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How to Defeat the F-22

from the comments section ..
the F-22's E/A suite can't be activated in peace time, not without doing serious disruptions to allied nations military and civilian lives. Blinding allied pilots playing OPFOR, and also potentially disrupting critical air-traffic control systems and ground systems would be a bad thing.

I had a former Navy instructor who spent years on the E/A-6B as a Bombardier/Navigator, who said that the EA-6 in casual flight would sometimes flag civilian radio centers and TV stations as possible hostiles. Such a thing by an F-22 near a civilian center could create massive public outcry against exercises

this this is something the USAF doesn't like to talk about, and most people don't get, the F-22 can bring down aircraft without using its missiles, its able to literally fry out the fly-by-wire systems that power aircraft. With enough time and software it will be able to target individually systems connected to the OPFOR sensor suite, burning out the radar or flight computers that keep highly agile unstable fighters from crashing.

Sir, as the surface of of F-22 absorbs most of the incident radio waves within X-band (8-12 GHz) range, and as the energy of the radio wave is directly proportional to the frequency. So doesn't it increase the IR signature of the aircraft more than it's non stealth counterpart, thus making it vulnerable to IRST detectors?
No, it does not. The inverse square law applies in both directions: From the seeking radar to the target, then from the target back to the seeking radar.

So in order for EM conversion to infrared due to surface impedance to be effective at over 100 km distance, the EM impact at the target would have to be in the thousands of megawatt range or higher in bad weather AFTER that distance.

Sea-based X-band Radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The array requires over a megawatt of power.
That does not mean the array is putting out one megawatt of antenna power. And we are talking an X-band array that is many times larger than what a fighter class aircraft could carry.

USS Oklahoma City Talos Missile Fire Control System
These were very high power monsters (about 3 megawatts) that were 19 feet high, 17 feet wide, and weighed 22 tons. The megawatt radar beam was hot enough to cause flesh burns on anyone close by that was unfortunate enough to be in the beam, and it could damage electronic devices. During the Apollo missions to the moon Talos ships were issued orders to avoid tracking the spacecraft, or even transmitting signals into space while a spacecraft was overhead.
I do not know whence this idea that surface impedance on an absorber equipped body will generate enough infrared for an IRST sensor to pick it up at over 100 km, but it is a hilarious one wherever you got it.
Sir, as the surface of of F-22 absorbs most of the incident radio waves within X-band (8-12 GHz) range, and as the energy of the radio wave is directly proportional to the frequency. So doesn't it increase the IR signature of the aircraft more than it's non stealth counterpart, thus making it vulnerable to IRST detectors?

Heat generation is very low. It doesnt effect its IR signature.

the surface dosent absorbs most of the waves within x-band...where did u got this from?

Perhaps He is talking about radar absorbing material.
One USAF pilot or trainer delivered a lecture and explained how there is only one way an enemy jet would have a single chance against an F-22, I forgot the full explanation he gave, but apparently there is a single method.
One USAF pilot or trainer delivered a lecture and explained how there is only one way an enemy jet would have a single chance against an F-22, I forgot the full explanation he gave, but apparently there is a single method.

Its called knowingthe f22 is there before the fight starts.

From the comments section.

1 on 1 ACM training is _ENTIRELY_ different than live combat. It is a skills exercise for pilots, reduced down to abstraction, with pilots trying to get their opponent in front of him for the longest time, for a classic WWI style guns kill.

RL while your trying to work out if that little fuzzy spot is a contact your a target.

The real truth about it, is that with 4th and 5th generation Imaging-IR guided short range missiles, once the fight gets within visual range, EVERYONE DIES AT THE SAME RATE. An old Mig-21 upgraded with AA-11s or Pythons has as much of a chance of making a kill as the latest whiz-bang stealth fighter. Of course against the F-22 and F-15C Golden Eagles, it won't make it to visual range.
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