darkness. Let me tell you, nothing could be farther from the truth. Despite the government painting a nice picture, Pakistan is in a worse condition now than it has ever been. Pakistan has been given every opportunity to succeed and failed, people pinned their hopes on one man to save Pakistan alone, now the reality has shown how mismanaged Pakistan is from top to bottom.

Pakistan can connect China to the Gulf, we have the population to become an industrial powerhouse, we could join a trading bloc. Success in any one of these areas would radically transform the economic outlook of this country. But we have failed at all three. All of these are missed opportunities due to bureaucratic negligence resulting from a democratic system that emphasizes short term gains and handicaps long term strategizing. It is useless to even have a leader of a country if that leader has no power to do anything. Pakistanis blame their own insecurities on the government which has no power to change anything. We need an actual revolution in this country to have some real changes. Having PTI or opposition in power makes no difference in the actual position of Pakistan in the world and does nothing to improve people's lives. Pakistani politics is a game of small fish, the players never change and neither do the incentives. The opposition will throw out the government because they have the ability to do it.

Pakistanis are such fools that they will act surprised when this scenario was known as a possibility from day 1 which was never taken seriously as the youth of this country wanted to believe in the power of positive change which as a concept never existed outside of western capitals. The only change that ever comes in this country comes from bloodshed and violence. Somebody has to be executed or assassinated before any real change comes. Democratic institutions in this country are a myth propagated by Pakistani elites who clinically misunderstand the levers of power in a society of extortion mafias and kidnapping rackets.

Democracy has no place in Pakistan and neither should it. Pakistan is not in Europe. Pakistan is not in North America. Look around in our neighborhood. On one side is India which is a sworn enemy of Pakistan. Next to it is China which is the biggest enemy of America in the world. On the other side is Afghanistan, the most dangerous country in the world, and then there is Iran, which has been the target of the most brutal sanctions campaign in the world. There is absolutely no reason to have any kind of positive hope given the current circumstances. The world is a horrible place with people more evil than anyone can imagine. Countries in this world have to make a choice between invading others or getting invaded. There are no neutral countries in this world. When push comes to shove, there are countries who will stand by you and there are others who won't.

Countries like US and UK are an enemy even to their own people, let alone other countries. Countries that have faith in democracy because it succeeds in the west do not have a clear understanding of what success actually entails. Democracy in the US and UK has been a failure on every level, they are more divided than ever and have brought reckless policies for their own people who have suffered greatly from it. The world is a better place for those living in countries like China and Iran which have remained standing despite every single effort made by the west to demonize and destroy them. Ultimately, Pakistan is doomed to be on the wrong side of history as we have focused on the politics of optics to appease the democratic order rather than realizing that doing so will be signing our own death sentence. A democratic Pakistan is a weak Pakistan and nothing could be better for the west than for Pakistanis to weaken their own country.

Pressure campaigns by the democratic order to focus on religious persecution, women's rights, and fair elections, blackmail from FATF and IMF at every turn are meant to hurt Pakistan as much as possible when they themselves are at their most vulnerable point in history. These countries can never be pleased, they will always find something new to talk about in order to change the topic from their own decline. Strong authoritarian leadership that can see beyond all of these distractions is one thing Pakistan will never have under the current circumstances if we cannot see the big picture and move past these traps set up by the west. In 1979, Iranian people finally had enough of western meddling and threw the Shah out and replaced it with a much more independent IR that answers directly to the Iranian people only. It will take a revolution of similar scale in Pakistan to bring that kind of change here.

