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Why didnt man discover rockets, mobile phones, internet 10000 years back??

hmm...Today men can make rocker, mobile or internet does not mean it is because of human brain has been evolved in last 10000 years. Because whatever human know today is based on the prior knowledge that they have which is increasing day by day after exploring the cause behind the facts but not because of human species/brain evolution. Today an poor African man has the same brain as like a NASA-scientist. The deference is one has no knowledge and another has huge knowledge. So if that African wants to make rocket then he will need the knowledge but not human species evolution/brain evolution.

Today BD can not make computer chip because we do not have that knowledge, an if after 10 years BD will make chip then it will be because of increase of our knowledge of science -not because of our species evolution. Whatever we know today, we know the secrets of nature/facts/science after exploring the cause behind those and on the basis of prior knowledge - but not because of our knowledge/intelligence is increasing because of our species evolution.

And about the fossil - due to different condition of climate in different in area and time human had a little bit different shape which does not proof Darwin's theory. A cow also eat and human also eat for living, that is a system of getting energy to survive on the earth. That does not proof that everything came from a single cell. BTW, still there are some strong logic by scientists and I need to study those to be 100% confirm about what I'm saying today.
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