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How to deport illegal Bangladeshis

What has got to do with deporting illegal Bangladeshis from Pakistan?

If you enter Pakistan legally with proper visa, most welcome otherwise it had to be deported with a black stamp on its passport.

Futher Ummah is as much a responsibility of Bangladeshis as Pakiatanis.
BD will accept them if you can prove that they have a birth certificate or national ID card issued by GOVERNMENT of Bangladesh. Otherwise, tough luck. You can't simply ring Hasina and expect her to take anyone you call Bangladeshi back. Its likely that she won't even pick up the phone. She has important things to do, you know.
BD will accept them if you can prove that they have a birth certificate or national ID card issued by GOVERNMENT of Bangladesh. Otherwise, tough luck. You can't simply ring Hasina and expect her to take anyone you call Bangladeshi back. Its likely that she won't even pick up the phone. She has important things to do, you know.
she also watch **** ?:rolleyes:
Just do a swap with the folks in Geneva Camps in Bangladesh, these folks are more Pakistani then the people in Pakistan.
Just do a swap with the folks in Geneva Camps in Bangladesh, these folks are more Pakistani then the people in Pakistan.
BD will accept them if you can prove that they have a birth certificate or national ID card issued by GOVERNMENT of Bangladesh. Otherwise, tough luck. You can't simply ring Hasina and expect her to take anyone you call Bangladeshi back. Its likely that she won't even pick up the phone. She has important things to do, you know.

Are you saying Bangladeshi will not accept ethnic Bangalis, who speak Bengali language, who has ID address somewhere in Dhaka or Bangladesh to prove that he was Bangladeshi national and lived in and became a refugee in Pakistan.

Someone who has ties with with Bangladesh, family ties, Sheikh Hasina will be cruel if she does not not unite illegal Bangalis living in Pakistan to their homes and families, just on a pretext of national ID card.
No Bangladeshis. These are Bengali ethnicity, not Bangladeshi citizens nor origins. They’ve been there pre 71 and stayed there and rightfully in their own nation. Pakistan wasn’t just made for Punjabis. Bengalis existed at the time of 47-70 in West Pak, and Bengalis played key roles for the creation of Pakistan. Now stop mixing them with present say Bangladeshi-Bengalis. There’s a difference. Deal with it.

Stoo showing ignorance it makes you look a jahil Muslim. After all Pak was made for Muslims. these Bengalis in Pakistan are rightly where they belong.

Are you saying Bangladeshi will not accept ethnic Bangalis, who speak Bengali language, who has ID address somewhere in Dhaka or Bangladesh to prove that he was Bangladeshi national and lived in and became a refugee in Pakistan.

Someone who has ties with with Bangladesh, family ties, Sheikh Hasina will be cruel if she does not not unite illegal Bangalis living in Pakistan to their homes and families, just on a pretext of national ID card.

Why should Bangladesh accept them? It doesnt matter if ethnically they are same as BD majority. It’s like saying all Spanish speaking should go Spain.! Since when Pakistan was created for Punjabis only? Do you know the context well? Who even playes the key role in the creation of A muslim country Pakistan in the first place? Bengalis. Now stop talking out of your backside. These Bengalis been there since 47, they’re Bengali ethnicity but not Bangladeshi-Bengalis. There’s a difference.

These Bengalis in Pakistan have all the rights to be there. They are from the ethnicity that played a key role in creation of Pakistan. They should be given all equal rights as anyone.
If they are living there before 1971 then they are Pakistanis. If they are illegal migrants then do whatever you want.
No Bangladeshis. These are Bengali ethnicity, not Bangladeshi citizens nor origins. They’ve been there pre 71 and stayed there and rightfully in their own nation. Pakistan wasn’t just made for Punjabis. Bengalis existed at the time of 47-70 in West Pak, and Bengalis played key roles for the creation of Pakistan. Now stop mixing them with present say Bangladeshi-Bengalis. There’s a difference. Deal with it.

Stoo showing ignorance it makes you look a jahil Muslim. After all Pak was made for Muslims. these Bengalis in Pakistan are rightly where they belong.

Why should Bangladesh accept them? It doesnt matter if ethnically they are same as BD majority. It’s like saying all Spanish speaking should go Spain.! Since when Pakistan was created for Punjabis only? Do you know the context well? Who even playes the key role in the creation of A muslim country Pakistan in the first place? Bengalis. Now stop talking out of your backside. These Bengalis been there since 47, they’re Bengali ethnicity but not Bangladeshi-Bengalis. There’s a difference.

These Bengalis in Pakistan have all the rights to be there. They are from the ethnicity that played a key role in creation of Pakistan. They should be given all equal rights as anyone.

You know what illegal means? Illegal means they were never Pakistanis, never given Pakistani passport or CNIC (National ID card) or any of citizen of Pakistani rights, and they are refugees, so better take them back those deportees Bengalis because they are illegal and not citizen of Pakistan. And an illegal Bengali like an illegal Afghani will remain illegal, if they have no resident rights of Pakistan.

If they are living there before 1971 then they are Pakistanis. If they are illegal migrants then do whatever you want.

Mostly before 1971 were given rights and citizenship in Pakistan, but illegal means illegal, fraudulent and refugee with the intend of going back to Bangladesh, those illegal Bangladeshis has to be deported back with correct identification, and investigations from Pakistan authorities.

Importanly UAE, Saudia, all arab Muslim states deport illegals in thousands every year! What would u say about them, Ummah keepers!
We have actually made a huge blunder in 1947 by joining in Pakistan. WTH! We should have either remained in India or we could have made Kolkata and Arakan in Bangladesh back in 1947. Now what have we got? Illegal Bangladeshis in Pakistan, Illegal Bangladeshis in India and illegal Bangladeshis in Myanmar also. WTFH is this!
Pakistan says Feck off !!
India says Feck off !!
Myanmar Fecking them off !!

Whos's next ? East London ?? :undecided:
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