The problem in Pakistan was never corruption, the problem in Pakistan is a governance structure that is more focused on pleasing outside countries than answering to their own people. The Shah was more focused on having good relations with the west than with his own people. And you see the same thing in Pakistan today. The elite class of Pakistan have nothing in common with the working class other than the fact that they are both Pakistanis. Elite class in Pakistan feels they need to emulate the western model of success and idealize liberal values instead of creating their own path to success and creating their own values for Pakistanis to share. The result of this is people like Imran Khan getting into power who spent extensive time being nurtured in a bubble of western ideas returning to Pakistan and pushing for openness, transparency, eradication of corruption, mendacious promotion of democratic institutions, and climate agenda. Pakistanis don't relate to these ideas. People forget that the Shah was thrown out for imposing too many changes on society at once, if Imran Khan does the same, he will will be thrown out as well.

These ideas have no place in Pakistan where people have no food to eat. It is important to get the priorities right first. People trash Nawaz Sharif for giving biryani to his voters, guess what, some people have not had anything to eat for weeks and that biryani was the only thing they had to eat. When you have a democracy, voters vote for all the wrong incentives. Nobody is going to win because they gave biryani to their voters. Elections are won on bigger issues that affect the government more than they affect the people themselves. The elites that make up the government in many cases are not even educated in Pakistan but abroad and bring numerous harmful ideas back with them from Oxford and Harvard. Ultimately, it is thousands people of this milieu who have more connections abroad in London and New York than on the streets of Lahore and Karachi who run the government and give the seminal impression of an out of touch bureaucracy that has no connection with its people. But in the end, these things add up and they matter. Elites will always downplay the struggles of the working class because it is in their interest to do so. And it is not only elites, many working class people in Pakistan fall for this misguided thinking as well.

Pakistanis are so shallow that they can be fooled by a man's charming personality and good looks because he built one cancer hospital and became a cricket star but not see that the imminent danger of his future vision far outweighs any good that can come from that one cancer hospital. And likewise, people needlessly get scared when someone mentions corruption and don't bother to see what their actual long-term plan for the country is. The world is built on corruption, it is an ugly truth but its true. Nobody will do anything unless they are getting some benefit from it. China is ahead of America now because they embraced corruption to motivate people to do great things. There are more shady practices in China than anywhere else in the world. But that is what makes it so great, you can get away with things in China that would never be allowed anywhere else in the world. That is why even Americans built their factories in China, Beijing knew how to play the long game and they did. Now the world is waking up, but it is too late for them as China is on top now. In Iran, corruption is a way of life. Instead of getting scared by corruption like us, they embraced it and created the world's largest underground financial system which allowed Iranians to maintain a reasonable standard of living and successfully withstand the most brutal sanctions campaign in the world. 40 years later, Iran is still standing.

Meanwhile in Pakistan, we are struggling to see the big picture and focused on small and meaningless goals like anticorruption and terrorism instead of seeing the long game which requires us to forget about short term issues like corruption and answer questions to bigger and more uncomfortable issues like overpopulation, bad resource management, the disadvantages of a democratic system, the wicked judicial system, how to eliminate political enemies. All of these are issues that had to be addressed by China and Iran at some point in their history for them to reach the level of internal stability that they have today. When was the last time you saw Iran and China worrying about IMF, FATF, women's rights, free elections, religious persecution? Never. Because Iran and China don't answer to the west, they answer to their own people. Leaders like Xi Jinping and Khameini reflect the pragmatic and shrewd leadership that is necessary at a global level as well as being a reflection of the collective experience of people that have seen a civilization far longer than most countries have even existed. They are real world powers and that is why they keep the west awake at night. That is what real independence looks like. Azadi means nothing if your country is a client state where you are told how to think and what to believe. Azadi means fighting for the right to think for yourself and to act for yourself.
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Bughz Imran thread to ease their inner pain.


Pmln govt already admitted in number of occasions that they destroyed the country.

Latest mifta ismail said its not possible to lower down inflation

Besides Inflation what PTI havent done?


