And again u r back to square one...I never argued against public transportation. It should be improved regardless of bicycle usage or the lack of it. The thread is about encouraging the use of bicycles.
But since we are already on that topic I would like to point out that ur following statement, if true, isn't the solution...
"the roads in big cities in subcontinent are constantly gridlocked because number of vehicles surpass road bandwidth... govts need to constantly widen roads and within 1 or 2 years, its back to same"
In numerous experiments and studies it has been found that widening the roads and adding more lanes doesn't actually fix the problem of traffic. Traffic is usually caused by humans and it's worse in the subcontinent bcuz of ppl behaving in an uncivilized manner on the roads(for the record I've driven in both Pakistan and US).
Solving traffic would require a multipronged approach...some of those are discussed in this informative video below
Another approach that was being experimented recently is called super blocks. This was being tested in Barcelona earlier this year in an attempt to alleviate traffic.
As for the human errors making traffic worse, this video below highlights some of those.
In any case I would just like to point out AGAIN that I'm not arguing against public transportation. I am in favor of improving it. What I am saying is that there are more pros to encouraging the use of bicycles than there are cons.