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How to get rid of Cats,

cat repellent is a good idea.....another good idea would be to leave some food for them near your boundery wall or at an accessable place outside your house..
that way they wont need to come inside looking for food....
cats usually dont poop on beds...they prefer going for a dump in a secluded area with lose soil or tall grass....
one thing is sure..they wont leave your house..cats dont leave their home.
better tame them and deal with them.as you wouldnt like to kill them.
Dear Friends,
I know my problem may not be looked as serious as other issues going on in our country right now.But my problem has a little fun too so I decided to discuss this with you.
Actually there are 3 cats making home to my house. Two are adult and one is their sibling. These cats are very clever; they have transformed themselves according to my home. They know about food areas, escape roots etc. These cats spoil our food and many time leave dropping. Just two days ago this happened with my blanket. These cats have scratched my so far scratch free car as they use our car as first step to jump to first floor.
I can catch their child cat but the adults run too fast and are very clever. I do not want to kill them. Just want them to move anywhere else I need your suggestion.

I love cats so I am disturbed by some of the comments here, even though I understand people are just trying to be funny and do not bear any malice to cats. Cats are the most loveable animal. Here is my suggestion:

They seem to be foraging for food so you could leave some food and a cup of milk for them in an area away from your main living area. Once they are satiated they won't come into the house. Remember these cats are more afraid of you and they come inside your home as a last resort because they are hungry. If they find food outside your home they will not enter the house.
Good luck
Dear Friends,
I know my problem may not be looked as serious as other issues going on in our country right now.But my problem has a little fun too so I decided to discuss this with you.
Actually there are 3 cats making home to my house. Two are adult and one is their sibling. These cats are very clever; they have transformed themselves according to my home. They know about food areas, escape roots etc. These cats spoil our food and many time leave dropping. Just two days ago this happened with my blanket. These cats have scratched my so far scratch free car as they use our car as first step to jump to first floor.
I can catch their child cat but the adults run too fast and are very clever. I do not want to kill them. Just want them to move anywhere else I need your suggestion.

Haters gonna hate

Thanks for the ideas,
friends these cats are not afraid of human.If I go close to them they normally do not run until I reach up to 1 meter close to them.
these cats do not do all this for food,they even spoil our vegetables and fruits which is not their food normally.These cats are shameless,normally cats cover their droppings but in our case they openly drop.
I can arrange a dog but these cats live on shades.Actually my house is almost 50 years old home with a connection of shades.cats prefer to stay there.
I have dropped hot water on them but no gain.
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