Bill passed by PTI govt

List of bill passed by PTI

1. The Anti-Rape (Investigation and Trial) Bill, 2021

2. The Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021

3. The Islamabad Capital Territory Charities Registration, Regulation and Facilitation Bill, 2021

4. The SBP Banking Services Corporation (Amendment) 8ill, 2021

5. The National College of Arts Institute Bill, 2021

6. The Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Bill 2021 (amendment in Section 4)

7. The Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Bill 2021 (amendment in section 7)

8. The Hyderabad Institute for Technical and Management Sciences Bill, 2021

9. The Islamabad Rent Restriction (Amendment) Bill, 2021

10. The Corporate Restructuring Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2021

11. The Financial Institutions (Secured Transactions) (Amendment) Bill, 2021

12. The Federal Public Service Commission (validation of Rules) Bill, 2021

13. The University of Islamabad Bill, 2021

14. The Loans for Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Purposes (Amendment) Bill, 2021

15. The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2021

16. The National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2021

17. The Pakistan Academy of Letters (Amendment) Bill, 2021

18. The Port Qasim Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2021

19. The Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (Amendment) Bill,2021

20. The Gwadar Port Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2021

21. The Maritime Security Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2021

22. The Emigration (Amendment) Bill, 2021

23. The Privatization Commission (Amendment) Bill,2021

24. The COVID-19 (Prevention of Hoarding) Bill, 2021

25. The Al-Karm International Institute Bill, 2021

26. The Islamabad Capital Territory Prohibition of Corporal Punishment Bill, 2021

27. Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act

28. The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill

29. The Provincial Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill

30. The Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power (Amendment) Bill, 2021

31. The Islamabad Capital Territory Food Safety Bill, 2021

32. Elections (Second Amendment) Bill, 2021

33. International Court of Justice ICJ (Review and Reconsideration) Bill, 2020

- Exports record high
-Remittance record high
-Family health card 10 lacs
-Kraken penalty $1.5 billion saving
- Rekodiq penalty $10 billion saving
-Ehsaas programs

lots of other things i havent included.

This nation is thankless because in this nation we have people like OP. Simple is that
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Best way is probably contact your representatives and tell them how you expect them to vote on the no-confidence motion.
Before it was corrupt politicians robbing the poor , now it is the IMF robbing the poor thanks to IK and his poodles. They had a chance to making a difference but instead chose the easiest way out "screw the poor even more".

Really what are you smoking? If you become a full time distributor, you will be millionaire in one year.
Pakistan deserves whatever hell it is getting now for still being a democracy. If Pakistan had any brain, we would have gone the authoritarian route years ago like Iran, GCC, and Turkey which are 100x more stable than Pakistan has ever been. It is so easy for foreign powers to meddle in democracies it is insane. We could be like UAE and Singapore or we can have democracy. Not both. Nothing in Pakistan will ever be fixed until we have rulers for life, I have been saying this for years and people always laughed at me. Guess who's laughing now.

Frankly I have no sympathy for Imran Khan and his govt as he bought into his own lies and put his trust in democratic institutions which have empowered all the wrong forces and done more damage to this country than anything else. Democracy is the most effective way to weaken a country, something which IK clearly did not understand because he thought that if democracy works in the west, it will work here too. What a fool, he should have known better. This is the kind of bubble thinking you get when you elect an Oxford educated elite as PM. Nawaz Sharif may be corrupt but he is also shrewd and in a country like Pakistan, you cannot run the country effectively if you are more focused on the politics of optics than the politics of substance. Nawaz understood this better than anyone else and he understood that fear and intimidation is far more effective than making aspirational promises and then failing to deliver.
I'm sorry but this post is one of the most confusing dissertations I have ever had the displeasure of reading. Irrespective of your stance on Imran Khan, this overly verbose, travesty laden soliloquy on the 'evils of democracy' has no place in any forum which seeks to posit forth a constructive discussion.

To begin, the economic success of the GCC and Singapore are not predicated around authoritarian rulers. Both democracies and authoritarian regimes are capable of exercising and enacting reforms, legislations and movements for the proper uplifting of a country's status, the only difference is that the former is slower in doing so. This is not necessarily a bad thing however as this system of checks and balances circumvents the volatility and potential cataclysm that can come as a result of a totalitarian regime. With regards to Imran Khan I find it appalling that you would refer to him as foolish and in that same vein call Nawaz Shariff a 'shrewd' leader. He was nothing more than a brown nosing kiss up to the West!!! Nawaz's entire methodology of positing himself as a quintessential member of the polity was politics of optics. Carefully balancing an appeasing rhetoric to the west while reassuring the common folk that he was acting in their best interest come election time was entirely his handiwork.

A country's leader reflects upon his people. A naive idealist like Imran Khan reflects deeply upon how naive and misguided Pakistanis themselves are about their own country. Pakistanis think that one man alone can save this country from the depths of evil, from succumbing to corruption and their anxieties in a sea of darkness. Let me tell you, nothing could be farther from the truth. Despite the government painting a nice picture, Pakistan is in a worse condition now than it has ever been. Pakistan has been given every opportunity to succeed and failed, people pinned their hopes on one man to save Pakistan alone, now the reality has shown how mismanaged Pakistan is from top to bottom.
One man symbolizes an entire movement. Zardari is the symbol of stagnant indolence, poorly managed affairs, and catastrophic violence going unabated. It wasn't Nawaz Sharif alone engaging in political corruption, yet he was the one that popularized and revolutionized the Pakistani electoral system by pioneering the modern 'bought and won' elections that Pakistan has historically been riddled with in tandem with periods of governance where he'd make more money to both enrich himself and secure the next election. Imran represented the antithesis to this as a leader who sought to enfranchise the people in juxtaposition to the rupee which was currently not only winning the elections, but making sure that political extortionists would continue to profit. Much of the misery that currently pervades Pakistan is the result of the bandage being removed from the deep gash in Pakistan's body.

Pakistan can connect China to the Gulf, we have the population to become an industrial powerhouse, we could join a trading bloc. Success in any one of these areas would radically transform the economic outlook of this country. But we have failed at all three. All of these are missed opportunities due to bureaucratic negligence resulting from a democratic system that emphasizes short term gains and handicaps long term strategizing. It is useless to even have a leader of a country if that leader has no power to do anything. Pakistanis blame their own insecurities on the government which has no power to change anything. We need an actual revolution in this country to have some real changes. Having PTI or opposition in power makes no difference in the actual position of Pakistan in the world and does nothing to improve people's lives. Pakistani politics is a game of small fish, the players never change and neither do the incentives. The opposition will throw out the government because they have the ability to do it.

All of these cost scores of cash that Pakistan doesn't have. Much of the wealth that was meant to be reappropriated for the sake of incentivizing these proposed projects and aforementioned endeavors was either laundered, lost in meaningless affairs such as the wasteful and devastating war on terror, captured in debt, or not produced as a result of oversights and interest conflicts. Change in Pakistan is not going to be immediate and in that respect you're not wrong, it would be easier for an increasingly authoritarian regime to accomplish them, but it's safer to achieve this absolute power through a decisive majority in a dignified fashion so as to prevent future abuses while also bolstering the current government's position and authority to address these issues unabated. This requires cooperation, it doesn't need to be through bloody slaughter.

Democracy has no place in Pakistan and neither should it. Pakistan is not in Europe. Pakistan is not in North America. Look around in our neighborhood. On one side is India which is a sworn enemy of Pakistan. Next to it is China which is the biggest enemy of America in the world. On the other side is Afghanistan, the most dangerous country in the world, and then there is Iran, which has been the target of the most brutal sanctions campaign in the world. There is absolutely no reason to have any kind of positive hope given the current circumstances. The world is a horrible place with people more evil than anyone can imagine. Countries in this world have to make a choice between invading others or getting invaded. There are no neutral countries in this world. When push comes to shove, there are countries who will stand by you and there are others who won't.

Countries like US and UK are an enemy even to their own people, let alone other countries. Countries that have faith in democracy because it succeeds in the west do not have a clear understanding of what success actually entails. Democracy in the US and UK has been a failure on every level, they are more divided than ever and have brought reckless policies for their own people who have suffered greatly from it. The world is a better place for those living in countries like China and Iran which have remained standing despite every single effort made by the west to demonize and destroy them. Ultimately, Pakistan is doomed to be on the wrong side of history as we have focused on the politics of optics to appease the democratic order rather than realizing that doing so will be signing our own death sentence. A democratic Pakistan is a weak Pakistan and nothing could be better for the west than for Pakistanis to weaken their own country.

Democracy and the historical predicates behind democracy effectively dubbed 'proto democracy' are not western innovations. Pakistan isn't even a democracy in the sense of the United States and even the West isn't unanimous in its definitive model of a proper democracy. The US utilizes a separation of powers, whereas the UK and in a related accord Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh use a parliamentary republic where the premier must maintain 'confidence' of an assembly that they must answer to. There is nothing to suggest that Pakistan has no place for a democracy and utilizing the policy of its surrounding states as a testament to this is quite foolish. You forgot to mention Bangladesh, a country which is now on the verge of widespread prosperity especially relative to its subcontinent neighbors, or Indonesia, another region which has seen great economic growth and overall development while maintaining a democracy. It's not as simple as establishing a dichotomy of good authoritarianism and bad democracy. Also China and Iran are no less enemies of their people as the West. They're both actually remarkably similar. The US has frequently slaughtered and subjugated racial minorities off the predicate of racism whereas China has abused hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the Xinjiang province but contrary to the moronic narrative propagated by the West, this is being done not as an anti Islamic endeavor, but as an attempt to pacify and ensure the unwavering loyalty and submission of a group historically prone to desire autonomy (a common theme in authoritarian regimes is to demand unwavering submission).

Pressure campaigns by the democratic order to focus on religious persecution, women's rights, and fair elections, blackmail from FATF and IMF at every turn are meant to hurt Pakistan as much as possible when they themselves are at their most vulnerable point in history. These countries can never be pleased, they will always find something new to talk about in order to change the topic from their own decline. Strong authoritarian leadership that can see beyond all of these distractions is one thing Pakistan will never have under the current circumstances if we cannot see the big picture and move past these traps set up by the west. In 1979, Iranian people finally had enough of western meddling and threw the Shah out and replaced it with a much more independent IR that answers directly to the Iranian people only. It will take a revolution of similar scale in Pakistan to bring that kind of change here.

The problem in Pakistan was never corruption, the problem in Pakistan is a governance structure that is more focused on pleasing outside countries than answering to their own people. The Shah was more focused on having good relations with the west than with his own people. And you see the same thing in Pakistan today. The elite class of Pakistan have nothing in common with the working class other than the fact that they are both Pakistanis. Elite class in Pakistan feels they need to emulate the western model of success and idealize liberal values instead of creating their own path to success and creating their own values for Pakistanis to share. The result of this is people like Imran Khan getting into power who spent extensive time being nurtured in a bubble of western ideas returning to Pakistan and pushing for openness, transparency, eradication of corruption, mendacious promotion of democratic institutions, and climate agenda. Pakistanis don't relate to these ideas. People forget that the Shah was thrown out for imposing too many changes on society at once, if Imran Khan does the same, he will will be thrown out as well.

In your massive exposition, this right here is by and far the worst part of it. Don't take my post as a denigratory and hostile response, but understand that there are some grave oversights and follies you posit forth so emphatically. First of all, these aforementioned issues while definitely filthily pointed out and emphasized by the west, are issues that are in Pakistan's own best interests to solve. Issues such as women's rights go much further than some asinine western idea of normalizing bikinis and religious persecution goes further than just 'becoming a secular state' and fair elections are literally not even something the west would ever want to point out as they are the power that perpetually seeks to influence and implant the next government of Pakistan. Pakistan has an abhorrent literacy rate of 68 percent for males and an even more awful one for women at a measly 45 percent. This coupled with the pervasive housewife culture that plagues the nation is one that deprives Pakistan of what should be its most profitable source of income in its service sector. Imran Khan did well to try and incorporate non Muslims in social circles and even his party. Homogenizing the religious outlook of Pakistan along with a generally ignorant set of masses leads to far too much political clout being in the hands of Mullahs and the like. With regards to fair elections just take a look at Punjab's bureaucracy. It's littered with lackeys of Nawaz Sharif. In 1990 upon being elected as the PM, he introduced this allowance of an MNA hiring 5 ASI's and an MPA to hire 3 ASI's. This unsurprisingly led to a corollary in which the bureaucracy in Punjab and Judiciary to an extent is stuffed by lackeys of Nawaz Sharif. They owe their jobs, wealth and subsequently their loyalties to Nawaz Sharif and not the State. This was fundamental in the destruction of the bureaucracy and it disincentivized proper governance in the interest of the state as opposed to in the interest of money making.

Corruption is absolutely a major problem in Pakistan and there's no reframing this established fact. You are so indignant at the perpetual sympathies Pakistan has historically shown the West and yet you wrongfully misattribute this to the system of governance as opposed to the interest groups and political figures who were entirely complicit in this system of kissing up to the West. It wasn't Imran Khan who promised daddy Clinton to withdraw impetuously from Kargil, it was Nawaz Sharif. It wasn't Imran Khan who decided unequivocally to support the US' war on terror, It was Musharraf, a man who I would have had much praise for had it not been for this egregious decision. It wasn't Imran Khan who took millions in military and economic aid from the West to support his moronic campaign in 1971 against East Pakistan, it was Bhutto. Not to mention, none of these aforesaid policy decisions were taken with a democratic vote, they were all undertaken in a rather authoritarian manner so you can't fault democracy here. Hey even the US had the 'decency' to vote for their horrendous war in Iraq.

These ideas have no place in Pakistan where people have no food to eat. It is important to get the priorities right first. People trash Nawaz Sharif for giving biryani to his voters, guess what, some people have not had anything to eat for weeks and that biryani was the only thing they had to eat. When you have a democracy, voters vote for all the wrong incentives. Nobody is going to win because they gave biryani to their voters. Elections are won on bigger issues that affect the government more than they affect the people themselves. The elites that make up the government in many cases are not even educated in Pakistan but abroad and bring numerous harmful ideas back with them from Oxford and Harvard. Ultimately, it is thousands people of this milieu who have more connections abroad in London and New York than on the streets of Lahore and Karachi who run the government and give the seminal impression of an out of touch bureaucracy that has no connection with its people. But in the end, these things add up and they matter. Elites will always downplay the struggles of the working class because it is in their interest to do so. And it is not only elites, many working class people in Pakistan fall for this misguided thinking as well.

First of all, nobody showed up to Nawaz Sharif's rallies to listen to him speak, they showed up for the free food. You give the Pakistanis too much credit, Just recently a Papad vendor was killed in a wedding venue by the attendees and nobody was bothered in the slightest as they continued getting their food and happily eating while a dead body lie on the floor next to them. The public has become very self centered and focused on instant gratification. In fact you've literally contradicted yourself here, You initially said "Pakistani politics is a game of small fish" conceding that this focus on small fish and instant gratification is an outlook that has pervaded the masses and as a result has been taken advantage of by politicians, but now you're saying "Nobody is going to win because they gave biryani to their voters.", while maintaining that the biryani plate may have been all they had to eat. The fact that they are poor and hungry is something that the politicians exploit and when one is hungry, their ability to utilize long term insight is taken from them, and as a result a simple gesture of goodwill like that very much earns politicians a vote amongst an already established group of uneducated masses. Also this western idea bashing needs to stop. I am no fan of the west. Many of the problems and afflictions that have denigrated and weakened Pakistan and the Indian subcontinent as a whole have been the result of Western imperialism. It is the most abusive institution in the entire world I can concede that and agree with you, but there is a lot of good that can be extrapolated and much of it didn't even originate in the West. The two men attributed to having founded Pakistan were both learned scholars of the West and yet the zeal and fervor they showed for this independent Muslim state as well as their efforts to utilize their education to serve the interests of the common people has resulted in their legacies immortalized and their names hailed in pride and rightfully so.

Meanwhile in Pakistan, we are struggling to see the big picture and focused on small and meaningless goals like anticorruption and terrorism instead of seeing the long game which requires us to forget about short term issues like corruption and answer questions to bigger and more uncomfortable issues like overpopulation, bad resource management, the disadvantages of a democratic system, the wicked judicial system, how to eliminate political enemies. All of these are issues that had to be addressed by China and Iran at some point in their history for them to reach the level of internal stability that they have today. When was the last time you saw Iran and China worrying about IMF, FATF, women's rights, free elections, religious persecution? Never. Because Iran and China don't answer to the west, they answer to their own people. Leaders like Xi Jinping and Khameini reflect the pragmatic and shrewd leadership that is necessary at a global level as well as being a reflection of the collective experience of people that have seen a civilization far longer than most countries have even existed. They are real world powers and that is why they keep the west awake at night. That is what real independence looks like. Azadi means nothing if your country is a client state where you are told how to think and what to believe. Azadi means fighting for the right to think for yourself and to act for yourself.

Corruption is what has sustained and perpetuated this system of negligence and misery that Pakistan sees today. Terrorism is further bolstered by radicalization, illiteracy and political interest groups. You can't implement the fallacy of the false dichotomy between minor extraneous issues and major issues the way you posit them forth. The reality is far more nuanced and all these issues are intertwined and related. Iran is ranked amongst the 45 most unstable nations in the world with regards to the world fragility index and its overreliance on oil and lack of encouraging economic competition have left it in a rather unappealing purgatory where they can survive any sanction but can't seem to ever rise above a low and disappointing glass ceiling. China doesn't answer to its own people either. It demands unwavering loyalty and its industry and current position is thanks to the morons in the West who lazily hasted their factories to China to avoid having to accommodate their own workers and now they cry foul over how powerful China has become. Bringing it back to Pakistan, I am not an Imran Khan sympathizer in entirety. I appreciated the anti west narrative that he stated and exemplified. I appreciated the anti corruption stance and implicit moves to allocate power away from the military and into the hands of the common folk. I appreciated his balancing of Pro Islamic sentiments while maintaining religious liberty and support of minorities. I appreciated his attempts at creating a proper healthcare system as well as a universal education curriculum. I did not appreciate his imprudent decision to appoint fools as Buzdar into such important positions. I did not appreciate his removal of Jahangir Tareen in an attempt to solidify his anti corruption stance as this move in actuality weakened him even further. I did not appreciate his labeling of Bin Laden as a martyr or his sympathies for radicalized opposition. Overall, I don't think he is the perfect man for the job but seeing the other options, there is no doubt in my mind that amongst the frontrunners, nobody is a better choice for PM at the moment than Imran Khan.
Please discuss ways in which we can help Imran Khan and save his govt?

It is clear that opposition is not doing this for the benefit of Pakistani people, for 4 years they kept silent while poor of Pakistan were raped. Now that it is final year of Imran Khan's govt, they want to end his government?

No thank you. We don't want a Niazi zinda hai just like bhutto zinda hai.

Imran Khan should complete the last year of his government so he can't cry mujhay kyu nikala. Let him complete his term. Then he will be judged for his governance performance.

Discuss ways we can save his govt.

PDM is best group to save IK government

they have a 100% fail record in doing any thing right.
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